[1] Levin, S.A., 1999. Fragile dominion: complexity and the commons. Perseus Books, Reading, Massachusetts, United States. ISBN 978-0-7382-0111-5
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Mathematical Alarms Could Help Predict and Avoid Climate Tipping Points
A new study finds that mathematical tools can find #EarlyWarningSignals that can accurately predict #climate #TippingPoints. (@insideclimatenews)
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#introduction Hello! I am an Associate Professor in Management and Project Management. I am interested in #complexsystems #systemsthinking #complexadaptivesystems #sensemaking #criticalrealism #qualitativeresearch #methodology and #management #projectmanagement #entrepreneurship #noise #decisionmaking #conflictresolution #negotiation I have two book chapters with #springer numerous others with #igi a tutorial on #netbeans #java and a tutorial on #contentanalysis in a research methodology book. I teach Principles of Management, Project Management, Contemporary Issues in Management, Managing Complex Projects, Applied Research Methods, Qualitative Techniques, and Critical Review of Literature.
#complexadaptivesystems #sensemaking #methodology #management #projectmanagement #entrepreneurship #noise #decisionmaking #conflictresolution #springer #igi #introduction #complexsystems #systemsthinking #criticalrealism #qualitativeresearch #negotiation #netbeans #java #contentanalysis