To support negotiations and leverage during the strike, I'm trying to advocate writer and artist-led streaming services. I built a technical prototype to show how feasible it can be. If any writers or artists are interested in exploring outside the studio/streamer system, I'd love to connect and hear your perspectives, and explore what we can make real.
#writers #artists #streaming #studios #strike #wga #negotiations #hollywood #entertainment #content #media #platform #digital #publicdomain #communitymedia #coops #solidarity #coop #cooperative
#writers #artists #streaming #studios #strike #wga #negotiations #hollywood #entertainment #content #media #platform #digital #publicdomain #communitymedia #coops #solidarity #coop #cooperative
We, right here on the fediverse, represent a bigger threat to the future of the established players in the entertainment industry than anything they have ever face before, and I'm not sure they've realized how big of a threat we are.
I don't expect that #communityMedia will supplant 100% of the established media players, Disney has too much money for that. Disney has more money than the christian church, and about as many worshipers.
But we can, for the first time really, provide a home grown, collectively owned and operated, community based alternative to the established players in major media.
The rise of streaming services, as was just pointed out by @fifilamoura ( ) has resulted in pitting studios against the tech industry.
Over the last 30 years it has seemed as if the entertainment industry and the tech industry both had endless supplies of money.
But now we're watching the birth of the #communityMedia revolution, the #DIYTV revolution.
This is exactly the kind of thing that I've been writing about at
See, tech companies have grown to enormous, impossible sizes. Media companies have grown to enormous impossible sizes. Their only option for continuing to exist is to continue to grow, but the world is changing around them, and there are no new realms for them to conquer.
Block by Block is a community radio news program produced by members of the Philadelphia area Community.
We're taking applications for our fall 2023 cohort. The 4-month fellowship will help you build skills to use audio to tell stories about things that matter to you the focus on interviewing recording writing and editing, and working with a team to produce a live radio program featuring your stories.
#philadelphia #philly #CommunityMedia #CommunityRadio #journalism
#philadelphia #philly #communitymedia #communityradio #journalism
Excellent long read here from our member Rob Watson on the distinction between local and community radio, issues with current representation and the potential implications of the #MediaBill
#mediabill #knowthemedia #communitymedia #communityradio
More Ofcom submissions, the Covid-19 inquiry, conversations about innovation in media funding and more - check out our June update!
#ofcom #bbc #hallettinquiry #mediafunding #communitymedia
Block by Block, the WPPM 106.5 FM community radio news program I help make is being honored by the Alliance for Community Media during the Hometown Media Awards this week!
The show is a news magazine produced by folks in the Philly area who spend about four months as part of a fellowship developing the skills to tell stories with audio... and then use those skills to produce radio news segments about the topics that matter to them.
#communityradio #acm #communitymedia
#Philly folks interested in media & storytelling: #PhillyCAM is now accepting applications for the next cohort of radio news fellows.
From Aug through Dec, we'll bring together a team of 8-10 people from the community and provide you with training and resources to produce 6 episodes of Block by Block, a community radio news program where you get to record, edit, and produce stories and interviews about the topics that matter to you. Apply by July 9th:
#philly #phillycam #communitymedia
There are 11 days left in the Exeter Observer community share offer. Worth reading up and investing if you can - support your community media!
#bethemedia #changethemedia #exeter #communitymedia
#Funding opportunity 🗺️
The new grant programme #LocalMedia4Democracy was launched today with our partner @journalismfund! Applications are now accepted from for a new #grant programme to support #localnews, regional and #communitymedia in the European "#newsdeserts".
#funding #localmedia4democracy #grant #localnews #communitymedia #newsdeserts
Armenia: A network of reporters focusing on remote village life
#DWAkademie #Armenia #mediadevelopment #communityjournalism #communitymedia #Azerbaijan #borderregion #accesstoinformation #localjournalism
#localjournalism #AccessToInformation #borderregion #azerbaijan #communitymedia #communityjournalism #mediadevelopment #armenia #DWAkademie
🛢️ 📦 📻 New instance, new #introduction, many hashtags. Hi! I'm an #STS #technopolitics scholar, also thinking w #anthropology #geography #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy @sts @geography
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #anthropology #geography #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
🛢️ 📦 📻 Hi! New instance, new #introduction, many hashtags. Hi, I'm an #STS #technopolitics scholar, also thinking w #anthropology #geography #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy @sts @geography
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #anthropology #geography #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
🛢️ 📦 📻 Hi! New instance, new #introduction. Hi, I'm an #STS scholar with interest in... many topics, but work is #technopolitics, also thinking with #Geography #Anthropology #EnvHist #Commodon. Likely to chatter about:
#feministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #California #trucks #internet #port #SupplyChain #MediaActivism #labor #FreeRadio #CommunityMedia #SoundStudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #LowPower #LosAngeles #oil #InfrastructureStudies #CriticalLogistics #Radio #FOSS #hacking #Energy
#introduction #sts #technopolitics #geography #anthropology #envhist #commodon #FeministSTS #multispecies #anticolonial #california #trucks #Internet #port #supplychain #mediaactivism #labor #freeradio #communitymedia #soundstudies #soundscapes #ClimateCrisis #lowpower #losangeles #oil #infrastructurestudies #criticallogistics #radio #foss #hacking #energy
The new newsletter is out! For #WorldPressFreedomDay an article on #CommunityMedia in times of misinformation, reports on our activities with, trainings for #CommunityRadio trainers, ethical journalism and more #AMARC #WPFD
#worldpressfreedomday #communitymedia #communityradio #amarc #wpfd