“It is still happening here.”
There’s a special joy, a special sweetness, in the first real spring day, when you can throw off your coat and throw on your sneakers, and set off for a blissful walk past now-green grass, blossoms opening up their faces to the sun, and the tiniest of buds-leaves emerging from every tree branch. And you can carry along a book that just reached your mailbox—a book you wrote a blurb for long ago and are so thrilled that it has now finally sprung into the world—to find the perfect spot for a photo to later share here.
Of course you pick places overflowing with flowers, laying this book down among the purples and yellows—feeling the joy and sweetness of those colors.
For a brief time, fascism seems far away.
Spring holds promise. A river follows your footsteps and geese chatter happily nearby. This book holds possibilities—a time of wins. You flip through the pages, filled with not just an inspiring history made by everyday people but also so many rad images.
Then you glance up to a long wall covered in murals, including one to George Floyd, and are stopped in your tracks, noticing first the swastika x’d out—the remnants of antifascists here before you on these stolen Anishinaabeg lands—and then fascists who, for now, are getting the last word with “fuck antifa.”
It did happen here; it does happen here; it is happening now in what’s become everyday fascism.
You have nothing but a book and camera on you. They become the latest layer of antifascism, even if too little.
And suddenly you think back to when you listened to the It Did Happen Here podcast and couldn’t stop recommending it, knowing its lessons resonate for the present. But that was before the pandemic began, and along with the COVID virus, fascism has virulently spread into its own increasingly deadly pandemic.
You look down at the book version, It Did Happen Here: An Antiracist People’s History (published by @pmpress) and see a weapon for #CommunitySelfDefense that’s both sharper than ever and, absurdly, tragically, more necessary than when the editors asked you to pen a blurb about its relevance. There’s no joy or sweetness in that.
Still, if you want a world of #FlowersNotFascism, this book is essential reading.
#communityselfdefense #FlowersNotFascism
RT @satandez
Sacramento is dope. We all hate each other, but when we need to come together, we come together. #communityselfdefense
Shavua tov: toward a good week, a blessed week, a week of joy, a week of fighting fascism in all its forms.
(photos: #FuckNazis tag spotted on the frigid streets of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal; this evening’s Havdalah candle and its #BlessedFlame)
#havdalahagainsthate #flamesagainstfascism #candlesnotcops #communityselfdefense #TryJewishAnarchismForLife #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #fucknazis #blessedflame
It’s doubly impossible tonight to lean into the practice of Shabbat as a time-space of inhabiting “the world to come,” the world we dream of and deserve—Jews and non-Jews alike.
For one, this is the first Shabbos in the new Jewish month of Adar, which holds out the notion that joy will increase. But what joy can one find in Christian fascists, neo-Nazis, and their fellow brethren calling for a “Day of Hate” against Jews tomorrow, on our Shabbat, with its joys?
And second, how is one to disengage from the world of work—as we’re “commanded”/invited by Shabbat—and instead rest in light of this? How is one to dwell in the sacred, leaving behind the profane, the common (like, say, the hegemony of Christian patriarchal white supremacy), for the 25 hours of Shabbes when a Day of Hate against Jews is unrestfully launched and thus there’s so much antifascist work to do, including community self-defense?
Of course, every day under fascism—and the United States is already there—is a day of hate, a day of targeting, a day of no rest for the weary antifascist.
Yet just as we rebels call for “days of action” to direct our love and solidarity toward the direct action of dismantling various forms of hierarchy and domination, the fascists are likely putting special effort into their Day of Hate. And even if their direct actions fall short of their aims, which include, as one flyer asserts, being “loud and clear” that “the one true enemy … is the Jew,” like our days of action, such moments can have many impacts, from visibility for a message to bolstering one’s ranks to causing a certain amount of trouble. And in this case, not the good kind—toward liberatory lives for all—but the kind that hurts and even kills people, and for sure is already paining Jews.
This Day of Hate isn’t “just” a Jewish concern—though please check in on and offer solidarity to your Jewish friends. Their conspiracy theories and genocidal fantasies tie us all together—all of us in fascism’s crosshairs. But so, too, should our common dream of a world to come—and without fascism.
(photo: hot pink and black “antifascist action” sticker seen on my #FuckFascism walk in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal today)
#fuckfascism #WeMustOutliveThem #communityselfdefense #bethegolemyouwanttosee #solidarityonshabbat #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon
REGIST.ro is a collection of manuals, methods and tools for environmental community investigation. The resources can be used in the investigation of environmental aggressions, their public communication and the restoration of the memory of the spaces and people affected.
