Global News BC: Police seeking leads in Comox Valley sexual assault #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverislandsexassault #Courtenaysexassault #vancouverislandrcmp #BCsexualassault #ComoxValleyRCMP #PuntledgeRiver #ComoxValley #Courtenay #BCRCMP #Crime #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverislandsexassault #courtenaysexassault #vancouverislandrcmp #bcsexualassault #comoxvalleyrcmp #puntledgeriver #comoxvalley #courtenay #BCRCMP #crime #BC
Global News BC: Comox Valley gas station goes up in flames, caught on video #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Comoxgasstationfire #VancouverIslandfire #ComoxFireRescue #VancouverIsland #Gasstationfire #ComoxEssoFire #ComoxValley #comox #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #comoxgasstationfire #vancouverislandfire #comoxfirerescue #vancouverisland #gasstationfire #comoxessofire #comoxvalley #comox #fire
Comox Valley missing person: Josie Van Der Elst
#comoxvalley #missing
#ComoxValley residents can get their household items #repaired without a charge through the upcoming #Cumberland #RepairCafe .
Hosted by #CumberlandCommunitySchoolsSociety (#CCSS ), and in partnership with #Comox #Strathcona #WasteManagement , the cafe aims to provide an #alternative for household items meant to be used for #landfill , by #repairing and #reusing them.
#VancouverIsland #vanisle #FreeService #RightToRepair #ZeroWaste #RepairDontDiscard #LowerWaste #Repair
#comoxvalley #repaired #cumberland #repaircafe #cumberlandcommunityschoolssociety #ccss #Comox #strathcona #wastemanagement #alternative #landfill #repairing #reusing #vancouverisland #vanisle #freeservice #righttorepair #zerowaste #repairdontdiscard #lowerwaste #repair
5️⃣ Avoid gender stereotypes
Unfair social expectations exists such as boys/men having to be tough or the breadwinner. Women/girls can be leaders and build great things, either gender can wear whatever colour they choose.
#comoxvalley #itsnotjust #cvts #16days
4️⃣ : Be alert to non-physical violence
Not all Gender-based violence is physical. Name-calling, stalking, harassment, control (including financial), cyber attacks, and manipulation are all forms of GBV.
#16days #itsnotjust #cvts #comoxvalley
3️⃣ Stop victim shaming/blaming
Victims generally don't feel comfortable reporting because they feel they will be shamed by their families, friends, people in the health and justice system, or the offender.
#cvts #16days #itsnotjust #comoxvalley
November 25 is the first day of the 16 days of activism. Anyone can experience Gender-based Violence. More than one-third of Canadians have been physically or sexually assaulted since age 15.
#cvts #16days #comoxvalley #itsnotjust #bcpoli #cdnpoli
#cvts #16days #comoxvalley #itsnotjust #bcpoli #cdnpoli
I quite enjoy getting out for bike rides in the #yqq #comoxvalley #singlespeedbikes
#yqq #comoxvalley #singlespeedbikes
Cool work done by local volunteers and land stewards in the Comox Valley. Including protecting habitat for the Morrison Creek Lamprey, found only in this small creek on Vancouver Island
(two short ads before the story)
#landstewards #landtrust #conservation #VancouverIsland #comoxvalley #rarespecies
#landstewards #landtrust #conservation #VancouverIsland #comoxvalley #rarespecies