En #música, #artes plásticas, escénicas y visuales, #literatura, #periodismo, en la crítica artística o en el discurso político, hemos convertido la caza y pesca de “me gustas”, seguidores, estadísticas de visualización y votos en la única brújula que nos guía, elevando a #communitymanagers, agencias de relaciones públicas y estudios de #demoscopia a la categoría de comisarios #dictadores de contenidos culturales, currículos académicos y programas #políticos.
Cibrán Sierra
#musica #artes #literatura #periodismo #communitymanagers #demoscopia #dictadores #politicos
Es brauchte Anschub - aber es kam mehr dann ins Rollen als erwartet.
Beim letzten #C3Managers Meetup am 26. Januar haben wir mit Menschen gesprochen, die interne Communities mit Hilfe des lernOS Community Management Leitfadens in ihren Unternehmen auf den Weg brachten. Unten findet ihr die Aufzeichnungen!
Gäste waren Ute Reichert (Baloise Group) und David Williams (Münchner Stadtwerke).
#CommunityManagement #CommunityManagers #SocialIntranet #Community
#c3managers #communitymanagement #communitymanagers #socialintranet #community
Tekkie-Community transformiert Unternehmen.
So jedenfalls kürzlich beim Cross-Company #CommunityManagers (#C3Managers) Meetup: Franziska Schröck über das Integrated Development Environtment (IDE) Programm bei Bosch - hier die Aufzeichnung:
#communitymanagers #c3managers
Work can hurt, especially if we support online groups or communities. When we bring people together, we have to handle other people's anger, distress, or more.
This thoughtful article helps explain the impact of managing online groups and communities and the health and wellbeing risks in handling toxic and harmful content and behaviour
#cmgr #communitymanagement #communitymanagers #moderation #ugc #vicarioustrauma #burnoutprevention
#burnoutprevention #vicarioustrauma #UGC #Moderation #communitymanagers #communitymanagement #cmgr
Raise a glass to those who bring us together...
Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day!
#cmgr #communitymanagers #communitymanagement #cmad
“Taking the time to take care of yourself, so that you can be who you need to be for your community, makes you so much more effective and so much more what they need.” -Sherrie Rohde
Listen: https://www.communitysignal.com/self-care-for-community-professionals/
#OnlineCommunities #CommunityManagers #CMGR #SelfCare #CommunityManagement #CommunitySignal
#onlinecommunities #communitymanagers #cmgr #selfcare #communitymanagement #communitysignal
2023 tech predictions - from a realist...
Crypto will still be problematic
Trust and Safety will prove its worth as platforms keep making mistakes
Techbros will continue to ahistorically reinvent the wheel
Good practice will be hard to find, but worth it
Community will matter more than ever
#cmgr #communitymanagement #communitymanagers #FutureOfTheWeb #tech #techforgood
#techforgood #Tech #futureoftheweb #communitymanagers #communitymanagement #cmgr
RT @ResearchSoft@twitter.com
ReSA is #hiring 2part-time #CommunityManagers to be located in #Africa & #Asia for 12hrs/month in 2023, to contribute to regional activities to bring research software communities together to collaborate to advance the #researchsoftware ecosystem https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FgRKdLr4wSrUabLluaWb93Q0W70I6MK3qSL8SqxYggk/edit
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ResearchSoft/status/1600747472388706304
#researchsoftware #Asia #Africa #communitymanagers #Hiring
ReSA is #hiring two part-time #CommunityManagers to be located in #Africa and #Asia, employed for 12 hours/month in 2023, to contribute to regional activities to bring research software communities together to collaborate on the advancement of the #researchsoftware ecosystem https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FgRKdLr4wSrUabLluaWb93Q0W70I6MK3qSL8SqxYggk/edit
#hiring #communitymanagers #africa #asia #researchsoftware
. @visibrain@twitter.com met à disposition des #SocialMediaMangers et #CommunityManagers un modèle Powerpoint personnalisable de reporting pour présenter efficacement les bonnes données https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/visibrain-reporting-social-media/
#socialmediamangers #communitymanagers
(#socialmedia) #Facebook chute, #Instagram résiste et #TikTok perce auprès des marques : notre bilan de l’année 2022 📊
Résultat d'une étude auprès de #CommunityManagers : déchéance du roi Facebook
🔗 https://buff.ly/3U1wOI1
Via @BlogModerateur@twitter.com
#socialmedia #facebook #instagram #tiktok #communitymanagers
Le salaire des #communitymanagers en 2022.
En 2022, le salaire moyen des community managers et social media managers en CDI s’établit à 30 270 euros bruts annuels, soit 2 522 euros par mois via @BlogModerateur@twitter.com https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/salaire-community-managers-2022/
#Hola. Me presento para los #mutuals
Pueden llamarme Yuri
🕵♀️ Soy #CommunityManagers #SEO
:autistic: #SoyAutista
💱 Criptomoneda
Tengo una cuenta en instagram para darle visibilidad al autismo @communitymanager.en.el.espectr
🎶 Me gusta la #música en especial David Bisbal
:Videojuegos: Los Sims 4 y animal crossing
¡Un placer!
#hola #mutuals #communitymanagers #seo #SoyAutista #musica
Any other folks from the Irish or British #esports or #Gaming scenes here?
I'm one of the new #CommunityManagers for Northern Ireland eSports and would love to connect!
#esports #gaming #communitymanagers
Is there more to self care than motivational speeches, breaks, and smoothies?
Those things can help, but self care isn't just about the things we do, it's an ongoing strategy of taking care of ourselves.
What does self care mean to you?
#WellbeingWeds #WellbeingWednesday #selfcare #wellbeing #cmgr #communitymanagement #communitymanagers
#communitymanagers #communitymanagement #cmgr #wellbeing #SelfCare #WellbeingWednesday #wellbeingweds
If you wanted to develop a college course for online community management, where should you start? Georgina Donahue has done it, and here's what she suggests.
“Think about the experience of what it’s like to be an undergraduate right now. … How do you help them compete against the oxymoron of this is your first job, it’s entry-level, but we also expect you to have X number of years of experience?”
#CommunityManagement #cmgr #CommunityManagers #OnlineCommunities
#communitymanagement #cmgr #communitymanagers #onlinecommunities
RT @ScPoBibli
⌚️À 14h, les #communitymanagers de @ScPoBibli @cec_touit et @MolaireNum animeront un atelier sur les #listes Twitter dans le cadre de la journée dédiée à la #désinformation @ADBU_Officiel à l'@UnivParisSaclay !
Notre veille #fakenews sera à l'honneur :
#communitymanagers #listes #désinformation #fakenews