I was today old when I discovered that you can use MS Word to translate to and from … Klingon!!!
The quote I was trying to translate (to include it in an article) belongs to my favorite (real) football player of all times, #PaoloMaldini, and this is like three of my favorite worlds (#competitionlaw, #football and #startrek) collided!
#paolomaldini #competitionlaw #football #startrek
French antitrust watchdog strikes Apple’s app tracking system https://www.euractiv.com/section/competition/news/french-antitrust-watchdog-strikes-apples-app-tracking-system/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AppTrackingTransparency #Apple #competitionlaw #dataprivacy
#apptrackingtransparency #apple #competitionlaw #dataprivacy
French antitrust watchdog strikes Apple’s app tracking system https://www.euractiv.com/section/competition/news/french-antitrust-watchdog-strikes-apples-app-tracking-system/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AppTrackingTransparency #Apple #competitionlaw #dataprivacy
#apptrackingtransparency #apple #competitionlaw #dataprivacy
Gizmodo: Biden Administration Updates Guidelines on Busting Up Monopolies https://gizmodo.com/biden-updates-guidelines-on-mergers-and-acquisitions-1850654843 #unitedstatesantitrustlaw #westhollywoodcalifornia #federaltradecommission #mergersandacquisitions #jacquelinescottcorley #videogamepublishers #activisionblizzard #mergerguidelines #merrickbgarland #jacquelinescott #competitionlaw #ticketmaster #monopolies #livenation #microsoft #linakahn #bigtech #biden
#unitedstatesantitrustlaw #westhollywoodcalifornia #federaltradecommission #mergersandacquisitions #jacquelinescottcorley #videogamepublishers #activisionblizzard #mergerguidelines #merrickbgarland #jacquelinescott #competitionlaw #ticketmaster #monopolies #livenation #microsoft #linakahn #bigtech #biden
Our Professor Barry Rodger recently co-authored a piece about antitrust damages for EuLawLive (subscription needed). https://eulawlive.com/competition-corner/there-must-be-27-ways-to-get-your-damages-heterogeneity-and-uncertainty-in-antitrust-private-enforcement-by-barry-rodger-miguel-sousa-ferro-and-francisco-marcos/ #competitionlaw
EU Commission worried about price increases in testbed Orange-MásMóvil merger https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/eu-commission-worried-about-price-increases-in-testbed-orange-masmovil-merger/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AndreasSchwab #competitionlaw #EUMergerRegulation
#andreasschwab #competitionlaw #eumergerregulation
RT Concurrences
Re @CompetitionLaws @News_CRA @GurkaynakGonenc @analysisgroup @ClearyGottlieb @dechertllp @RBBEconomics @compasslexecon @PositiveCompet1 @TheBrattleGroup @WillkieFarr Une nouvelle ère institutionnelle et conceptuelle est apparue avec une complémentarité entre l’objectif de la politique industrielle et la politique de concurrence.
@s_yoncourtin @europarl_en #CompetitionLaw #NewFrontiersAntitrust https://t.co/xBmep2jsNZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Concurrences/status/1671805595228205059
#competitionlaw #NewFrontiersAntitrust
Covered in this week’s Green Mobility Policy Brief:
⚡ Electric vehicle charging in the #EU #competitionlaw spotlight;
🛫 #ETS will be more expensive than CORSIA for the foreseeable future;
🚛 Enough public charging for higher EU truck #CO2 targets, analysis finds
🤝 European Green Deal: New EU-Norway Green Alliance to deepen cooperation on #climate, #environment, #energy, and clean #industry.
