I forgot what a good attitude adjustment a visit to #pediatric #cardiology is.
It's also a great exercise for #ComplexityWranglers , with all the interconnecting systems and levels of abstraction. I would love to know if anyone has compared Stanford to Boston children's.
I have my own theories as to why they differ in the way they handle user experience.
#pediatric #cardiology #complexitywranglers
Appealing to #complexityWranglers and #fountainpens enthusiasts alike. Spoiler: #stationeryporn
Just when I think we're doomed to mediocrity and regression to the mean, I see that japanese continue to make the best of every situation
I suppose when life hands you lemons, make lead acid batteries!
#complexitywranglers #fountainpens #stationeryporn
‘Success to the successful’ is a powerful dynamic.
Cooperatives can help spread out the benefits of success at a key point where capital consolidates them: ownership.
How do you try to share success?
“In the end, it seems that power has less to do with pushing leverage points than it does with strategically, profoundly, madly letting go.”
- Donnella Meadows
(Last line in:
http://www.donellameadows.org/wp-content/userfiles/Leverage_Points.pdf )
#complexitywranglers #systemsthinking #coops
Everything about this video is exemplary:
The audio
The photography
The transitions
The structure
The content
The description, with links and timestamps.
#zettelkasten #complexitywranglers #knowledgemanagement #atomicnotes
@RuthMalan Aldo would love to find more tech projects that could use his strategic consulting on sociotechnical design, and I'm wondering if you might know likely paths forward for that.
Many friends in my community don’t understand how I describe what I do with mapping, information flows, community software, and other things. #ComplexityWranglers
But when I show them a thing I knit, they don’t ask why or look at me sideways. It’s rather a relief. So here’s the first pair of socks I’ve made. #knitting
#complexitywranglers #knitting
@jeff @Graham_Mitchell
This “ability to be a good teammate” or some version of this, is in pretty much every system map I’ve made. you can find it or see it missing in most. Socialroots is collaborating with ProSocial World for exactly this reason.
I call it the “slowest moving node in the system”, linked to both emotional/ relational skills and critical thinking.
See also piece and graphic:
Who’s interested in a #SystemMapping exercise over the next couple months considering the “Success to the Successful” archetype in the context of #cooperatives and Chokepoint Capitalism?
I’m especially looking for participants who have experienced success and subsequently been frustrated by structural barriers to sharing their success and lifting up others.
Reply here to get notified when we start mapping, if you’re curious.
#systemmapping #cooperatives #complexitywranglers
With complexity dissolving into chaos so frequently, authoritarian simplicity looks appealing to too many.
You know what’s a great antidote to authoritarian tendencies?
✨Giving many people real power. ✊
What are the biggest obstacles to sharing power in your communities, organizations, or teams?
@johncarlosbaez @stevenstrogatz
Hi Steven (or may I call you Prof Strogatz?)
Welcome to the next level. There is a broadly distributed population of folks who follow #ComplexityWranglers which may interest you.
Also, to state the obvious, the underlying architecture is itself determined in part by the worldview and associated mental models of the people creating it in the first place
#complexitywranglers #sociotechnicalstack
@brewsterkahle @pbump
I meant a MACROscope.
(Autocorrect is my worst enema)
@christina There is a guideline that hashtags consisting of multiple words should be PascalCase or camelCase, because that helps screen-readers find the word boundaries and say something sensible.
#systemsthiinking #complexitywranglers
While this method served me for decades as a big org mess problem solver, in any real wrangling the easy steps have likely already been tried. Instead identify that step in the context of root causes & determinants of the system's health. That launches you into the real problem. More times than not for me, the real problem was far easier to work through because others hadn't already tried mucking with it. #ComplexityWranglers #ProblemSolving #RootCauses
#complexitywranglers #problemsolving #rootcauses
Thanks Christina, have not seen it but it is not totally accurate... the graphics used oversimplify the actual human behavior and emergent clusters that form in online spaces.
feel obligated to ping you here @Valdis tho likely you’ve seen this?
@00Aaron a great way to understand casual loop diagrams is with @ncasenmare (I’ve yet to find them here) ‘s explorable, Loopy:
@00Aaron thanks for sharing this! Would love to compare some of these with the incentive dynamics explored in this paper, which I am currently working on mapping:
tagging a toot #complexitywranglers so people who like to point and laugh when someone unironically says "systems theory" can find me
As people orient to the delightful chaos of the fediverse, here’s some thoughts on emergence, uncertainty, and intuition from Future Thinkers’ Euvie Ivanova: