Dieser Geschichte zum 60. Geburtstag der #Kompaktkassette aka #CompactCassette ist wenig hinzuzufügen. Außer vielleicht, dass die #GenerationZ sich nicht vorstellen kann, dass wir aus ein paar Dutzend (teils geliehenen) LPs einen ganzen Sonntag lang unsere Lieblings#musik zusammengestellt haben. Heute geht das mit #Streaminglisten in Minuten. Aus einer millionenfachen Auswahl.
#Kompaktkassette #compactcassette #generationZ #streaming
Die #CompactCassette wird 60. Mein erster Stereokassettenrekorder war ein ITT 87, mühsam zusammen gespart und monatelang vorher im Schaufenster bewundert. Damit konnte ich dann endlich „Mal Sondocks Diskothek im #WDR“ vernünftig aufnehmen. Und jede Leercassette kostete ein kleines Vermögen. Was waren das andere Zeiten.
#WorldRecordDay #Tonträger #Musikindustrie #Musikmarkt #CD #Audiokassette #CompactCassette #Vinyl #VinylSchallplatte #Musicstreaming #MusikStreaming #Spotify #Download #Youtube #Radio #Gebühren #Kaufen #Mieten #Musikproduktion
World Record Day, Musikmarkt in Deutschland: Vinyl kann Tonträger-Umsatzrückgang nicht auffangen (Statista + Kurzkommentar | Briefing 179 | Kultur
#worldrecordday #tontrager #musikindustrie #musikmarkt #cd #audiokassette #compactcassette #vinyl #vinylschallplatte #musicstreaming #musikstreaming #spotify #download #youtube #radio #gebuhren #kaufen #mieten #musikproduktion
Three generations of the Sony Walkman as represented in our Physical Objects Collection:
• Compact Cassette Sports Walkman WM-AF54 (1989)
• MiniDisc MZ-R30 (1996)
• MP3 + AAC Mobile Phone Walkman W800 (2005)
#SonyWalkman #Walkman #Sony #CompactCassette #MiniDisc #MP3 #mobile #PortableSound
#sonywalkman #walkman #sony #compactcassette #minidisc #mp3 #mobile #portablesound
Japanese advert for the @MaxellCorp EW-340 Cassette Winder (1981)
Imagine – there once was a time when people cared enough about their personal audio collection to perform regular maintenance on it 🤯
#cassette #cassettetape #compactcassette #cassettewinder
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek: Unopened Maxell Original UR IEC Type I Normal Bias Compact Cassette (date unknown; presumed 1990s). Detail images courtesy Museum of Portable Sound Archives.
#Maxell #CompactCassette #CassetteTape #NormalBias #MagneticTape #Cassettes #Archives #MuseumOfPortableSound #ItsOkayToBeNormal
#objectoftheweek #maxell #compactcassette #cassettetape #normalbias #magnetictape #cassettes #archives #museumofportablesound #itsokaytobenormal
"Scotch Cassettes. They just might outlive you." Magazine advert (1979)
#cassettes #OldAge #CompactCassette #MagneticTape #advertising
#cassettes #oldage #compactcassette #magnetictape #advertising
RT @maxellJP: 【カセット】(フランス語・英語、cassette)は、小さなケース(箱・容器)、小箱。古いフランス語のcasse(箱・容器。英語のケース case の語源)に由来し、縮小辞 -ette(小さな~)をつけ、宝石箱などを指す💎✨(Wikipediaより)
#カセット #語源 #由来 #カセットテープ #CompactCassette https://t.co/mvefRpLnwt
#compactcassette #カセットテープ #由来 #語源 #カセット
Mod, Repair and Maintain Your Cassette Tapes With 3D Printed Parts https://hackaday.com/2023/01/19/mod-repair-and-maintain-your-cassette-tapes-with-3d-printed-parts/ #compactcassette #classichacks #cassettetape #cassette #tape
#compactcassette #classichacks #cassettetape #cassette #tape
Mod, Repair and Maintain Your Cassette Tapes With 3D Printed Parts - The benefit of 3D printers is that they have made it relatively easy to reproduce ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/19/mod-repair-and-maintain-your-cassette-tapes-with-3d-printed-parts/ #compactcassette #classichacks #cassettetape #cassette #tape
#tape #cassette #cassettetape #classichacks #compactcassette
Wear Your Fave Cassette Tapes as a Necklace With This 3D Printed Adapter https://hackaday.com/2022/12/29/wear-your-fave-cassette-tapes-as-a-necklace-with-this-3d-printed-adapter/ #cassetteadapter #compactcassette #3dPrinterhacks #audiocassette #cassettetape #Engineering #3dprinting #Featured #Interest #cassette #3dprint #adapter #audio #tape
