> We’re Thinking About Climate Risk All Wrong. https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2023/09/calculating-climate-change-risk-wrong-ipcc-existential/
> One of the big things that make climate projections difficult is nonlinear change. Although complex systems like the Earth and its components generally exist in well-defined stable states, shifts from one stable state to another are often sudden and disruptive, as when huge areas of polar sea-ice disappear in just one season.
#complexitytheory #climatechange
Hello fellow Kolektivists.
I'm here to join and support those opposed to growing fascism in US and world politics, environmentalism and local governance and political activism.
My political and environmental activism dates back to the early 1970s in Nebraska, Wyoming, Alaska, New Mexico and California. I work locally to promote public participation in local government, and to reveal the effects of global fascism on local politics and civil affairs.
#Fascism #Government #SantaCruzCounty #California #LocalGovernment #Environmentalism #Biodiversity #Ecology #EarthFirst! #NaturalWorld #ComplexityTheory #ChaosTheory #Taoism #Zen
#Introduction #fascism #government #santacruzcounty #california #localgovernment #environmentalism #biodiversity #ecology #earthfirst #naturalworld #complexitytheory #chaostheory #taoism #zen
this month I'll start teaching #SocialTheory to a group of #SocialWorkers. I'm going to focus on #marxism, #CriticalTheory, #feminism and #complexitytheory. Social workers in #mexico are not used to this kind of theories. Let's see what happens in the next days.
#socialtheory #socialworkers #marxism #criticaltheory #feminism #complexitytheory #mexico
[Up and Atom] on the unsolved problem of whether NP-Complete problems can be decided in polynomial time
#mathematics #ComputerScience #computability #ComplexityTheory #NPComplete
#mathematics #computerscience #computability #complexitytheory #npcomplete
#Taoism #Environmentalism
Introducing my various interests.
#DeepEcology #Ecology #Archaeology #ChaosTheory #ComplexityTheory #NaturalClimateVariability #Degrowth #Sustainability #NaturalLimits #Bioregionalism #Conservation
#taoism #environmentalism #deepecology #ecology #archaeology #chaostheory #complexitytheory #naturalclimatevariability #degrowth #sustainability #naturallimits #bioregionalism #conservation
This means the only viable long-term solutions are ones featuring ways to adapt themselves as conditions change, while providing a minimal attack surface to bad actors.
Huzzah, Henry Yuen (@henryquantum) joined Mastodon!
Henry is doing research in #QuantumComputing and #ComplexityTheory, and is one of the authors of the (justifiably) celebrated MIP* = RE result. He's also one of the organizers of "Nonlocal", a #quantum computing #podcast.
🎙️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nonlocal-a-quantum-computing-podcast/id1542907244
#podcast #quantum #complexitytheory #quantumcomputing
Oh, polynomial3sat.org is down and the respective code on GitHub is removed. The corresponding paper on arXiv is still accessible. Does anyone know more about what happened?
#satsolving #complexitytheory #PequalsNP #compsci #theoreticalcomputerscience
#satsolving #complexitytheory #pequalsnp #compsci #theoreticalcomputerscience
"Too much Maths, too little History: The problem of Economics"
#Economics #Math #Epistemology #ComplexityTheory
#economics #math #epistemology #complexitytheory
"Too much Maths, too little History: The problem of Economics"
#Economics #Math #Epistemology #ComplexityTheory
#economics #math #epistemology #complexitytheory
Been reminded that someone uploaded an audiobook of my first book Shock Doctrine of the Left using a Stephen Hawking-esque computerised voice, if you wanted a weird way to read it
It's on #activism and #cybernetics / #complexitytheory basically!
(There's some diagrams in the last chapter which I dont think are included, just so you know)
#directaction #cooperatives #socialmovements #ecology #socialecology #shockdoctrine #complexsystems #radicalleft #leftwing
#activism #cybernetics #complexitytheory #directaction #cooperatives #socialmovements #ecology #socialecology #shockdoctrine #complexsystems #radicalleft #leftwing
People here might also be interested in my first book The Shock Doctrine of the Left, which combined leftist / social movement activism with complex systems theory. Its much shorter and doesn't include the spirituality angle of my current projects, but it's otherwise of a piece!
#complexitytheory #complexityscience #complexsystems #activism #socialjustice #shockdoctrine #ecology #socialecology #socialmovements #systemsthinking
#complexitytheory #complexityscience #complexsystems #activism #socialjustice #shockdoctrine #ecology #socialecology #socialmovements #systemsthinking
Recent server move means I have no post plugging my main project, so here it is!
Red Enlightenment: On #Socialism #Science and #Spirituality is 1) a book coming out in 2023 and 2) a scripted podcast which was the book's rough first draft https://soundcloud.com/repeater-radio/sets/red-enlightenment
For fans of #cybernetics #theology #LiberationTheology #ProcessThought #complexitytheory #ecology #marxism #acidcommunism #philosophyofscience #metaphysics #EmbodiedCognition #metamodernism @philosophy @theologidons
#socialism #science #spirituality #cybernetics #theology #liberationtheology #processthought #complexitytheory #ecology #marxism #acidcommunism #philosophyofscience #metaphysics #EmbodiedCognition #metamodernism
@thesasho @rrwilliams @tomgur @boazbaraktcs @joshuagrochow @ccanonne
I like #TCSTheory as a single tag! My guess is that #ComplexityTheory is just as ambiguous/overloaded as #Complexity...
