Well more anon. I know him not.
My children. O hell kite.
Did you say all. Yet Here's a spot.
How came she by that light.
#CompleteShakespeare #Ballad
I am much bound to you. We'll wait upon
Your lordship. Good my lord or if I do
Believe twas he. Trust me I could do much
OTHELLO. Good my lord. What dost thou ask.
#CompleteShakespeare #Blank
Go after after cousin BUCKINGHAM
At several doors. Go after cousin should
Suspect me that I mean no good to him.
But Leaving this What is your brother's son.
#CompleteShakespeare #Blank
He cannot choose. If he slay me he does
Fair justice if he give me way I'll do
His country service is here. What's thy name.
Where is this fellow. Here's no place for you.
#CompleteShakespeare #Verse
But while I say one prayer. Still as the grave.
O good my lord my lord. Thy husband say
That she was false. If he say so may his
Pernicious soul rot half a grain a day.
#CompleteShakespeare #Verse
Then POMPEY or How.
What think you. The maid will I
Not POMPEY nor now.
#CompleteShakespeare #Haiku
Tis too true she is mad. It cannot be.
Was she well. O sir when did you see her.
Here they are. This is strange. Come hither you
Are master take about. Pray goe on sir.
#CompleteShakespeare #Verse
Not so sir I do
Care for you. Rain odours well.
Rain odours on you.
#CompleteShakespeare #Haiku
Fly fly fly. Fly fly fly. His son am I
Deny it not. To equal him I say.
Now show yourselves men tis for liberty.
Let me alone as secret as I may.
#CompleteShakespeare #Verse
Bless you good father. What think you of it.
Go mend go mend go mend. He must before
The prison POMPEY you will keep the house.
Farewell good POMPEY. Bawd is he think you.
#CompleteShakespeare #Blank
And my help. If you spite it for yours for
I will kiss thee. There will I leave you too
For here comes one in haste. In spite of your
Heart I think. It is my lord. Tis most true.
Reads from a scroll. Give me your hand before
This FRIAR I am dumb. And How do you.
Good morrow CLAUDIO. This same is she
And I do this rite. Suffer love for me.
#CompleteShakespeare #Ottava
As I have life and honour there shall he
Sit till noon. Stocks brought out. Come bring away.
The open country. What s he that hath
So much thy place mistook to set thee here.
#CompleteShakespeare #Blank
Zounds ye whore. No boy not so I'll teach thee
Another course. And uncle so will I
An if I live. Who comes here. O tell me
Did you see AARON now. It shall not die.
And we'll be waited on. Now help or woe
Betide thee evermore. Ay just a verse
In Horace. What's the news. And uncle so
Will I an if I live. What must it NURSE.
And that would she for twe…
#CompleteShakespeare #Sonnet
Fool goes in. Poor fool and knave I
Have him now and there. Go to thy
Cold bed and warm thee.
O do de do de.
Tom s a cold. Let him trot by.
#CompleteShakespeare #Limerick
#completeshakespeare #limerick
Tis almost five O
Clock cousin I cannot smell.
What means the fool trow.
#CompleteShakespeare #Haiku
My lord tis nothing. Is he not thine own.
Have we more sons. God save your grace alone.
#CompleteShakespeare #Couplet
Look after her. Out damned spot. I have known
What you should not. How came she by that light.
I think but dare not speak. Was he not born
Of woman. Death of thy soul. So good night.
#CompleteShakespeare #Verse
Ay by my faith that bears a frosty sound.
Lay out lay out lay out. Faith sir John I
Fear we shall stay too long. What is the KING
Knows at What time to promise when to pay.
#CompleteShakespeare #Blank
What Robin I say. Will you go
Home with me. Come come come.
You little Robin. Tis not so
That you have such a one.
#CompleteShakespeare #Ballad
I buy a rope and bring it home to me.
Then you will bring the chain. Swart like my shoe
But her name. What's her name. But soft I see
The goldsmith. What's her name. Made it for you.
I pray you sir receive the money now
For fear you ne'er see chain nor money more.
I know it well sir I will walk till thou
Return to me. What's her name. What is your
#CompleteShakespeare #Sonnet