Ha, the mere notion of a "Community-driven GriftHub" is oxymoronic.
The site actively blocks good-faith actors that use Tor.
They say:
> "Building vibrant, sustainable #communities".
What we get:
> Multi-story shoebox dwellings that could collapse, are hot, crowded, induce #mentalIllness especially in #children.
Sustainable – for whom?
#vibrancy #communityWashing #propertyCouncil #builders #bigConstruction #construction #realEstate #speculation #landGrab #artistsImpressions #greenWashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateEquity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinFixesThis
#artistsImpressions #communities #mentalillness #children #vibrancy #communitywashing #PropertyCouncil #builders #BigConstruction #construction #realestate #speculation #landGrab #greenwashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateequity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinfixesthis
Anyone *not* suspicious of how #reddit (yet another #closedSilo) is being elevated as a place for teens to form a "#community" to play #stockMarket games?
Get 'em hooked young.
#gambling #addition #communityWashing #dotCons #algorithmicTrading #fleecing #fleeced #speculation #videogameCulture #braveNewWorld #elevation #shortSqueeze #robinHoodwinked
#reddit #closedSilo #community #stockmarket #gambling #addition #communitywashing #dotcons #algorithmicTrading #fleecing #fleeced #speculation #videogameCulture #bravenewworld #elevation #ShortSqueeze #robinHoodwinked
This person seems to post okay stuff but never interacts with us, maybe they just don't like us.
* Reads bio *
> Posts on my account are auto-generated. I use #Twitter and do not pay attention to interactions on the fediverse.
The top level domain you chose is fu©king #DotCoop and you wax lyrical about building #communities. Are you serious!?
#VirtueSignalling #LegacyInternet #InfluencersMustDie #communityWashing #shotgunCommunityBuilding
#twitter #DotCoop #communities #virtueSignalling #legacyInternet #InfluencersMustDie #communitywashing #shotgunCommunityBuilding