People: Why are #laws so #complex? Why aren't they just #simple?
Me: Go read the Wikipedia page on Speedy Deletion.
Turns out #collaborative #policymaking is #cray cray.
#simple #collaborative #policymaking #cray #laws #complex
Happy anniversary to Gary Numan’s debut solo album, ‘The Pleasure Principle’. Released this week in 1979. #garynuman #tubewayarmy #thepleasureprinciple #cars #complex
#garynuman #TubewayArmy #thepleasureprinciple #cars #complex
A New Idea for How to Assemble Life
If we want to understand #complex #constructions, such as ourselves, #AssemblyTheory says we must account for the entire #history of how such entities came to be.
#originsoflife #complex #constructions #assemblytheory #history
Duas novas postagens no sobre números complexos, utilizando #Python e sua biblioteca #Sympy para efetuar as operações matemáticas.
Pt.1: Introdução e Representação Cartesiana e operações básicas:
Pt.2: Forma Polar, exponenciais, raízes, funções complexas e Cauchy-Riemann:
Os códigos destas postagens podem ser encontrados aqui:
Fico à disposição para sugestões, dúvidas.
#complex #numbers #math #theory
#python #sympy #complex #numbers #math #theory
"Onward Ride" by Jugi, from Dope 🌌 by Complex (1995) #Dope #Complex #Jugi #DemoScene #PC #Demo #TheGathering1995 #DemoParty #MastoMusic #MastoRadio #MyGeekPlaylist 🎧 #115
#dope #complex #jugi #demoscene #pc #demo #thegathering1995 #demoparty #mastomusic #mastoradio #mygeekplaylist
I'm still amazed by this every time. Watch the transient dynamics (relatively synchronous dampening #oscillations) of autotroph biomass in a 5-patch #metacommunity turn into an oscillatory #Turing pattern with completely asynchronous dynamics. #Emergence in #complex #systems #science
#oscillations #metacommunity #turing #emergence #complex #systems #science
"Is the #ClimateCrisis finally catching up with #Antarctica? Finding the answer has never been more pressing - Our inability to confidently predict sea level rise between an extremely challenging two metres and a civilisation-ending 10 metres is an exemplar of the problem facing researchers"
Andrew Meijers, Oceanographer with British Antarctic Survey, writes in today's #Guardian (07.08.2023); a compelling and chilling read.
"The global #climate is one hugely #complex interconnected system. While the #Antarctic and Southern Ocean are far removed from our daily lives, they play an oversized role in this system and the future climate that concerns humanity now. “Global warming” is really “ocean warming”. The atmospheric temperature change, the 1.5C Paris target we are now perilously near to exceeding, really is only a few percent of our total excess trapped heat. Almost all the rest is in the ocean and it is around Antarctica that it is predominantly taken up. How this uptake may change in the future as winds, temperatures and ice shift is a critical scientific, and human, question.
hese last few months have been a turbulent time to be an oceanographer, particularly one specialising in the vast Southern Ocean around Antarctica and its role in our climate. The media has been awash with stories of marine heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, the potential collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by mid-century and the record-breaking deficit in Antarctic sea ice emerging this southern winter. Alongside heatwaves and bushfires in North America and southern Europe, flooding in China and South American winter temperatures above 38C, the climate has moved from a “future problem” to a “now problem” in the minds of many."
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Klima #Klimakrise #OceanWarming #OceanHeating #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #CO2 #Heatwave #Heatwaves #Drought #SeaLevelRise
#ClimateCrisis #antarctica #guardian #climate #complex #Antarctic #ClimateEmergency #Klima #KlimaKrise #OceanWarming #oceanheating #globalwarming #globalheating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #co2 #heatwave #heatwaves #drought #sealevelrise
Event: Seminar on Computational #Neuroscience of Complex Systems
#neuroscience #complex #systems
In an order issued in Ft.Pierce, FL, US Dist Judge #AileenCannon says #evidence in the case is "extremely voluminous & will require substantial time to review" & includes #classified & #TopSecret #documents that require special handling procedures (defendant’s fault). She also says the case meets the #legal def of a "#complex" case, requiring a more #ExtendedTrialSchedule.
#Trump #trial #Delay #obstruction #espionage #law #justice #DOJ #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #RepublicanPresidentialPrimary
#aileencannon #evidence #classified #topsecret #documents #legal #complex #extendedtrialschedule #trump #trial #delay #obstruction #espionage #law #justice #doj #specialcounsel #jacksmith #republicanpresidentialprimary
A simple #mechanism for #collective #decision-making in the absence of #payoff #information
"Individual #ants budget the time they spend in #chains depending on their distance to the ground, and a distance-based model of chain formation explains the emergence of this tradeoff without the need to invoke #complex #cognition"
#cognition #complex #chains #ants #information #payoff #decision #collective #mechanism
勝手に80'sマイブーム。かっこよい時代#uniunaunauna #VITA #BEMYBABY #complex #tiktok
#uniunaunauna #vita #bemybaby #complex #tiktok
Whenever I assign junior #programmers a substantive task, they inevitably return with a #complex solution. I would then analyse their solution, simplify it, and show the simpler version to them, they respond every time, "OK, what's so great about that? It's so stupidly #simple."🤷
A little piece I spoke to, and which my #ANU #Cybernetics colleague, Lauren Pay, wrangled into coherence - it's about the history of #speechRecognition as a #complex #system - and how the ANU School of Cybernetics can help you learn how to interrogate and shape such systems.
Written to promote the school's new short courses.
Check it out at:
#anu #cybernetics #speechrecognition #complex #system
Every time I hear a #programmer refers to something complicated as #complex or #convoluted, the #EE in me shivers.
#ee #convoluted #complex #programmer
random #american #superiority #complex #meme :
#american #superiority #complex #meme