Attention #Montréal #RetroComputing !
Il y a un vendeur de PC rétro au marché aux puces de St-Michel, qui déménagera de Montréal dans quelques mois !
Ils cherchent à vendre tout leur stock avant de déménager. J'ai écrit un petit article (en anglais) sur certains des articles intéressants que j'ai vus à leur stand. Il est possible qu'ils fassent de l'expédition, mais je ne peux pas parler pour eux.
#RetroPC #retro #retrogaming #NEC #PC98 #Compaq #vintage #quebec
#montreal #retrocomputing #retropc #retro #retrogaming #NEC #pc98 #compaq #vintage #quebec
Attention #Montreal #RetroComputing folks!
There is a retro PC seller at the St-Michel Flea Market, that is moving out of Montreal in a few months!
They are looking to sell off all of their inventory before moving, I wrote a short blog post on some of the interesting items I saw at their stand. There could be a chance they do shipping but I can't speak for them.
#RetroPC #retro #retrogaming #NEC #PC98 #Compaq #vintage #quebec
#montreal #retrocomputing #retropc #retro #retrogaming #NEC #pc98 #compaq #vintage #quebec
We have three laptops making their debut appearance on the site. "Bringing Down the House" is already here but I missed a brief appearance of a Compaq Presario 1400. The Sony VAIO YB makes its debut in "Carrie" and the Dell XPS M1710 appears in season one of "The Big Bang Theory". Finally, and old favourite the Apple Macbook Pro appears in "On the Rocks".
#apple #dell #sony #compaq #computersinmovies
Last night’s nightmare (maybe too strong a word): ordered laptop for co-worker, but a huge box showed up inside in was a #Kaypro or #Compaq #luggable, apparently with no packing material and no keyboard. It also seemed to be powered on for no reason (I could see a glowing amber screen). I tried to refuse delivery but the carrier wouldn’t let me.
O #tbt de hoje é uma homenagem a meus primeiros dispositivos móveis.
O #Palm foi um dos melhores gadgets que já tive. Ouvia em loop um álbum dos #TheSmiths no cartão SD de 128Mb. Aprendi as escrever bem rápido com o Graffiti, sistema de escrita em que você precisava rabiscar as letras de um jeito específico.
O #Cassiopeia era um #palmtop #Windows, comprado na primeira viagem aos EUA, em 1999.
Ajudando a traduzir um app gringo para PT-BR, recebi como pagamento o #iPaq, da #compaq
#tbt #palm #thesmiths #cassiopeia #palmtop #windows #ipaq #compaq
That time 24 years ago when #Sting (the musician) co-branded himself with #COMPAQ computers.
Oh, for the days of non-surveillance based #advertising.
Has anybody successfully repaired the Sharp 640x480 LCD panel on a Compaq portable 486c?
I have three of them, all with dead displays. They all appear to have leaking electrolytic capacitors. I tried recapping one, but it didn’t come back.
#portablecomputer #compaq #vintagecomputing #RetroComputing
Repairing yet another Compaq Portable 486 power supply with leaky capacitors.
The circuit board was charred due to the conductive path formed by the leaked electrolyte.
I had to grind out the damaged material and add bodge wires to recreate the traces that were removed. The power supply now works!
#Hardware #compaq #vintagecomputing #RetroComputing
Repairing another Compaq Portable 486 power supply that failed due to leaky capacitors. This one was by far the worst. The leakage caused the PCB to char due to the current path formed by the electrolyte. I had to grind out the damaged area and add bodge wires around the traces that were removed.
#portablecomputer #compaq #vintagecomputing
Has anybody successfully repaired the 640x480 LCD panel on a Compaq portable 486c?
I have three of them, all with dead displays. They all appear to have leaking electrolytic capacitors. I tried recapping one, but it didn’t come back.
#portablecomputer #compaq #vintagecomputing
A fresh install of Netscape Communicator on Windows NT Workstation 4.0 running on a Compaq Deskpro EN SFF.
