✅ This is where I am in the #CMRO #CompleteMarvelReadingOrder right now. Everything in brown is something I own in a colour trade (Epics or CCs). Not long now until... #InfinityWar! #excited
#cmro #completemarvelreadingorder #infinitywar #excited #marvel #comics
On Sale Date: August 11, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 544,900 (average #355-369).
Wizard Top 100: #16.
#DavidMichelinie (75 of 99).
#davidmichelinie #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
#Marvel #Sleepwalker #14 (1992) - 8/10
Interesting idea for a story arc.
1️⃣ "That makes you no better than a junkie!"
2️⃣ SW battles Spectra to get the stolen diamond back, but he wants it for himself. He needs it, in fact. Something which gives the comic an interesting dynamic. The parallels with drug addiction aren't subtle, but they work really well.
On Sale Date: May 12, 1992.
#BobBudiansky (14 of 32).
#BretBlevins (12 of 15).
#marvel #sleepwalker #bobbudiansky #bretblevins #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
4️⃣ It's a lot of fun. The jokey stuff is kept to a minimum, too.
On Sale Date: August 4, 1992.
#JohnByrne (14 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ Final appearance of #PoppaWheelie and #WideLoadAnnie, regulars in the #US1 series, who found a new home here (as recurring guest stars) whenever Jennifer went into outer space.
4️⃣ Xemnu won't be seen again for 12 years.
On Sale Date: July 7, 1992.
#JohnByrne (13 of 19).
#poppawheelie #wideloadannie #us1 #johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ One villain dies. But the other two escape and each will pop one more time in the 1990s.
4️⃣ Only took them four years to get here, but this is the best issue of EXCALIBUR.
On Sale Date: September 1, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #49.
#AlanDavis (14 of 23).
#alandavis #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
3️⃣ In other news, Kylun leaves the team for a while to go home to his family (who probably believe him to be dead). And #Psylocke and #CaptainBritain have a well-written reunion/conversation. Often, words get in the way of a good fight sequence. Or training sequence, in this case. But Davis knows how to narrate action and improve it.
On Sale Date: August 18, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #55.
#AlanDavis (13 of 23).
#psylocke #captainbritain #alandavis #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
4️⃣ The best moments were probably the lighter ones, scenes with banter/flirting between the regulars. Nicieza seems to like writing Rogue and Gambit.
On Sale Date: July 21, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #4.
#FabianNicieza (2 of 43).
#fabiannicieza #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
And the battle that follows is good, with a bed-ridden Tony operating the suit remotely.
3️⃣ Great final page.
On Sale Date: April 28, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #55.
#LenKaminski (5 of 49).
#KevinHopgood (2 of 25).
#lenkaminski #kevinhopgood #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
#Marvel #IronMan #280 (1992) - 9/10
Very good story.
1️⃣ "Greetings, Anthony Stark. Welcome to the 28th Century."
2️⃣ A really engaging self-contained adventure. Not driven by action/violence. Downbeat ending.
3️⃣ Loved the art, too.
On Sale Date: March 31, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #51.
#LenKaminski (4 of 49).
#KevinHopgood (1 of 25).
#marvel #ironman #lenkaminski #kevinhopgood #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: June 2, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 209,433 (average #10-21).
Wizard Top 100: #53.
#DannyFingeroth (18 of 57).
#MikeManley (18 of 26).
#dannyfingeroth #mikemanley #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: May 5, 1992.
#JohnByrne (11 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
#Marvel #SilverSable #1 (1992) - 6/10
1️⃣ Silver Sable, #SpiderMan & #Sandman battle HYDRA to save some students held hostage in a school.
2️⃣ 6 pages are wasted on a boring training exercise. The rest is by-the-numbers action. Bland, inoffensive. Having an unpleasant protagonist is something fresh, but the script lays it on a big too thick.
On Sale Date: April 14, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #5.
#GregoryWright (1 of 34).
#StevenButler (1 of 20).
#marvel #silversable #spiderman #sandman #gregorywright #stevenbutler #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
Then that gets forgotten, and our hero stops driving around town to fight some ninjas on the street (and to threaten #Daredevil).
3️⃣ It's entertaining, but disjointed.
On Sale Date: July 28, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 168,317 (average #37-48).
Wizard Top 100: #46.
#ChuckDixon (8 of 26).
#JohnHebert (2 of 3).
#daredevil #chuckdixon #johnhebert #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: February 9, 1993.
#DanAbnett (28 of 33).
#JohnTomlinson (28 of 32).
#DanAbnett #johntomlinson #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: April 7, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 61,907 (average #34-45).
Wizard Top 100: #92.
#JohnByrne (10 of 19).
#johnbyrne #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
But, it could also be that his powers are fading away. Maybe I'm underestimating the author and this is foreshadowing another storyline.
5️⃣ On the whole, this was a chore to read and parts were indecipherable.
On Sale Date: July 7, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 230,475 (average #299-310).
Wizard Top 100: #52.
#DGChichester (17 of 38).
#ScottMcDaniel (4 of 26).
#dgchichester #scottmcdaniel #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: April 7, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 230,475 (average #299-310).
Wizard Top 100: #51.
#DGChichester (14 of 38).
#ScottMcDaniel (1 of 26).
#dgchichester #scottmcdaniel #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
The question is, why should we care?🤔
On Sale Date: March 24, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #8.
#FabianNicieza (10 of 50).
#fabiannicieza #90scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder