Call for papers for our annual Humor & #ArtificialIntelligence track at the International Society for Humor Studies Conference: #ISHS2023 #CompLing
#artificialintelligence #ishs2023 #compling
Wenn jemand übrigens zufällig einen Werkstudent:innen-Job, ein Praktikum oder so im Bereich #Linguistik (#Bibliothek, #Verlagswesen, #Sprachwissenschaft...) oder #Computerlinguistik, von Zuhause oder im westfälischen Bereich kennt, gerne melden. :3
#nlp #verlage #bibliothekswesen #linguistics #compling #python
#python #compling #linguistics #bibliothekswesen #verlage #nlp #computerlinguistik #sprachwissenschaft #verlagswesen #bibliothek #linguistik
I always want to give my not-yet-linguistics-degree-holding takes about how dangerous so-called AI is when it comes to dumb-but-impressive text generators like ChatGPT.
My experiences with building non-machine-learning dialogue systems that actually have communicative intent make me kind of resent how much people fall for the "AI" party tricks.
But I always feel like @emilymbender says it better anyway! :ablobcatwave:
So give her a follow instead!
#compling #ai #linguistics #chatgpt
That is why my faculty rejects neural networks in general for conversation modelling and sticks with "old school" (but *tractable*!) "manual" dialogue system modelling: belief states, intent modelling and all that jazz.
I think neural networks for those applications are unsuitable party tricks in general since as you said - they are prone to making things up that sound good. We need to improve on manual, steerable methods.
#computationalLinguistics #linguistics #compsci #compling
#compling #compsci #linguistics #computationallinguistics
As an #introduction :)
I'm a librarian/professor and I work in computational linguistics #compling, law, and #infosec
I play #accordion 🪗 as what capitalism was
#introduction #compling #infosec #accordion
hey tweeters in #ai #machinelearning #compling #nlproc can you recommend me some high-quality "human in the loop" NLP papers?
#ai #machinelearning #compling #nlproc