Is there any work that has been done on, like, analyzing the #complexity of proofs in the same way complexity of algorithms are analyzed? Like minimum number of steps to reach some proposition from assumptions. I'm sure from a dependent types perspective you can put bounds on the complexity of constructing a value of a certain type, for example. #math #proof
I'm going to read Cormac McCarthy's "The Passenger" and "Stella Maris", two connected novels, that in Spain have been translated and edited together. In both novels science and the scientists play an important role.
Cormac McCarthy was interested in science, and especially since he began to be vinculated to the Santa Fe Institute. The SFI is a research center that puts an emphasis on whole systems over reductionist approaches, its complex systems line of research is perhaps its most famous.
Cormac McCarthy was a close friend of one of the founders of the SFI: the physicist Murray Gell-Mann. In the SFI's own words: "Cormac and Murray discovered that they shared a keen interest in just about everything under the sun and became fast friends."
What a great luck, to be surrounded by great luminaries, to be stimulated and learnt from them, and they from him! #literature #books #physics #complexity
#complexity #physics #books #literature
"A key principle of PKM is that no one has the right answer, but together we can create better ways of understanding complex systems. We each need to find others who are sharing their knowledge flow and in turn contribute our own. It’s not about being a better digital librarian, it’s about becoming a participating member of a networked organization, economy and society."
@harold Jarche
#pkm #PKmastery #complexity #Komplexität
#pkm #pkmastery #complexity #komplexitat #lernenimwandel
#MeisterKonfus sagt, ignoriere die Widersprüchlichkeiten der #Komplexität und versuche möglichst alles in Form von Regeln festzuzurren. Varianzen und Spielräume können durchführen, dass eventuell besser Lösungen entwickelt werden. Das ist tunlichst zu vermeiden.
#Konfus says, ignore the contradictions of #complexity and try to fix everything in the form of rules. Variances and leeway can lead to better solutions being developed. That is to be avoided at all costs.
#meisterkonfus #komplexitat #konfus #complexity
Great article on #senior #engineers and measuring #contribution instead of #storypoints - I couldn't agree more.
"The Worst #Programmer I Know - Dan North & Associates Ltd"
#engineering #engineers #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
#senior #engineers #contribution #storypoints #programmer #engineering #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
COMPLEXITY. An new overview on complexity science has dropped and I'm wonder whether to make it my weekend audiobook.
#complexityscience #complexity #biology #ecosystems
Question :
Could it be, that humanity is slowly being overwhelmed by the complexity of its own society / existence ?
What do you think ?
#governance #complexity #question
#Complexity #SoftwareEngineering #JamesLewis #Programming #ProgrammingAnarchy #Tech #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareTechnology #SoftwareCycles #ProgrammingCycles #DesignPatterns #TeamTopologies #SoftwareArchitecture #Microservices #Scale #Thoughtworks #ScaleDown #SelfSimilarity #SelfOrganization #Emergence #CorporateMetabolism
#complexity #softwareengineering #jameslewis #programming #programminganarchy #tech #softwaredevelopment #softwaretechnology #softwarecycles #programmingcycles #designpatterns #teamtopologies #softwarearchitecture #microservices #scale #thoughtworks #scaledown #selfsimilarity #selforganization #emergence #corporatemetabolism
“In plain words, Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.”
– Henry Adams, “The Education of Henry Adams (An Autobiography)”
Finding Life by Looking for #Complexity
#LeeCronin on life, assembly theory, #evolution, #entropy, time | #ThingInItself
#podcast #planetaryradio #complexity #assemblytheory #leecronin #evolution #entropy #thinginitself
Last week, I presented the work I did with prof. Kuldeep Meel and prof. Arunabha Sen at IJCAI 2023.
We showed the benefits of reducing a problem to a computationally harder problem (yes, you read that right!), by demonstrating how it allows us to solve much larger problem instances.
It was so much fun to finally share this work with so many fantastic researchers at IJCAI! Thank you to all organisers for making this conference possible. I'm also super grateful to the reviewers who gave us great feedback!
Please find our paper, slides, poster, a short video, and our open source tool, gismo, here:
#IJCAI2023 #IJCAI #AcademicMastodon #FOSS #PostdocLife #ConstraintProgramming #BooleanSatisfiability #Complexity #AcademicChatter #OpenSource #OpenSourceSoftware
#opensourcesoftware #opensource #academicchatter #complexity #booleansatisfiability #constraintprogramming #postdoclife #foss #academicmastodon #ijcai #ijcai2023
🎥 Now available: Algorithmic Lower Bounds Lessons 2 & 3 by Mohammad Hajiaghayi - NP-Completeness and Beyond
🔗 Lesson 2:
🔗 Lesson 3:
📺 Subscribe for more @hajiaghayi
Dive into #complexity, #NPvsP, #PSPACE, #reductions, and more!
#reductions #pspace #npvsp #complexity
New Hacking the Grepson podcast episode is out!
Hacking the Grepson 048: P vs NP
Buckle up, everyone: we're tackling a weighty subject that's plagued tech for decades, and it ain't just peanuts.
Episode Link:
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#HackingTheGrepson #podcast #programming #development #pvsnp #complexity #onotation
#HackingTheGrepson #Podcast #programming #development #pvsnp #complexity #onotation
looks amazing!
#psychology #philosophy #biology #conference #complexity #explanation
#explanation #complexity #conference #biology #philosophy #psychology
Causality: Questioning a Deceptively Complex Idea
Causality is a concept that most of us feel we intuitively understand. At its core, causality refers to the relationship between cause and effect – the idea that one event or phenomenon leads to or produces another. But peel back the layers of this deceptively simple definition, and causality quickly becomes complex, controversial, and central to how we understand the natural world.
#causality #complexity #naturalworld
The #Weirdest #Particles in the #Universe : Sci Am
#LK-99 isn’t a #Superconductor — how science sleuths solved the #Mystery : Nature
#Complexity Theory’s 50-Year Journey to the Limits of #Knowledge : Quanta Mag
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #knowledge #complexity #mystery #superconductor #lk #universe #particles #weirdest
“The fact is that we seem naturally inclined to infer life and purpose in all manner of complexity: we are prone to what you might call ‘biotic pareidolia’, the analogue of our impulse to see faces in non-living structures (including the rocks of Mars!).”
— Philip Ball, In any shape or form
#Science #Complexity #Life #Structures #ArtificialIntelligence
#artificialintelligence #structures #life #complexity #science
Complexity Theory’s 50-Year Journey to the Limits of Knowledge: How hard is it to prove that problems are hard to solve? Meta-complexity theorists have been asking questions like this for decades. A string of recent results has started to deliver answers. by @benbenbrubaker in @QuantaMagazine #logic #compsci #complexity
There are tonnes more, maybe this is time for a long-form essay on #polycrisis, #emergence and #complexity! But back to the original point of how such terms and terminologies emerge and evolve. While the intentions are always to clarify, classify and rally around, they quickly become loose and/or murky, and then abused to the point that they mean nothing! #etymology. (n/n)
#Polycrisis #emergence #complexity #etymology