The City of Alameda invites the public to attend a community meeting on August 28 to discuss proposed changes to its Capital Improvement Plan policy, which allows landlords to submit proof of qualifying improvements and pass the costs through to tenants.
#alameda #AlamedaRentProgram #CapitalImprovementPlan #CityOfAlameda #CommunityMeeting #SunshineOrdinance
#alameda #alamedarentprogram #capitalimprovementplan #cityofalameda #communitymeeting #sunshineordinance
The #NFDI4Ing #CommunityMeeting on "Industrial data models in theory and practice" is over. You can find the slides in our Zenodo Community:
Two more days to our next #NFDI4Ing #CommunityMeeting (August 10th). The topic is "Industrial data models in theory and practice:
Basics and use cases from production engineering". Participation is free. Agenda and more here:
🐞 Celebrant la #Decidim bug bash party per provar el nou redisseny de Decidim juntament amb la nostra comunitat internacional.
#decidim #communitymeeting #decidim028
The City has identified the Grand Street corridor as a high priority for pavement improvements and is considering adding safety features to the road. Make your voice heard about how the City should improve the street at the Community Workshop on Wednesday May 31.
#alameda #community #GrandStreet #construction #CityOfAlameda #CommunityMeeting #TransportationCommission #GrandStreetResurfacingAndSafetyImprovementProject
#alameda #community #grandstreet #construction #cityofalameda #communitymeeting #transportationcommission #grandstreetresurfacingandsafetyimprovementproject