#cassetteadapter #compactcassette #3dPrinterhacks #audiocassette #cassettetape #engineering #3dprinting #Featured #Interest #cassette #3dprint #adapter #audio #tape
Wear Your Fave Cassette Tapes as a Necklace With This 3D Printed Adapter - While packing merch for a recent gig, I realised I had the opportunity to do somet... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/29/wear-your-fave-cassette-tapes-as-a-necklace-with-this-3d-printed-adapter/ #cassetteadapter #compactcassette #3dprinterhacks #audiocassette #cassettetape #engineering #3dprinting #featured #interest #cassette #3dprint #adapter #audio #tape
#tape #audio #adapter #3dprint #cassette #interest #featured #3dprinting #engineering #cassettetape #audiocassette #3dprinterhacks #compactcassette #cassetteadapter
Maxell-e-brate (1988) was a mix tape of holiday music released by Maxell as a promotional product for the holiday season. Its cover image was a new version of Maxell's famous "Blown Away Guy" advert wherein Santa Claus sits in a chair and has his hat blown back back the sound of a tape. Copies are still available on eBay and Discogs.
#Maxell #CompactCassette #CassetteTape #Cassette #Cassettes #HappyHolidays #Xmas #SantaClaus
#maxell #compactcassette #cassettetape #cassette #cassettes #happyholidays #Xmas #santaclaus
The Sony TC-2850SD (1973) was the world's first stereo portable compact cassette recorder. Its portability, high quality, and relative affordability sparked the 'Namaroku boom' of amateur field recording across Japan in the 1970s, with people collecting sounds of transportation, wildlife, etc.
#TapeRecorder #Sony #Namaroku #FieldRecording #CompactCassette #Stereo #Japan #PortableSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#taperecorder #sony #namaroku #fieldrecording #compactcassette #stereo #japan #portablesound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
I started my first Vue3 app. It is called tape-ng and its purpose is to faciliate mixing compact cassettes.
The GUI shall be similar to the Audio-CD mixing GUI from K3B so that you can see if all the tracks fit on one side or if you exceed the runtime.
At the end, you just press "start" and the browser starts playing the tracks for side 1 and then side 2 (with a pause).
The source code is already on Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/ncc1988/tape-ng
#vuejs #compactcassette #mixtape #webapp #tapeng
Baltic Radio nimmt jetzt Titel von Compact Cassette mit ins Programm. *staun* Ja !
#radio #compactcassette #cassette #dolby #balticradio
#Radio #compactcassette #cassette #Dolby #balticradio
Ich konnte wieder 4 Kassetten vor dem Mülleimer retten, darunter auch zwei Typ II Kassetten (Sony UX-S und Maxell UDII-S) und eine TDK FE mit dunklem Band. Auf der Louis Armstrong Kassette ist auch noch Louis Armstrong drauf, sogar in Dolby B. Hat sich gelohnt. 🙂
#Kassetten #CompactCassette #Kassette #Musikkassette #Müllvermeidung
#kassetten #compactcassette #Kassette #Musikkassette #Müllvermeidung
Ich konnte wieder 4 Kassetten vor dem Mülleimer retten, darunter auch zwei Typ II Kassetten (Sony UX-S und Maxell UDII-S) und eine TDK FE mit dunklem Band. Auf der Louis Armstrong Kassette ist auch noch Louis Armstrong drauf, sogar in Dolby B. Hat sich gelohnt. 🙂
#Kassetten #CompactCassette #Kassette #Musikkassette #Müllvermeidung
#kassetten #compactcassette #Kassette #Musikkassette #Müllvermeidung
I updated the Readme file of the open system compact cassette (OSCC) project so that the purpose of the project becomes more clear:
#OpenSystemCompactCassette #OSCC #FLOSS #OpenHardware #Project #CompactCassette #Cassette
#OpenSystemCompactCassette #OSCC #floss #openhardware #project #compactcassette #cassette
I updated the Readme file of the open system compact cassette (OSCC) project so that the purpose of the project becomes more clear:
#OpenSystemCompactCassette #OSCC #FLOSS #OpenHardware #Project #CompactCassette #Cassette
#OpenSystemCompactCassette #OSCC #floss #openhardware #project #compactcassette #cassette