Thought I should put myself out there and do a detailed #introduction.
Hi 👋 I'm a #PublicHealth #researcher and #educator working at the University of Technology Sydney in the Institute for Sustainable Futures and the Health Research Institute. I have an eclectic background in #GraphicDesign, #HerbalMedicine, #HealthScience and #Psychology (#PhD).
Previously my main area of research was #HealthCare decision-making and #health services research mostly in #ComplementaryMedicine—I still do some of this. Now my main area of research is #PlanetaryHealth focused. I use #SystemsThinking to understand the impact of #EnvironmentalChange (inc #ClimateChange #pollution #contamination) on #health and #wellbeing and use #transdisiplinary methods to change policy and practice. I also teach in these areas.
I've a special interest in #MentalHealth and #wellbeing, #EnvironmentalPsychology and #KnowledgeTranslation.
I'm also passionate about supporting #PhD #HDR students. I have a side gig called Thrive Academia I started with a good friend when we thought everything was falling apart in academia. We run #AcademicWriting retreats and workshops (see link in profile).
I have #ADHD and am keen to connect with other #academics who share this experience as it can be hard and lonely.
Outside work I love #music 🎸(esp on #vinyl and live), #birds 🦆, #drawing, #nature 🌸, #gardening ☘️ and #vintage design (esp 1920s to 1960s).
Looking forward to this adventure on #mastodon and making connections.
#introduction #publichealth #researcher #educator #graphicdesign #herbalmedicine #healthscience #psychology #phd #healthcare #health #complementarymedicine #planetaryhealth #systemsthinking #environmentalchange #climatechange #pollution #contamination #wellbeing #transdisiplinary #mentalhealth #environmentalpsychology #knowledgetranslation #hdr #academicwriting #adhd #academics #music #vinyl #birds #drawing #nature #gardening #vintage #mastodon