avldigital.de · @avldigital
234 followers · 163 posts · Server openbiblio.social

für diejenigen unter Euch, die sich für die Publikationen interessieren, die im Kontext der Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien entstanden sind... Die Publikationsliste der wurde gerade aktualisiert: geisteswissenschaften.fu-berli @litstudies @germanistik

#servicetoot #FSGS #complit

Last updated 2 years ago

avldigital.de · @avldigital
234 followers · 161 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Für den -geförderter Masterstudiengang “German and Comparative Literature” in deutsch-britischer Hochschulkooperation zwischen der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn und der University of St Andrews kann sich noch bis zum 15.05.2023 beworben werden.

📌Weitere Informationen: avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/det @litstudies @germanistik

#DAAD #fidavlnews #complit #germanstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

avldigital.de · @avldigital
222 followers · 92 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Der " – Verachtung: Inszenierungsformen des Hasses im (1600–1800)" wird vom 16.-17.03.2023 am Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt stattfinden.

Mit Beiträgen von: Oliver Völker, Rita Rieger, Michael Navratil, Melanie Reinhard, Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf u.v.m.

📌Mehr Informationen inkl. Programm: avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/det @litstudies @germanistik

#workshop #feindschaft #drama #fidavlnews #complit #AVL

Last updated 2 years ago

Jody · @mcnabb
4 followers · 2 posts · Server mstdn.social

Hello! I’m new to Mastrodon. English Ph.D. with interdisciplinary dissertation on and the . Hashtags: Former buffalo rancher. Partner of @AprilSheWill. Too many ideas and not enough time. Alt account: @TeflonTusk - featuring polytetrafluoroethylene products. I will fight fascists and nazis.

#Reading #Books #argumentation #literature #english #arthistory #philosophy #rhetoric #complit #antiracist #feminist #imagination #cognition #memory #hume #scholar #Introductions

Last updated 2 years ago

Jody · @mcnabb
1 followers · 1 posts · Server mstdn.social

Hello! I’m new to Mastrodon. Hashtags: English Ph.D. with interdisciplinary dissertation on and the . Many years of graduate studies: . Former buffalo rancher. Partner of @AprilSheWill. Too many ideas and not enough time. Alt account: @TeflonTusk - featuring polytetrafluoroethylene products. I will fight fascists and nazis.

#sshrc #arthistory #philosophy #rhetoric #complit #imagination #cognition #memory #hume #scholar #antiracist #feminist #Introductions

Last updated 2 years ago

Katie Ritson · @katieritson
212 followers · 42 posts · Server mastodon.lol

CfP for our special issue on : Resilience, Resistance & other Infrastructural Interventions. Me & co-eds @KylieCrane & Alex Campbell would love to read your ideas! Email us by new deadline *15 Dec*. Cfp is here (scroll 👇) essenglish.org/cfp/volumes-jou

#ecocriticism #envhum #EnglishLit #complit #grit

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack W Chen / 陳威 · @jackwchen
393 followers · 491 posts · Server zirk.us

Pleased to announce forthcoming volume edited by Sarah Allen, myself, and Xiaofei Tian -- essays on the concept of literary history in the Chinese context, dedicated to Stephen Owen, arguably the most important scholar of medieval Chinese literature in North America: asiacenter.harvard.edu/publica.

#litstudies #medieval #complit #litodons

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
62 followers · 11 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.

currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
18 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.

currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
18 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, building soil health, tending to pollinator/wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, medicinal botanicals and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to compose botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again. currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have a eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation #synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #permacultura

Last updated 2 years ago

avldigital.de · @avldigital
107 followers · 14 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Auf Twitter haben wir vor einiger Zeit auf das des nächsten aufmerksam gemacht. Gerne weisen wir auch hier noch einmal auf den hin, der sich diesmal dem Spannungsfeld und widmen wird.

🗓️ Er wird vom 4.-6. Mai 2023 an der Universität Bremen stattfinden. Beitragsvorschläge können bis zum 31.Dezember 2022 eingereicht werden.

📌 Weitere Informationen: avldigital.de/vernetzen/detail @litstudies

#AVL #complit #Transnationalität #literatur #SKK23 #komparatistik #Studierendenkongress #cfp

Last updated 2 years ago

avldigital.de · @avldigital
76 followers · 6 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Wow, thanks to all those who followed us over the weekend!

Before we start today to provide you with information on current research activities from , we wanted to ask you a quick question:

Should we use content warnings for |s announcements, |s, etc.?

@litstudies @germanistik

#literarytheory #complit #litodons #event #job #cfp #litstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

avldigital.de · @avldigital
76 followers · 6 posts · Server openbiblio.social

👋 We are , so let's start with an :
We are an Information Service for and funded by the DFG (the German Research Foundation).

We're on fire for |s, announcements, and much more, for which we have set up a communication platform: avldigital.de/en/networking/su

Starting next Monday, we will disseminate here all submissions we receive. Until then, feel free to share us in the 😉

@litstudies @germanistik

#litodons #fediverse #events #academic #job #cfp #complit #literarytheory #introduction #newhere

Last updated 2 years ago

Arne Mrotzek · @arnemrotzek
101 followers · 76 posts · Server openbiblio.social

@litstudies @germanistik

Thank you for your participation so far! The poll is still running for three days, but it looks like we will be on Mastodon with avldigital.de (avldigital.de/en/networking/).

We are looking forward to providing you with CfPs, events etc. here soon! :)

#litstudies #litodons #complit #komparatistik #AVL

Last updated 2 years ago

Harris Feinsod · @feinsod
179 followers · 66 posts · Server zirk.us
Taylor · @tsmith
104 followers · 159 posts · Server ravenation.club


Did you have a requirement for your track?

#modlang #complit

Last updated 2 years ago

Harris Feinsod · @feinsod
179 followers · 66 posts · Server zirk.us

Hi folks, I am a / prof at Northwestern. I write about and politics in the . Also, these days, a lot about , oddities of and since the age of steam and diesel, and . But I may just post here about . And how .

#complit #litstudies #poetry #Americas #modernism #MaritimeHistory #maritimeculture #laborhistory #vegetablegardening #CompLitShouldHaveWon #introductions

Last updated 2 years ago

HeeJin Lee · @heejinlee
76 followers · 33 posts · Server zirk.us

Greetings from Seoul! I study Korean literature and culture at the interstices of Asian studies and the conventional literary disciplines. I’m currently a in , writing my first book manuscript on literary comparisons. I’m still thinking of how best to use Mastodon, but in the meantime, would love to connect.

#introduction #postdoc #korea #decolonial #Koreanists #asianists #LitScholars #KoreanLit #complit

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack W Chen / 陳威 · @jackwchen
344 followers · 429 posts · Server zirk.us

Redoing my with . I'm a prof at interested in talking music (esp records, , ) and (always but lately , , and titles) and . Working on a bunch of different things: a book on and , co-editing a 6 volume Bloomsbury project on , and starting up a collab project on b/t and . , , , ,

#introduction #s #ECM #indie #comicbooks #cats #ghosts #poetry #reading #litodons #litstudies #complit #humanities #asianists #uva #brianeno #marvel #imagecomics #boomstudios #blackmask #chinese #literaryhistory #phenomenology #cogsci

Last updated 2 years ago