"the year is 2100. the great us-china #cyberwar has destroyed the teleinformatic brain chip control system (TIBCCS), returning #free will to the masses for the first time in 30 years. as roving bands of #freeminds ravage the #countryside, zonked like they're on ultrameth from a #lifetime of chipsleep, the #economy is reorganized according to #neofeudal principles. guided by the maxim "#democracy for the worthy", #oligarchic LLCs (limited liege #conglomerates) win vast manors worked by the remaining chipsleepers. freeminds subsist by #selling #arts and #craftsβa grueling #job, but higher pleasures like #mathematics are restricted to the #elites by sumptuary #laws. a band of #poor and ragged #wanderers huddles the night in an abandoned #mall. perhaps they will find #companionship. or perhaps they will part at daybreak, and forever remain strangers."
#cyberwar #free #freeminds #Countryside #lifetime #economy #NeoFeudal #democracy #oligarchic #conglomerates #Selling #arts #crafts #job #mathematics #elites #laws #poor #Wanderers #mall #companionship
These #ChatGPT Rivals Are Designed to Play With Your #Emotions
#Startups building #chatbots tuned for emotionally engaged conversation say they can offer support, #companionship βand even #romance.
#romance #companionship #chatbots #startups #emotions #chatgpt
I gather my things to go out. Castorp quietly positions himself in the passage to the door and looks at me. Not demanding, not hopeful, not accusing. He simply asserts his being.
#whippet_moments #dogs #whippets #being #companionship
Widowed cemetery #goose finds #companionship through a personal ad β Frankie and Blossom were both crushed to lose their mates. Then they got a 'second chance at #love'
Please take a few minutes during your #coffee break to appreciate this small, independent charity from #NorthernIreland. #Rosie'sTrust supports people so that they can keep their pet at home with them when that companionship matters most.
#TerminalIllness #Cancer #Age #Mobility #Pets #Dogs #Cats #Companionship
#Coffee #northernireland #rosie #terminalillness #cancer #age #mobility #pets #dogs #cats #companionship
I am a #single #gay #male who lives in #MissouriCityTexas, a suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like #watchingtv, #watchingsports, #goingtomovies, #shopping, #reading, #goingonvacations, #goingtothebeach, #diningout, & #workingout. #The #SportsTeams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I am seriously looking for a #Boyfriend to love and cherish #SomeoneToLoveAndCherishMe, #or perhaps just #companionship! If you are interested, please #SendMeAMessage!
#lookingformyotherhalf #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #houstontexas #watchingtv #watchingsports #goingtomovies #shopping #reading #goingonvacations #goingtothebeach #diningout #workingout #the #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #and #dallascowboys #boyfriend #someonetoloveandcherishme #or #companionship #sendmeamessage
I am a #single #gay #male who lives in #MissouriCityTexas, a suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like #watchingtv, #watchingsports, #goingtomovies, #shopping, #reading, #goingonvacations, #goingtothebeach, #diningout, & #workingout. #The #SportsTeams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I am seriously looking for a #Boyfriend to love and cherish #SomeoneToLoveAndCherishMe, #or perhaps just #companionship! If you are interested, please #SendMeAMessage!
#lookingformyotherhalf #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #houstontexas #watchingtv #watchingsports #goingtomovies #shopping #reading #goingonvacations #goingtothebeach #diningout #workingout #the #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #and #dallascowboys #boyfriend #someonetoloveandcherishme #or #companionship #sendmeamessage
I am a #single #gay #male who lives in #MissouriCityTexas, a suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like #watchingtv, #watchingsports, #goingtomovies, #shopping, #reading, #goingonvacations, #goingtothebeach, #diningout, & #workingout. #The #SportsTeams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I am seriously looking for a #Boyfriend to love and cherish #SomeoneToLoveAndCherishMe, #or perhaps just #companionship! If you are interested, please #SendMeAMessage!
#lookingformyotherhalf #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #houstontexas #watchingtv #watchingsports #goingtomovies #shopping #reading #goingonvacations #goingtothebeach #diningout #workingout #the #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #and #dallascowboys #boyfriend #someonetoloveandcherishme #or #companionship #sendmeamessage
I am a #single #gay #male who lives in #MissouriCityTexas, a suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like #watchingtv, #watchingsports, #goingtomovies, #shopping, #reading, #goingonvacations, #goingtothebeach, #diningout, & #workingout. #The #SportsTeams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I am seriously looking for a #Boyfriend to love and cherish #SomeoneToLoveAndCherishMe, #or perhaps just #companionship! If you are interested, please #SendMeAMessage!
#lookingformyotherhalf #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #houstontexas #watchingtv #watchingsports #goingtomovies #shopping #reading #goingonvacations #goingtothebeach #diningout #workingout #the #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #and #dallascowboys #boyfriend #someonetoloveandcherishme #or #companionship #sendmeamessage
Why companionship is crucial in elderly care
As a healthcare professional, it's important to be able to offer more than just medical treatment to our patients. Sometimes, all they need is someone to be present with them and listen to their concerns.
Farid Alsabeh is a psychotherapist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
It has been a strange festive season. Seemed to just go by without the amount of catching up and wishes back and forth as we are used to. Its a changing world and we are changing rapidly with it.
I am glad to be here and have this bunch of... amazing people to engage with. It is keeping my sanity slightly more solid.
#hachyderm #companionship
I have a friend who is sick and on her own in a London flat. She also has a chronic illness.
It got me thinking about 3 c's
We all need this and especially when we are sick. There were so many mutual aid groups set up to help each other early in pandemic but what about now? People are still getting sick and if living on their own increasingly isolated. What help is there to provide those 3 C's?
#pwME #MutualAid #compassion #care #companionship #ChronicIlless
#pwme #mutualaid #compassion #CARE #companionship #chronicilless
I have a friend who is sick and on her own in a London flat. She also has a chronic illness.
It got me thinking about 3 c's
We all need this and especially when we are sick. There were so many mutual aid groups set up to help each other early in pandemic but what about now? People are still getting sick and if living on their own increasingly isolated. What help is there to provide those 3 C's?
#pwME #MutualAid #compassion #care #companionship #ChronicIlless
#pwme #mutualaid #compassion #CARE #companionship #chronicilless
Didn't want to take a big table at the cafe to sit by myself. Then my 9 month-old was like, "what am I, chopped liver?" (I think that's what she said. Possibly in a Yiddish accent.) #companionship
All these fancy smart little kid dads around here, we all need to make a point of getting together more. If nothing else we can take turns making silly faces & reading our Very Scholarly Books. (Currently on a 999-page tome on medieval mysticism, isn't that what everyone writing a tech book reads?)
Animals enjoy human companionship.
#farmanimals #human #cow #pig #companionship
#companionship #pig #cow #human #farmanimals