Did a 'soft launch' of the online survey for our #CommunityInsight project last week. People living & working in #Oxford city centre are starting to fill it in. Everyone doing this kind of work knows the excitement when the data starts rolling in! #CommunityDevelopment #Wonklife
#wonklife #communitydevelopment #oxford #communityinsight
Met with my colleague Keith
yesterday at Lula to talk about our #CommunityInsight work. Lula is a café in Frideswide Square #Oxford hosted by MakeSpace Oxford https://makespaceoxford.org/our-spaces/ They run projects in 'temporary' or 'meanwhile' spaces. It reminded us of the need for the basics in #CommunityDevelopment. Ideas are great, but you need somewhere to share them!
#communitydevelopment #oxford #communityinsight