BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
89 followers · 501 posts · Server

When the ship is sinking "Man's best friend" is thrown overboard. Animal cruelty reports are rising across the country in times when the 'forever home' is not attainable for all living beings.

#pets #petindustry #dogs #cats #companionanimals #dumping #cruelty #consumerism #foreverhome

Last updated 1 year ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
1217 followers · 11846 posts · Server

i didn't know that there are so many dedicated pet food banks in the UK - & there's an online map to help locate them.

#Help #foodbank #Food #adoptdontshop #companionanimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Monika Merkes PhD β“‹ · @monika
180 followers · 479 posts · Server

"Want to truly have empathy for animals? Stop owning pets"
by Troy Vettese

In my defence: Sheba and I are both vegan, she comes from a local government pound, we spend on average three hours every day on walks, and I've worked from home since she came to live with me. I don't consider myself as her owner, rather as her guardian.

Unfortunately, what the author of this article describes is true for far too many companion animals.

#veganpets #companionanimals #compassion #animals #animalsuffering

Last updated 2 years ago

Alasdair · @amca01
30 followers · 101 posts · Server

I was on a tram this morning; another passenger was a blind bloke with a seeing-eye dog. An extraordinarily quiet, placid dog, on whose stretched out paws I nearly stepped. We got off at the same stop, so we had a bit of chat - me remarking on the quietness of the dog, asking how long he'd had him, and how long it took getting used to a new dog. All of which were answered with great friendliness. He pointed out that a dog was much better than a cane because you didn't have to do any thinking - you just let the dog do it!

I don't think I've chatted to a blind person before about their experiences of using a seeing-eye dog, and I thanked him for the learning experience.

A day is wasted if I haven't learned anything. And all before 8.30am!

#blind #dogs #companionanimals #learning #humaninterest #people

Last updated 2 years ago

This is my Boxer Dougal, chewing so intently on his big slab of moose antler, he hasn't eaten anything else yet and it's after 12 noon. This is a happy day for me, too, because I just got a request to send my for "The Nitty Gritty & Other Complications" from a I had queried. My fingers are crossed for that collection.

#dog #manuscript #publisher #dogs #writing #amwriting #submitting #shortstories #publishing #query #companionanimals #dogsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

There's this saying that says something about "fighting like cats and dogs". Ha! It hasn't been my experience. and can make the best of friends. These are my , a 3/4 Boxer named Dougle and two domestic in grey suits. That orange tube is also a crinkle toy. @bookstodon

#cats #dogs #companionanimals #dog #cat #catsofmastodon #amwriting #dogsofmastodon #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

There's this saying that says something about "fighting like cats and dogs". Ha! It hasn't been my experience. and can make the best of friends. These are my , a 3/4 Boxer named Dougle and two domestic in grey suits. That orange tube is also a crinkle toy. @bookstodon

#cats #dogs #companionanimals #dog #cat #catsofmastodon #amwriting #dogsofmastodon #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

My Boxer mix is a total goofball! He spends about 1/3 of his time on his back, I swear. He's always balancing toys & often trying to play with 2 or 3 at the same time. In this case he has his leg through that yellow ring & he does this several times every day! He truly cracks me up!

#dogsofmastodon #dogs #animals #companionanimals #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

My Boxer mix is a total goofball! He spends about 1/3 of his time on his back, I swear. He's always balancing toys & often trying to play with 2 or 3 at the same time. In this case he has his leg through that yellow ring & he does this several times every day! He truly cracks me up!

#dogsofmastodon #dogs #animals #companionanimals #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

SONIA · @sikka
267 followers · 498 posts · Server

Cats are lovely but from an perspective or even a welfare approach, what do you feed them? Genuine question, I'm covering in my course next week. Most cat food uses meat from , right?

#factoryfarms #animalethics #companionanimals #animalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Monica Sousa · @monisousa93
47 followers · 9 posts · Server

Introducing my !!! The medium haired brown tabby is Athena, and the short haired grey tabby with the partially white face is Perseus (but I usually call him Percy). 😊😺😺 Please share photos of your cats!! And other

#cats #companionanimals

Last updated 2 years ago

3rdSectorMichael · @3rdSectorMichael
66 followers · 42 posts · Server