I guess that's the exciting thing about a new platform -- we* can figure out the relevant conventions before it gets out of hand.
(* extremely presumptuous of me to include myself in this "we," but I do have a vested interest in knowing where to find your conversations!)
#tcstheory #complexitytheory #complexity
@NathanHarvey I don't know if you've already seen this but I think you might find it interesting, anarchism from a systems analysis perspective. Perhaps you'll understand it better than I do so far.
The Science of Anarchy | A Modern Anarchism (Part 2) | Complex Systems Anarchism by @Anark
#anarchism #SystemsAnalysis #physics #ComplexityTheory #ChaosTheory #SocialEcology #EmergenceTheory #democracy
#anarchism #systemsanalysis #physics #complexitytheory #chaostheory #socialecology #EmergenceTheory #democracy
Hey there! By way of #introduction I'm into #Snacking #ComplexityTheory #Emergence #Jung #Freud #psychology #Bowie #psychiatry #RamDass #CatsOfMastodon #Archetypes #WoodsCove #gardening #Fredagain #yoga #TranscendentalMeditation #Snacks #Haai #cooking #laundry #Jamiexx #Hermes #Hermeneutics #Swimming #qualitativeresearch #BeverlyGlenn-Copeland #Psyche #PotatoChips #Soul #Dreams #FieldTheory #AnalyticThird #ArchetypalThird #WeightBearingExercise #Skincare
#introduction #snacking #complexitytheory #emergence #jung #freud #psychology #bowie #psychiatry #ramdass #CatsOfMastodon #archetypes #woodscove #gardening #fredagain #yoga #transcendentalmeditation #snacks #haai #cooking #laundry #jamiexx #hermes #hermeneutics #swimming #qualitativeresearch #beverlyglenn #psyche #potatochips #soul #dreams #fieldtheory #analyticthird #archetypalthird #weightbearingexercise #skincare
Finding my people: #democracy #solidarity #compassion #mutualaid #science #education #distributedcognition #systemsthinking #complexitytheory #Dynamics #psychology #Organizer #workersrights #labor #democraticsocialism #DSA #YDSA #UnionStrong #CWA #UCWAZ #publiceducation #saveourschools #ReproductiveJustice #feminism #ERA #affordablehousing #universalhealthcare #lgbtq #ClimateChange #slowfood #farmersmarkets #localbusiness
#democracy #solidarity #compassion #mutualaid #science #education #distributedcognition #systemsthinking #complexitytheory #Dynamics #psychology #organizer #workersrights #labor #democraticsocialism #dsa #ydsa #unionstrong #cwa #ucwaz #publiceducation #saveourschools #ReproductiveJustice #feminism #era #affordablehousing #universalhealthcare #lgbtq #ClimateChange #slowfood #farmersmarkets #localbusiness
Introduction posts help us to find out people: #democracy #solidarity #compassion #mutualaid #science #distributed-cognition #systemsthinking #complexitytheory #Dynamics #psychology #organizing #workers-rights #democraticsocialism #DSA #YDSA #UnionStrong #CWA #UCWAZ #ReproductiveJustice #feminism #ERA #affordablehousing #universal-healthcare #lgbtq+ #ClimateChange #victory-garden
#democracy #solidarity #compassion #mutualaid #science #distributed #systemsthinking #complexitytheory #Dynamics #psychology #organizing #workers #democraticsocialism #dsa #ydsa #unionstrong #cwa #ucwaz #ReproductiveJustice #feminism #era #affordablehousing #universal #lgbtq #ClimateChange #victory
Not all edges looked so nice.
Since I haven't optimized anything I had to work with large error margins.
To make it clear - I use the word "edge" for both cases:
- the while piece edge (contour)
- one side of a piece
therefor I have 1000 contours described with something like 300-600 points per side.
So what about the #complexitytheory ?
Well I had to optimize for space on my working bench. I had about 1m^2 of space and had to move it away if the space was needed for other stuff.
This included:
- dividing whole puzzle into four quadrants (Q1-Q4 in the picture from last post)
- stacking those parts on a hard paper
- creating buckets with puzzle pieces stored in ranges (like 1-50, 51-100 in boxes)
- while working on the quadrant you set focus for the tool which chooses the proper solving direction
- the tool gives you a candidate
- you go to the box
- find the piece (which was very tedious job)
- compare the proposed edges
- mark result (yes/no/next)
- repeat
This all involved a lot of stack and heap work ;-)
A thread #introduction :
Recently a candidate in the job interview for my team asked me "what am I doing in my spare time?"
If I have enough time I experiment with different stuff (mostly related to computers).
Here one example on solving a #puzzle . Where I had to learn about #computervision , #edgedetection , #complexitytheory (time vs space, wait for it).
The puzzle was given to me as a challenge. "Hey thorkill, you like hard problems to solve..."
It took me over a year to get to solve this puzzle. Thanks to the lockouts caused by COVID-19 outbreak I had time to give it a try. So it all started with this post:
#introduction #puzzle #computervision #edgedetection #complexitytheory