RT @MellieDM@twitter.com
Happy #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay to our wonderful @DemiplaneRPG@twitter.com CM, @JoshuaMSimons@twitter.com! We’re lucky to have someone who is invested not just in what we do, but in the industry and community we do it FOR and who brings that to every aspect of his work with us. Thank you, Josh ❤️
Auf Mastodon haben wir ein neues digitales Zuhause gefunden. Und das vor allem, weil sich viele Menschen engagieren und damit einen Zugang ermöglichen. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich hier, wie wichtig gutes Community Management. Deshalb danke an alle da draußen, die uns ein Zuhause im Netz geben, auch wenn Ihr Euch vielleicht gar nicht Community Manager*innen nennt.
#cmad #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay #DankeMastodonCommunity
#cmad #communitymanagerappreciationday #dankemastodoncommunity
RT @spiken@twitter.com
It's #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay and it's so weird to me that companies see this as a junior position, and therefore employing people that sometimes aren't equipped to handle the frontlines of the web. With health issues as an obvious result. Sometimes it's brutal.
#holidays #NationalRhubarbPieDay, #NationalHandwritingDay, #NationalPieDay, #SnowplowMailboxHockeyDay, #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay, #BetterBusinessCommunicationDay, #MeasureYourFeetDay
#holidays #nationalrhubarbpieday #nationalhandwritingday #nationalpieday #snowplowmailboxhockeyday #communitymanagerappreciationday #betterbusinesscommunicationday #measureyourfeetday
#holidays #NationalRhubarbPieDay, #NationalHandwritingDay, #NationalPieDay, #SnowplowMailboxHockeyDay, #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay, #BetterBusinessCommunicationDay, #MeasureYourFeetDay
#holidays #nationalrhubarbpieday #nationalhandwritingday #nationalpieday #snowplowmailboxhockeyday #communitymanagerappreciationday #betterbusinesscommunicationday #measureyourfeetday
Yo people, today is the #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay
Where are your messages of love and support for THIS community manager?😤
Today's #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay and I want to highlight some heroes that deserve your attention!
Follow: @AnnaCeras@twitter.com @TheTwinbeard@twitter.com @Niklasalicki@twitter.com @EirScapes@twitter.com @SilverSober@twitter.com @BustaSnutt@twitter.com @NicoleKjellberg@twitter.com @KawaiiFoxita@twitter.com @eurore@twitter.com
Feel free to add more and show them your love 💜
Danke an alle Community-Manager*innen da draußen! Denn ohne Augenhöhe mit der Community geht es nicht.
#cmad #communitymanagerappreciationday #communitymanagement