#NT4 #pentiumiii #compaq #windowsnt #netscape
VMS Software Inc. (#VSI) #OpenVMS x86-64 port status:
Presentation is ~45 minutes, with the last third covering community licensing.
Work on V9.2 UPDATE 2 is underway.
Most V9.2-1 features will be arriving during "June or July" 2023 (the recently announced 2023 H1 schedule seems to already be slipping? 🤭), with early native versions of C++ and C, and maybe Fortran, and maybe OpenJDK, arriving contemporaneously.
OpenVMS x86-64 is missing the ACME subsystem (the authentication API and related services), which is written in Ada, and there's no Ada expected for OpenVMS x86-64.
A port of the ACME subsystem from Ada to C was something planned long ago, and it looks like VSI now has the project scheduled.
Limited Debugger support is included in V9.2-1.
V9.2 is Intel x86-64 only. AMD x86-64 processor support is included in V9.2-1.
Plans for the arrival of various VSI layered products are through 2024 and 2025, and the potential for alternatives for (unspecified) third-party apps not being ported to OpenVMS x86-64 (with details to follow).
Oracle has announced Rdb availability for 2024Q1.
Native Pascal, BASIC, and BLISS compilers, likely 2023.
Current native C++ is based on LLVM Clang 10, which is pretty old. Clang 15 is current.
OpenVMS itself will probably be built with native compilers and optimization in 2024. Currently OpenVMS x86-64 is being cross-built from OpenVMS I64, with no optimization and ancient compilers.
OpenVMS x86-64 support is hypervisor guest-only for the foreseeable future. Relatedly, VSI is not discussing any plans to move away from the current dependency on serial consoles (no means of booting a guest directly into ssh console, etc), which means the VMware Essentials license is incompatible with OpenVMS guests.
VSI also briefly discussed plans for OpenSSH, OpenSSL, TCP/IP Services (which is now the descendent of the #DEC / #Compaq / #HP /#HPE network product of the same name, and not based on the Process network stack) and some other update work for existing VSI OpenVMS installations.
The VSI Community Program (hobbyist licensing) will be arriving around the same time as V9.2-1, and with bug reporting access, though with no guarantees of feedback or even reading the bug submissions. All Community discussions and all questions are via the VSI Forums, and not via VSI Support contact. No hobbyist support.
VSI history: VSI commenced work on OpenVMS and on the OpenVMS x86-64 port in 2014, after acquiring (limited) rights and source code from HPE.
#vsi #openvms #dec #compaq #hp
Noch etwas für den #RetroMontag: hab hier einen #Compaq DeskPro 6400, den ich zum Multimedia-Monster erweitert habe. Na, wer kann alle 6 Karten erraten? 😂
Craig #Hockenberry of #Twitterrific has thoughts.
Thoughts on the 🦤 site, and beyond.
Centralization of services is nice in many ways, but it is subject to the users of those centralized services finding themselves and their processes and dependencies beholden to what can become "a $44 billion dollar version of MySpace", as Hockenberry put it.
And if you think this can't or won't happen with other major websites and services and vendors, guess again.
We've all seen a number of vendors and services fade from IT prominence and in other cases wholly disappear, including #IBM, #Microsoft, #DEC, #Compaq, #AltaVista, the #BUNCH, and myriad others.
I do appreciate the idea of unifying multiple information subscription services into one client too, as Hockenberry describes. I've long used RSS feeds and similar mechanisms to maintain access to ever-changing information sources, and rolling all that flow into one client—with ActivityPub and presumably with other common subscription protocols such as RSS—avoids adding dependencies on what can be fickle services providers.
Service provider interest and sponsorship and support of these client efforts will vary. Users avoiding establishing dependencies on services will probably be viewed as devaluing those services, which will make some of the service operators less than happy, and less than willing to invest, of course.
The ever-shifting foundations of IT are all fodder for thought.
#hockenberry #twitterrific #ibm #microsoft #dec #compaq #altavista #bunch
And here's 20-years younger me looking proud after successfully booting the Linux installer on an AlphaServer ES40, which required some fiddling to get aboot, well... to boot.
I had never used an Alpha machine before. It felt like a great accomplishment.