#eu #competitionlaw #ETS #co2 #climate #environment #energy #industry #electricvehicle #transport #sustainability
Germany proposes giving more teeth to competition authority https://www.euractiv.com/section/competition/news/germany-proposes-giving-more-teeth-to-competition-authority/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #competitionauthority #competitionlaw #Competitionpolicy
#competitionauthority #competitionlaw #competitionpolicy
Germany proposes giving more teeth to competition authority https://www.euractiv.com/section/competition/news/germany-proposes-giving-more-teeth-to-competition-authority/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #competitionauthority #competitionlaw #Competitionpolicy
#competitionauthority #competitionlaw #competitionpolicy
Germany proposes giving more teeth to competition authority https://www.euractiv.com/section/competition/news/germany-proposes-giving-more-teeth-to-competition-authority/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #competitionauthority #competitionlaw #Competitionpolicy
#competitionauthority #competitionlaw #competitionpolicy
Rogers-Shaw case unexpectedly rewrote merger law, but there’s still time to change that
#Canada #Politics #Business #Rogers #Shaw #Competition #CompetitionLaw #Mergers #CompetitionBureau #CanadianMedia #Freedom #Quebecor
#canada #politics #business #rogers #shaw #Competition #competitionlaw #mergers #competitionbureau #canadianmedia #freedom #quebecor
I'd hope it's not about *them* being able to agree on anything: it's about finding concrete solutions that work for consumers and promote competitive processes.
RT @CompetitionLaws
Although their approach is different, judges and economists can find a common ground.
#PierreREGIBEAU @EU_Competition @EU_Commission #CompetitionLaw
#pierreregibeau #competitionlaw
RT @haucap: #CompetitionLaw and #Antitrust alert: In this episode, @ruppe_p and I @HHU_de switch to English and chat with Inge Bernaerts, Director for Policy and Strategy of @EU_Competition, about merger control, antitrust and Regulation 1/2003 #kartellrecht https://open.spotify.com/episode/5caoV4UUVHKwb86K1oPe9z?si=9uJOwPldSFGOXQJHZlU6wg&nd=1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Competition/status/1626218818099093505
#competitionlaw #antitrust #kartellrecht
#ECJ: a national rule according to which, costs are to be borne by each party equally in the event that a claim is upheld in part is compatible with #EU law #actionsfordamages #competitionlaw 👉 https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/Jo2_7052/
#ECJ #EU #actionsfordamages #competitionlaw
"If you want to look at the future of what it looks like, Big Tech being regulated in Europe, you need to head to Berlin instead of Brussels, at least for now."
🔘https://www.ft.com/content/1a6efc1e-9451-4606-875c-0499b59507c9 #competitionlaw #antitrust #EUPolicy #DSA #DMA #digitalmarketsact #digitalservicesact #tech
#competitionlaw #antitrust #EUPolicy #DSA #dma #digitalmarketsact #digitalservicesact #tech
Did you miss our recent webinar on #CompetitionLaw in the data economy? Read our news piece for the recap of the webinar where we discussed how the evolving legal landscape will affect data markets and more.
👉 Read more: http://bit.ly/3l1tZe9
#DataEuropaAcademy #EUOpenData
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_opendata/status/1623275500801232896
#competitionlaw #DataEuropaAcademy #EUopendata
In this short video, I explain the main aspects of my research on Chinese competition law, and list my main publications to date on the topic. Thank you to my Faculty #CUHK #Law for showcasing my work! #antitrust #competitionlaw #china #lawprof #lawprofs #digitaleconomy #alibaba #tencent #meituan #AML
#aml #meituan #tencent #alibaba #digitaleconomy #lawprofs #lawprof #china #competitionlaw #antitrust #law #CUHK
RT @HardemanHildeML: How will the proposed #DataAct impact #datasharing practices in Europe? What #CompetitionLaw issues could arise? To find out, register for our data.europa academy webinar ‘Competition law in the data economy’ on 27 January, 10.00-11.30 CET: https://t.co/v4WrwVA4YU @EU_Competition
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_opendata/status/1617578966675779584
#dataact #DataSharing #competitionlaw
RT @HardemanHildeML: How will the proposed #DataAct impact #datasharing practices in Europe? What #CompetitionLaw issues could arise? To find out, register for our data.europa academy webinar ‘Competition law in the data economy’ on 27 January, 10.00-11.30 CET: https://t.co/v4WrwVA4YU @EU_Competition
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUTenders/status/1617579865905168384
#dataact #DataSharing #competitionlaw