scott f · @scott
1608 followers · 6076 posts · Server

I'm happy for the SF Community Land Trust getting a $20 million donation from Mackenzie Scott, but also a bit miffed. It makes my $1,000 soft loan to them seem kind of paltry in comparison. Still, I'm proud that in doing so I helped them buy 285 Turk last year. CLTs rock!

#affordablehousing #communitylandtrust

Last updated 1 year ago

Nikē-Vic · @Nike
5 followers · 24 posts · Server

Nova Scotia is investing nearly $1 billion into updating school infrastructure.

Rural New Germany will be getting a new consolidated highschool + elementary school that is accessible!

Would be amazing to see the existing school sites transfered into a community ownership model.

#investinschools #affordablehousing #communitylandtrust #ruralisradical #communitygarden

Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
3 followers · 19 posts · Server

In communities facing mortgage distress and a high state-incarcerated population in NYC, implementing solidarity economy initiatives can play a vital role in addressing the challenges and promoting community resilience. Here are some potential initiatives that could be beneficial:

Community Land Trusts: Establishing community land trusts can help address housing affordability and stability. By acquiring and collectively managing land and housing, community members can ensure long-term affordability and prevent displacement.

Cooperative Housing: Encouraging cooperative housing models, such as limited equity cooperatives or mutual housing associations, can provide residents with more control over their housing situation and reduce reliance on traditional mortgage financing.

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): Supporting local CDFIs that specialize in providing affordable loans and financial services to underserved communities can help individuals and small businesses in mortgage distress access capital and build financial stability.

Reentry Support Programs: Developing reentry programs and initiatives that focus on providing resources and support to formerly incarcerated individuals can facilitate their successful transition back into society. This can include job training, employment opportunities, and access to affordable housing.

Cooperative Businesses: Encouraging the development of worker cooperatives and community-owned businesses can provide economic opportunities, job creation, and income generation within the community.

Legal Aid and Tenant Advocacy: Strengthening legal aid services and tenant advocacy organizations can help protect the rights of tenants facing eviction or housing instability, ensuring they have access to legal representation and support.

Restorative Justice Programs: Promoting restorative justice practices within the criminal justice system can offer alternatives to incarceration and focus on rehabilitation, addressing the root causes of crime, and promoting community healing.

These initiatives can foster community empowerment, address systemic inequalities, and promote economic and social justice. It is important to involve community members directly in the decision-making process, ensuring that initiatives are tailored to their specific needs and aspirations. Collaborating with local organizations, grassroots movements, and government agencies can help leverage resources and support for these initiatives in NYC.

#communitylandtrust #communitygarden #MutualAid #foodcooperative #WorkerCooperative #clt #Anarchist #leftist #communist #socialist #radical #restorativejustice #solidarityeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
1 followers · 18 posts · Server

The connection between Community Land Trusts, Community Gardens, Mutual Aid, and Food Cooperatives lies in their shared focus on community empowerment, self-sufficiency, and sustainable practices. By establishing a community garden on land secured through a community land trust, community members can actively engage in local food production. Mutual aid networks can provide support and resources to gardeners and extend their assistance to other community needs. Food cooperatives can then become outlets for distributing the locally grown produce, creating a cycle of community support and sustainable food systems. Together, these initiatives promote resilience, community building, and a sense of ownership over local resources.

#communitylandtrust #communitygarden #MutualAid #foodcooperative #WorkerCooperative #clt #Anarchist #leftist #communist #socialist #radical #restorativejustice #solidarityeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephen Cook · @sccook
37 followers · 819 posts · Server
Stephen Cook · @sccook
37 followers · 818 posts · Server

I missed this piece when it was first published, but it deserves a repost. Another very positive example of an imaginative approach to permanently affordable housing, using a Community Land Trust.

#housing #communitylandtrust #lewisham #affordablehousing

Last updated 1 year ago

Sydenham News & Views · @se26
25 followers · 491 posts · Server

RT from London CLT (@LondonCLT)


These 11 genuinely & permanently are the culmination of 10 years of work in 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡

Learn more➡️

Original tweet :

#citizenshouse #affordablehomes #communityled #lewisham #Sydenham #se26 #communitylandtrust #communitylandtrusts

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Gelbard (she/her) · @sbg_arch
224 followers · 157 posts · Server

Job posting. Go work with my former colleague, Nat.

The Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts is hiring a specialist to create resources and provide one-on-one technical support to CLTs across Canada. This is an exciting opportunity to get involved in the rapidly growing CLT sector.

#communitylandtrust #jobposting #housing

Last updated 2 years ago

radicalxstitch · @radicalxstitch
226 followers · 291 posts · Server

So proud of my amazing husband and best friend Karl Fitzgerald for launching his new housing affordability organisation tonight.

Grounded is a Community Land Trust advocacy org that is going to change the face of community led housing in this country.

Such a great crew on board already and now they're ready for more!

Check out and sign up today 🏘️

#grounded #communitylandtrust #housingaffordability #economics #auspol #policy #housing #shareconomy #permanomics

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Greenfield · @adamgreenfield
739 followers · 654 posts · Server

Ultimately, of course, we need to be thinking harder about ways to decommodify the terrain, and remove broad swathes of it from the market permanently – a recommoning of the land, if you will. Legal mechanisms like the exist in many places, and I’d like to see them developed and extended further, along with a more robust application of usufruct rights.


Last updated 2 years ago

Sasha Costanza-Chock · @schock
3315 followers · 3593 posts · Server

RT @Center4NewEcon
The is an adaptable tool for place-based land stewardship.
As this 2021 article from @Shelterforce demonstrates, it is applicable not only to housing but agriculture, commerce, and production as well.

#communitylandtrust #CLTs

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14642 posts · Server
Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

"Voilà 12 ans, un groupe d’activistes bruxellois a rencontré les initiatives mises en place par et les habitants de Burlington dans les années 80. Afin de se réapproprier leur territoire, ils ont décidé de créer une fondation qui possède des terres précieuses dans leur et ne les vend qu’à des ménages disposant de revenus modestes. Par ailleurs, ces ménages ne peuvent jamais vendre ce sol mais ils acquièrent un droit à l’utiliser pour le temps qu’ils souhaitent. Lorsqu’ils décident de changer de , ils peuvent revendre l’usage des briques en partageant la plus-value entre eux, la fondation et le ménage qui utilisera le sol après eux."

#LoicGeronnez #communitylandtrust #immobilier #bruxelles #logement #ville #berniesanders

Last updated 5 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

"[...] Ce mouvement de réappropriation du foncier par les habitants, ce renouvellement de la fonction sociale de la propriété, cette créativité dans les marchés publics «citoyens» est un exemple et un précurseur. Il se dit que la grande promotion craint la généralisation de ce modèle au travers des charges d’urbanisme. Espérons que leurs craintes soient fondées."

#promoteurs #bruxelles #LoicGeronnez #architecture #urbanisme #communitylandtrust

Last updated 5 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

"We've been like looking up shit and getting together to watch it, to learn together." ELACC organizer

#communitylandtrust #clt

Last updated 7 years ago