So now #museums are supporting the #moneyLaundering and #etheriumScam.
At some point we will realise that its not just our #institutions that are corrupted — its the fiat currencies themselves.
#fiatCurrency #howVeryKeynesian #complexityTheatre #NFTs #distraction #scamTokens #whyBitcoinCore #BitcoinCore #bitcoinFixesThis
#museums #moneylaundering #etheriumScam #institutions #fiatCurrency #HowVeryKeynesian #complexityTheatre #nfts #distraction #scamTokens #whyBitcoinCore #bitcoincore #bitcoinfixesthis
In #America, MitM attack does not stop you…
. . .
Instead, we are told #MitM attack helps build a better internet.
(Use hashtag (#)cloudflareTest to check your favourite websites)
#gullible #internetAttack #cloudflare #amazon #akamai #grift #complexityTheatre #ISPs #wallStreet #theft #extortion #reverseProxy #deleteCloudflare #deleteAmazon #thatsNotHowTheInternetIsSupposedToWork
#america #mitm #gullible #internetAttack #cloudflare #amazon #akamai #grift #complexityTheatre #isps #wallstreet #theft #extortion #reverseproxy #deletecloudflare #deleteamazon #thatsNotHowTheInternetIsSupposedToWork
CENTRAL BANKS — the #cyberThreat that started in 1913 with the sinking of #TheTitanic.
#1913 #centralBanks #theft #fraud #WWI #WWII #violence #repression #complexityTheatre #moneyPrinterGoDrr #counterfiat #counterfiatCurrency #counterfeitCurrencies #howVeryKeynesian
#cyberthreat #TheTitanic #centralBanks #theft #fraud #WWI #wwii #violence #repression #complexityTheatre #moneyPrinterGoDrr #counterfiat #counterfiatCurrency #counterfeitCurrencies #HowVeryKeynesian
JobKeeper (in the #USA #PPPLoans) is rebranded #QE.
QE (#QuantatativeEasing) is rebranded #bailouts.
Bailouts are rebranded #keynesianism.
Keynesianism is rebranded #inflation.
Inflation is rebranded #moneyPrinting.
MoneyPrinting is #counterfeiting. Its fine but only if everyone on earth gets their share (see #UBI).
#usa #PPPLoans #QE #quantatativeEasing #bailouts #keynesianism #inflation #moneyPrinting #counterfeiting #ubi #complexityTheatre #australia
Its not sounding any better :)
Did the person get permission from the owners to short it. If so, now suddenly there is a fresh #ConflictOfInterest? :P
This kind of thing speaks to the #schizophrenic nature of hyper-financialisation, and why we say its unproductive, unhelpful, longterm.
Its #complexityTheatre and needs to stop.
#conflictofinterest #schizophrenic #complexityTheatre
If you thought #ProofOfWork was bad, take a look at Proof-of-Stake.
Its 'complexity theatre'!
A proportionate amount of #energy to backup a global #UnitOfAccount is fine, and much preferred over unproven methods like #colonialism, #violence and ProofOfStake.
#NFTs #ETH #complexityTheatre #ElonDusk #DontLetTheSunGoDownOnYouOnYourWayOut
#proofofwork #energy #UnitOfAccount #colonialism #violence #nfts #eth #complexityTheatre #ElonDusk #DontLetTheSunGoDownOnYouOnYourWayOut
One of the maxims of the #bankerElite is, "#DoingGodsWork".
Can someone find out which #God these #MerchantBankers serve?
Before they make #MathCriminal and all…
#defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #builderberg #InGodWeTrust #fiatCurrency #confidenceTrick #theftOfInflation #complexityTheatre
#bankerElite #doingGodsWork #god #merchantBankers #MathCriminal #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #builderberg #InGodWeTrust #fiatCurrency #confidenceTrick #theftOfInflation #complexityTheatre
In case we had any remaining shreds of thought that the #USTreasury and #TheFed had any control over the #moneyPrinter. #Biden has appointed ex-#FederalReserve chairwoman #JanetYellen.
Boy oh boy (— or girl oh girl)
These people cannot be trusted to deliver sound #monetaryPolicy — or #fiscalPolicy for that matter.
#JoinedTheDotsYet? #whyBitcoin
#revolvingDoor #cronyism #economists #soCalledEconomists #complexityTheatre #confidenceTricks #neoFeudalism #cantillonEffect #moneyPrinterGoBrr
#ustreasury #thefed #moneyPrinter #biden #federalreserve #JanetYellen #monetarypolicy #fiscalPolicy #JoinedTheDotsYet #whyBitcoin #revolvingdoor #cronyism #economists #soCalledEconomists #complexityTheatre #confidenceTricks #neofeudalism #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinterGoBrr
Where is the converse #AI, the AI that detects when other systems are using things like #memeWarfare, #subliminalAdvertising, #psychicDriving, #music, #neuralLinguisticProgramming or #complexityTheatre to #bamboozle, #manipulate and/or #exploit the viewer - and can warn them about it.
It will probably go haywire while the #television is on - #communityTelevision less-so of course. It would go wild on #Facebook and #Twitter too.
Detecting #manipulation is extremely difficult, though.
#ai #memewarfare #subliminalAdvertising #psychicDriving #music #neuralLinguisticProgramming #complexityTheatre #bamboozle #manipulate #exploit #television #communityTelevision #facebook #twitter #manipulation
#FractionalReserveBanking is a scam hidden with #complexityTheatre.
The #HenryGeorge model of #LandTax based on improvedValue (aka #rentalValue). You would make it progressive, starting at 15% of rentalValue to 50% for the extremelyWealthy.
For grandma a #UBI (from landTax that goes up a bit with age will help (1.6 units of UBI) For one child, half a U approx. Two, 3/4 U. No extra support for 3rd/4th children.
At adulthood 1U increasing with age.
@realcaseyrollins @alex @sean @moth
#fractionalReserveBanking #complexityTheatre #HenryGeorge #LandTax #rentalValue #ubi
We tried, #Signal uses phone numbers though, so its not a good starting ground. There explanations were extremely dry and seemed more like #complexityTheatre than a proper explanation.
Other explanations were similar, doesn't instill much confidence.