REGIST.ro is a collection of manuals, methods and tools for environmental community investigation. The resources can be used in the investigation of environmental aggressions, their public communication and the restoration of the memory of the spaces and people affected.
Two years ago, on January 6, extraparliamentary Christian fascists stormed the US Capitol, dressed up in an assortment of antisemitic, anti-Black, and racist “live-action role play” attire—looking both ridiculous, thuggish, and euphorically full-of-themselves in their attempted insurrection.
This January 6, in expensive suit-and-tie and other high-powered professional attire, surrounded by neatly dressed aids, and with no need to breach their own office building, the US Capitol, parliamentary Christian fascists are engaging in an attempted insurrection too—refusing to install a Speaker of the House until they have someone in their pocket.
If January 6, 2021, felt unnerving and even scary, this January 6, 2023, seems much more frightening. As antifascist organizing has demonstrated in the past, such as via efforts like Anti-Racist Action, and more recently, in support of drag shows, it’s possible to get fascists off the streets—the kinds of fascists that went to DC two Januarys ago. Our #CommunitySelfDefense works!
Not that they don’t reappear at times, and not that they aren’t dangerous and sometimes deadly (increasingly so these past two years). And not that they don’t have relations with some of the trappings of the state, like cops. Yet they don’t hold the levers of a world power, with its vast resources and vast apparatuses of state violence/might.
As has been long argued by some antifascists, and rightly so, we are in a three-way fight.
As part of that, we are also far, far past “the fascist creep.” Two January 6ths ago, fascist ran up the Capitol steps and climbed over fences, but then walked around the building taking selfies and confusedly occupying the Senate chambers, unsure what to do—other than pray to their white Christian male supremacist god. Now, fascist congresspeople, having won their race, are confidently in those legislative chambers (not to mention Supreme Court) as superpower powerbrokers.
All to say, suit-and-tie fascism may prove to be much more successful at insurrection, bringing down the state from within.
(photo: sticker by Municipal Adhesives on Anishinabeeg lands)
#communityselfdefense #fightfascism #deathtofascism #WeMustOutliveThem
A list of 5,000 “antifa” accounts on Twitter has been circulating today, with the fascist aim of purging these voices—an eclectic mix including liberals and even some conservatives, but mostly made up of anarchistic folks of many genders, races, cultures, etc. The responses on our side—the side firmly against fascism—are varied, but overwhelmingly, there’s been palpable and tangible solidarity. That’s crucial. We’ll need more and more of that—fierce, empathetic, unflinching solidarity. Taking the side of antifascism, and sticking side by side together.
What struck me more than anything was the shift this seems to mark. From such “antifa” lists being shared on shadowy, “fringe” platforms, or ones that mostly attract fellow fascists, to now being mainstreamed on one of the world’s biggest and oft-turned-to news platforms, owned by one of the world’s wealthiest people. This, in turn, mirrors what increasingly feels like the mainstreaming of the most explicit, virulent, violence-inspiring racist, transphobic, anti-Black, antisemitic, misogynist, homophobic, etc., sentiments on purportedly/formerly liberal, progressive, and/or “neutral” platforms, whether in the form of Chapelle’s jokes on Saturday Night Live or the vacuous “condolence” statement by Biden after the Club Q murders.
When it becomes “controversial” or scary or dangerous in a society to say one is against fascism; when it becomes “common sense” to see and treat antifascists as scary or dangerous, or more plainly, the enemy to be eradicated—we are already in fascism. It is the sea in which we must swim, or sink, as antifascists, not some surface or even subterranean phenomenon now.
Whether Twitter survives or not isn’t the issue. It’s whether whole categories of us—all the beautiful, varied identities, traditions, and experiences, and their rich and frequently millennia-long practices of communal care, mutual aid, and life-giving rituals, that are represented on that list of 5,000—will survive Christian fascism in the States and other fascisms globally.
#SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon, in all of its beautiful diversity of forms.
#FascismKills #FuckFascism #SmashFascism #CommunitySelfDefense #WeMustOutliveThem
(photo: #AntiAntiAntifa sticker seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal’s anarchist bookstore, 2021)
#SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #antiantiantifa #towardaworldwithoutfascism #FascismKills #fuckfascism #smashfascism #communityselfdefense #WeMustOutliveThem
(Part 4 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.
