Any Niels Bohr experts out there in the #Fediverse? His principle of #complementarity—expansively, that *how* we know is part of *what* we know—is clearly applicable to the social sciences, as Bohr frequently speculated. But if so, we social scientists must do our best to understand it closer to its origin in we? One recent paper: can someone walk me through it?
Barbie and Ken make us question these assumptions about biology-based gender roles and male dominance and female subordination, and about the way many religious groups now want to depict biology-determined gender roles and the male right to rul as the very heart of religion — when it's not.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
It's all about the complementarianism, the belief that male and female roles are biologically determined, with a creator God determining that males are dominant and females are submissive, males meant to rule and run things and females to obey and submit — and Barbie and Ken run smack up against all these assumptions.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
Rick Pidcock, who grew up in a right-wing white evangelical family and was forbidden to watch "Toy Story" because its trailer featured a group of bikini-clad Barbies, explains why the patriarchy is hyperventilating over Barbie.
#Barbie #gender #GenderRoles #MaleDomination #MalePrivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#barbie #gender #genderroles #maledomination #maleprivilege #complementarianism #complementarity
#MenasKafatos - What Does #QuantumTheory Mean?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Complementarity #Entanglement #Metaphysics #Indeterminacy #Uncertainty #NonLocality #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #nonlocality #uncertainty #indeterminacy #metaphysics #entanglement #complementarity #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #philosophyofscience #philosophy #quantumtheory #menaskafatos
#JeffTollaksen - What Is #Ultimate #Reality?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Cosmology #Physics #FundamentalPhysics #UltimateReality #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Complementarity #Uncertainly #UncertaintyPrinciple #Time #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #time #uncertaintyprinciple #uncertainly #complementarity #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #ultimatereality #fundamentalphysics #physics #cosmology #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #reality #ultimate #jefftollaksen
Georgia pastor Mike Stone, running for the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention, says the church he pastors is the "strictest of the strict complementarians," and he wants this for the whole SBC.
Translation: I promote the dominance of heterosexual males like me over everyone else in the world, especially women and LGBTQ people. And I'm all about pretending that this is how God sees things, too,
#southernbaptists #complementarity #maleentitlement
Reality is inherently mysterious and ambiguous.
#humility #ambiguity #science #spirituality #complementarity
#complementarity #spirituality #science #ambiguity #humility
Li used #plant traits (plant height, leaf thickness, #SLA , #LDMC ) from 26 species in a #globalchange #grassland #experiment to disentangle #intraspecific and #interspecific components of #dominance and #complementarity and their impact on productivity. We studied how #warming and #nitrogen fertilization impact community functional #composition and #diversity at intra- and interspecific level and how this in turn affects aboveground #productivity. (2/3)
#plant #sla #ldmc #globalchange #grassland #experiment #intraspecific #interspecific #dominance #complementarity #warming #nitrogen #composition #diversity #productivity
Murray #Bookchin had was a radical ecologist, political thinker, and philosopher who had a pretty significant effect on my outlook. We don't idolize him or anyone; but i think his overall analysis of the ecological-social crisis and his vision of a society based on #usufruct #complementarity and the #irreducibleminimum is very worth reading.
his writing can be dense, so consider Janet Biehl's contribution:
#Bookchin #usufruct #complementarity #irreducibleminimum #socialecology #Communalism #ecology #municipalism
Historical introduction to #LAWS, #LANGUAGE and #LIFE
#HH_Pattee's classic papers on the #physics of #symbols, #epistemology, #quantum_measurement, #complementarity, #hierarchy_theory, and #artificial_life, with contemporary commentaries by Howard Pattee and Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi.
#laws #physics #symbols #life #quantum_measurement #complementarity #artificial_life #language #HH_Pattee #epistemology #hierarchy_theory