#Complementarianism is a new phenomenon, articulated in the 1980s in response to #evangelical #feminism
#complementarianism #evangelical #feminism
A “Biblical” wife is supposed to “submit” to her husband in the same way the Church submits to Christ. The wife is his “subject” and he is her king and lord. He is like a god to her.
#LGBTQ #Marriage #Misogyny #MarriageEquality #Complementarianism
#lgbtq #marriage #misogyny #marriageequality #complementarianism
Barbie and Ken make us question these assumptions about biology-based gender roles and male dominance and female subordination, and about the way many religious groups now want to depict biology-determined gender roles and the male right to rul as the very heart of religion — when it's not.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
It's all about the complementarianism, the belief that male and female roles are biologically determined, with a creator God determining that males are dominant and females are submissive, males meant to rule and run things and females to obey and submit — and Barbie and Ken run smack up against all these assumptions.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
Rick Pidcock, who grew up in a right-wing white evangelical family and was forbidden to watch "Toy Story" because its trailer featured a group of bikini-clad Barbies, explains why the patriarchy is hyperventilating over Barbie.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
How 'complementarianism' – the belief that God assigned specific gender roles – became part of evangelical doctrine https://theconversation.com/how-complementarianism-the-belief-that-god-assigned-specific-gender-roles-became-part-of-evangelical-doctrine-158758
>Complementarianism became central to evangelical belief in response to the feminist movement of the 1970s when many Christians came to champion women’s equality.
#Evangelikale #SouthernBaptistConvention #complementarianism
#evangelikale #southernbaptistconvention #complementarianism
Life in the #SBC right now is like:
#Patriarchy: Men and women are equal in dignity and worth
#Complementarianism: Right
P: And God gave them distinct roles
C: Okay
P: And these roles are defined by men being in charge in every relational context
C: What
P: It's right there in the curse pronounced to Eve
C: But, it's, like, a *curse*
P: God commands you to agree with me, repent and make me a sandwich
#sbc #patriarchy #complementarianism
"I don’t think the two studies side-by-side are unconnected or simply coincidental. There are threads between them. They are of a piece, a single, smothering cloth.
It is no fun watching people undo your liberation, especially when you are young."
#misogyny #WhiteChristianNationalism #patriarchy #gender #complementarianism
#misogyny #whitechristiannationalism #patriarchy #gender #complementarianism
White Christian nationalist ideology comprises a notion called complementarianism developed by right-wing Christians in response to the rise of feminism in the latter half of the 20th century.
Complementarianism stresses that males and females have complementary roles, and the female role is to be subordinate to males.
#misogyny #WhiteChristianNationalism #patriarchy #gender #complementarianism
#misogyny #whitechristiannationalism #patriarchy #gender #complementarianism
Casting out faith leaders for abusing their power and calling them to repentance is a core tenet of #Christian theology. That #MacArthur and his church are willing to ignore this for the sake of reputation, #complementarianism, and expediency casts serious doubt on any shred of theological orthodoxy he had left.
#christian #macarthur #complementarianism
We’re Live!
I’m joining @thekateboyd & Amanda Waldron, co-hosting Season 6 of Happy & Holy Podcast. They didn’t know any better. 😈 Listen here! 🎙
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #christiannationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #SBC #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity
#churchabuse #spiritualabuse #emotionalabuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #ChristianNationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #sbc #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity #churchabuse #SpiritualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
It’s wild how ev Christians want so desperately to change my mind about full and equal acceptance of my #LGBTQIA friends, to look the other way at #complementarianism.
My reply: I DID do my homework. I DID read and pray about this. And I’m choosing Jesus. And I’m choosing love.