Platinum Trophy No. 161: Exoprimal
Horde style games will always be fun on the surface level and there is an interesting storyline that follows alongside the online matches in a detective style clue board as you find data files and unlock cutscenes
#Exoprimal #PlatinumTrophy #PlatinumTrophyHunter #Completionist #Completionistgamer #Capcom #Dinosaurs #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames
#exoprimal #platinumtrophy #platinumtrophyhunter #completionist #completionistgamer #capcom #dinosaurs #gamer #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
Digits #120 (15/15⭐)
55 (55) ➖➗✖✖➖
173 (173) ✖➖✖➕➖
246 (246) ➕✖➖➕➕
328 (328) ✖➖✖➖✖
424 (424) ✖✖➖➕➖
Goodbye, #nytimesdigits
#nytimesdigits #completionist #digits
It's been a while since I've made a polymer #clay figure, but today I did. I made Jirard the #Completionist as #Hestu from #Zelda #BreathOfTheWild and #TearsOfTheKingdom.
I'm planning on seeing him in Seattle at his show during #PaxWest, so maybe I'll give it to him then.
I added an #amiibo chip sticker to the bottom and programmed it to scan as the upcoming Ganondorf for #TotK.
#totk #Amiibo #paxwest #tearsofthekingdom #BreathoftheWild #zelda #hestu #completionist #clay
Do you care about achievements in video games?
#steam #xbox #playstation #achievements #completionist #casualgames #gaming #games
#steam #xbox #playstation #achievements #completionist #casualgames #gaming #games
Digits #83 (15/15⭐)
95 (95) ✖✖✖➗➕
194 (194) ✖➖✖➕➕
202 (202) ➖✖➖✖➕
321 (321) ➖✖➗➕➖
421 (421) ✖➖➕➕➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
I may stop posting these, because even the completionist variant (must use all numbers) is getting pretty easy at this point. I think if I get a chance, I may work on my own similar game.
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #82 (15/15⭐)
61 (61) ✖➕➕✖➕
162 (162) ✖➖➕➖➕
232 (232) ✖✖➖➕➕
314 (314) ➕✖➗✖➕
466 (466) ✖➕➕➗➕
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #80 (15/15⭐)
75 (75) ➗➕➕✖➕
176 (176) ➖➕➕➖✖
246 (246) ➕✖➗➕➖
398 (398) ✖✖➕➖➖
407 (407) ✖✖➖➕➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
176 (as 8*22) took way too long.
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #77 (15/15⭐)
59 (59) ✖➕➖✖➖
162 (162) ➕✖✖➖➕
229 (229) ➕✖➕➖➕
354 (354) ➕✖✖➖➖
443 (443) ➕➕➖✖➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #76 (15/15⭐)
88 (88) ✖✖➕➖➕
111 (111) ➗➖✖✖➕
262 (262) ✖➖➖➖➖
348 (348) ✖➖➖➖➖
482 (482) ➕➕✖➖➕
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #75 (15/15⭐)
91 (91) ✖➖➖➖➖
147 (147) ✖➖➖➕✖
224 (224) ➖✖➖➖➖
388 (388) ➕✖➖➖➕
439 (439) ➕➖✖➕➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #74 (15/15⭐)
65 (65) ✖➗➖✖➖
127 (127) ✖➖✖➕➖
295 (295) ➖✖➖➖➕
306 (306) ✖➕➖➕✖
410 (410) ➕✖➖➖➕
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #73 (15/15⭐)
68 (68) ✖✖➕✖➖
121 (121) ➗➗➖➕✖
278 (278) ✖✖➗➕➖
311 (311) ✖✖➖➕➕
484 (484) ✖➖➗➖➕
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #72 (15/15⭐)
92 (92) ✖✖➖➖➖
171 (171) ✖✖➖➖➕
232 (232) ✖➖➕➖➕
335 (335) ✖➕✖✖➕
414 (414) ✖➖➕➗➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #71 (15/15⭐)
54 (54) ✖➖➗➕➕
168 (168) ✖➖➕✖✖
234 (234) ➖➖➕✖✖
301 (301) ✖✖➕➕➖
473 (473) ✖➖➕➗➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #71 (15/15⭐)
54 (54) ✖➖➗➕➕
168 (168) ✖➖➕✖✖
234 (234) ➖➖➕✖✖
301 (301) ✖✖➕➕➖
473 (473) ✖➖➕➗➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #70 (15/15⭐)
69 (69) ➕✖➕➕➕
121 (121) ➖➗➕➖✖
219 (219) ➖✖➖✖➕
397 (397) ✖✖✖➖➖
416 (416) ✖➕➖✖➕
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #69 (15/15⭐)
56 (56) ✖✖➕➕➖
197 (197) ➗➕✖➕➕
252 (252) ➖➗✖➕✖
389 (389) ✖✖➖➖➕
411 (411) ✖➖✖➕➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #68 (15/15⭐)
71 (71) ➕✖➖✖➕
174 (174) ✖➖➕➖✖
213 (213) ✖➖➖✖➕
341 (341) ✖➕➖➖➖
407 (407) ✖➕➗➖➖
#completionist #nytimesdigits #digits
Digits #67 (15/15⭐)
79 (79) ➕➕✖✖➕
128 (128) ✖➕➖➖✖
291 (291) ➕➖➖✖➖
374 (374) ✖➕➖➖➕
483 (483) ➗➖✖➕✖
#digits #nytimesdigits #completionist
(Calling my "use all the numbers" version "completionist digits")
#digits #nytimesdigits #completionist
247hrs of gameplay later, I’ve just got the #PlatinumTrophy on #ACValhalla.
I love the #AssassinsCreed franchise, they’re my absolute favourite to play and have been for a very long time. I definitely get my money’s worth out of them.
Getting #platinum on them is something I’m really quite chuffed with. If you play the #AC games, you’ll know why that is. This shit ain’t easy!
Now to tackle the DLCs. 😁
#platinumtrophy #acvalhalla #assassinscreed #platinum #ac #completionist #ps5 #gaming