I’ve been thinking a lot—or more than I already do—about “tipping points, when phenomena palpably shift from bad to worse—such as, to my queer Jewish anarchist mind, proto-fascism tipping to fascism after the US midterms—and how those of us who are anarchists see train wrecks coming long before the train has even left the station and beautifully prepare all sorts of infrastructures of #Solidarity way ahead of time. Infrastructures of #MutualAid, #CommunitySelfDefense, #RebelliousMourning, and #FierceLove. It’s shattering my heart that we must increasingly use those infrastructures *merely* to try to lessen the genocidal impacts of Christian fascism here. Yet they are also, always, gesturing toward #AWorldWithoutFascism.
“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ is both a beautiful homage to the countless fragments of ephemeral resistance that constitute everyday antiauthoritarianism and a principled call to commit to stitching together those fragments of daily autonomy-making into flourishing lives of resistance. Paired with unique renditions of the classic circle A, Milstein’s poetic phrases endow age-old concepts like mutual aid and solidarity with renewed vitality and urgency.”
—Mark Bray, author of “Antifa,” “The Anarchist Inquisition,” and “Translating Anarchy”
Copies of the book are available from the publisher, @tangledwild, at www.tangledwilderness.org (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at www.akpress.org, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and libraries.
(photos: the rock-solid strength of our circles, as portrayed on a sticker seen in mid-Oct at @defendatlantaforest; beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely)
#FuckFascism #FTP
#solidarity #MutualAid #communityselfdefense #RebelliousMourning #fiercelove #aworldwithoutfascism #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #anarchismorfascism #fuckfascism #ftp #WeAreAllWeNeed
On Arming Leftists and Queers and The Nature of Power
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #1312 #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #Anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
On Arming Leftists and Queers and The Nature of Power
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #armtranspeople #armleftists #acab #1312 #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
#elmforkjohnbrowngunclub #guns #guncontrol #power #powerstructures #coerciveauthority #bigotry #oppression #Marginalization #selfdefense #communityselfdefense #armqueers #armqueerpeople #ArmTransPeople #armleftists #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #anarchist #anarchism #anarchy #electoralpolitics #liberals #liberalism #democrats #homophobia #transmisogyny #transphobia
Love and solidarity to all those at Club Q last night.
Love and solidarity to all the friends, families, acquaintances, and community members who know and/or knew someone who was at Club Q in Colorado Springs.
Love and solidarity to all my fellow queer and especially trans folks.
Rage and grief and rage over the five beautiful people who didn’t make it out of QClub.
May Their Memory Spark a Blessed Revolution.
#MourningOurDead #FightingForTheLiving
#CommunitySelfDefense #LoveAndRage
(photo: our solidarity with each other—all of those of us that the fascists want to disappear—must be visibly rock-hard solid; as seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal this summer)
#MayTheirMemoryBeABlessing #transgenderdayofremembrance #WeMustLoveAndProtectEachOther #loveandrage #MourningOurDead #FightingForTheLiving #communityselfdefense
Oh shit, we do #introductions here, okay
⚫ 30-ish, #genderless void
⚫ contractually obligated to care for another person, our house, and our 3 cats
⚫ assigned #floridaman at birth, Greenbelter by choice
⚫ basically a #pirate
⚫ #union thug
⚫ I am way too #disabled to fight you in the pit but I will pick you up if you fall and be your DD to the next Breezy Supreme show
⚫ I'm the one stocking your little free library with weird #zines and 🏴☠️ movies
⚫ actually a huge nerd, do not ask me about—my favorite #startrek, Gene Wolfe lore, #ccru drama, or #CommunitySelfDefense—unless you want a lecture
You've been warned.
#introductions #genderless #floridaman #pirate #union #disabled #zines #startrek #ccru #communityselfdefense
Check out our tools and methods page for community environmental investigation.
Registro is a collection of methods and manuals for neighborhood investigation of environmental aggressions.
Organize, learn and defend your territory!
Regist.ro is a collection of manuals, methods and tools for forensic community investigation. The resources can be used in the investigation of environmental aggressions, their public communication and the restoration of the memory of the spaces and people affected.
🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈
Grassroots mapping with ballons and kites guide.
A community method for obtaining aerial images of contaminated areas.
🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