EURACTIV Technology · @euractiv_tech
348 followers · 702 posts · Server
EURACTIV Politics · @euractiv_politics
452 followers · 3681 posts · Server
Alfacevedoa · @Alfacevedoa
45 followers · 106 posts · Server

@rcsprngr Ya está confirmadísimo que en aplican desde ya las mismas que en todo .

#threads #communityguidelines #meta

Last updated 1 year ago

Furycd001 · @Furycd001
2 followers · 66 posts · Server

When bans an account for breaking , it would be nice if they told the account owner which guideline they broke....

#instagram #communityguidelines

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
552 followers · 4323 posts · Server I clipped out this section from today's livestream where I ranted about bullshit arguments about digital vs "real" rape, such as receiving messages like "I'm masturbating to your videos and there's nothing you can do to stop me" or unsolicited .

Enjoy it while you can before Youtube bans it thanks to the weaponization of false flaggers by the cabal of haters who deplatform everything I post by false-reporting it for imaginary violations of !

#dickpics #communityguidelines #feminism #rapeculture #sexualharassment #bullying #misogyny #sexism

Last updated 2 years ago

Community Signal · @communitysignal
153 followers · 37 posts · Server

In the Zendesk community, you can't tell people to contact support. Here's why:

“We were getting a lot of people that were just saying, ‘You should contact support for this,’ and what it was doing was discouraging other users from jumping in and trying to help,” says Nicole Saunders.


#onlinecommunities #customersupport #communityguidelines #communitymanagement #cmgr #contentmoderation

Last updated 2 years ago

Katy Belle · @katybelle
0 followers · 3 posts · Server

Online sex workers primarily rely on social sites/apps like TikTok and Instagram to market themselves. However the censorship is incredibly strong, even when following community guidelines. I would love to talk to any journalists regarding discrimination and unfair policy enforcement on sex workers

#onlyfans #tiktok #instagram #communityguidelines #journorequest

Last updated 2 years ago

Seeing way too many "notable" individuals new on complaining about adding b/c "they don't think it's necessary".

As I said in a toot a day or so ago, don't come to a new platform that has meant for a calmer & kinder social media and expect it to change so things are easier for you. 🙄

No, it's not and that's the best thing about it.

#mastodon #contentwarning #decentralized #communityguidelines #twitter #justsaying

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
322 followers · 1864 posts · Server

@arefgee i mean, pyrocynical does have good videos, though the amount of ads he crams into each one is exhausting. but yeah, there are millions of clickbait videos all over youtube, whether it's violence or even actual nudity or sexual acts (which are not, shockingly, the same thing), and worse yet, SO MANY OF THEM ARE MONETIZED, meaning Youtube staff literally looked at them and said "yep, not only is this safe for our platform, it's safe for advertisers as well!"

Meanwhile, forget about monetization, my already-censored female nipples aren't even allowed to EXIST without getting banned as "sexually explicit nudity." All because I've been blacklisted from so many past false bans, and the extremely easy weaponization of false flagging by my "Dedicated cabal of ", meaning they report my videos as violating and down they go despite not actually violating any guidelines.

It's an old complaint from me but still it infuriates me every goddamn time. I have literally hundreds of screenshots of the many times I've been " from every platform you've heard of, and some you haven't," and it's not even fully updated, I have hundreds more to put up yet,

yet there are countless examples on all these platforms, especially youtube, of FAR, FAR more sexually explicit, not to mention violent (which I have none of--none of my videos contain any violence whatsoever) that stay up. It's just sickeningly unfair and it makes me rage and cry daily.

I do what I can to find alternate platforms to host my content, like mastodon and peertube. But since almost no one uses these platforms, almost no one finds my content, and certainly almost no one shares links to my content with other people (except for pornbots who retweet my posts alongside actual explicit sexual content).

But even if I DID get traction on these mostly-empty alternative sites, it's the principle of the thing that makes me infuriated. Imagine if I could simply be allowed to exist on Youtube with even half the impunity that these thousands of other videos that are way more sexually explicit and/or violent than mine are (to say nothing of the rightwing hatemongers who literally instigate insurrections yet are allowed to stay on youtube, building entire careers off ad revenue and shilling diet pills)


Maybe the mass exodus of so many popular twitter accounts to mastodon will finally give me a tiny bit more access to new supporters, but I doubt it. None of the big accounts even know I exist, and even if they did, they're unlikely to share my content or mention me at all, lest they be seen as "promoting porn" (as in, female nipples simply existing)

Anyway if anyone is reading this message (it's super long so I don't blame anyone who doesn't, lol) and you care about my mission for (or any of the other causes I highlight and interview others about) then PLEASE don't just silently consume it...boost my posts, tell your friends and family about it, because the only way we can change anything for the better is if a LOT of us make our complaints known.

#haters #communityguidelines #banned #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

jujube · @jujube
61 followers · 875 posts · Server