HollyHammer · @HollyHammer
49 followers · 149 posts · Server mastodon.art

Oof I almost lost a whole run of Spider-girl comics a few weeks ago when the connection for my washing machine fell off the wall and the garage floor filled with water. That being said the box was a little wet but didn't make it into the comics *phew* I just had to take the crap out of the box til I can get a new one. (also they were in the garage temporarily we were organizing) so QUESTION

How do you store your comic books?

#drawing #art #comocbooks #comics

Last updated 2 years ago

Continuing to share some love for Lobo. Can never go wrong with Simon Bisley Lobo and Keith Giffen

#lobo #comocbooks #simonbisley #keithgiffen

Last updated 2 years ago