The instinct to live is strong, but there was an even greater instinct here on the Normandy beachhead.
There was an unseen force of months and years that led up to this moment. It was 'get inland, move forward-forward. #DDay #WW2 #AlbertLincolnSohl #Normandy #EuropeanTheater #CompanyHistorian
#dday #ww2 #albertlincolnsohl #normandy #europeantheater #companyhistorian
"Foul and fetid breaths were obliterated
With paste and pill - and love
Ran amok like a deranged animal."
-Albert Lincoln Sohl, 12th infantry, 4th Ivy Leaf Division #OperationOverlord
#DDay #Normandy #WW2 #CompanyHistorian
#OperationOverlord #dday #normandy #ww2 #companyhistorian