#Servicetoot für diejenigen unter Euch, die sich für die Publikationen interessieren, die im Kontext der Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien entstanden sind... Die Publikationsliste der #FSGS wurde gerade aktualisiert: https://www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/friedrichschlegel/Publikationen/Einzelpublikationen/index.html @litstudies @germanistik #CompLit
Für den #DAAD-geförderter Masterstudiengang “German and Comparative Literature” in deutsch-britischer Hochschulkooperation zwischen der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn und der University of St Andrews kann sich noch bis zum 15.05.2023 beworben werden.
📌Weitere Informationen: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/job/ma-masterstudiengang-german-and-comparative-literature-double-degree-bonnst-andrews-neue-b/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik #CompLit #GermanStudies
#DAAD #fidavlnews #complit #germanstudies
Der #Workshop "#Feindschaft – Verachtung: Inszenierungsformen des Hasses im #Drama (1600–1800)" wird vom 16.-17.03.2023 am Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt stattfinden.
Mit Beiträgen von: Oliver Völker, Rita Rieger, Michael Navratil, Melanie Reinhard, Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf u.v.m.
📌Mehr Informationen inkl. Programm: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/event/feindschaft-verachtung-inszenierungsformen-des-hasses-im-drama-1600-1800/ #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik #CompLit #AVL
#workshop #feindschaft #drama #fidavlnews #complit #AVL
Hello! #Introductions I’m new to Mastrodon. English Ph.D. #scholar with interdisciplinary dissertation on #Hume #memory #cognition and the #imagination. Hashtags: #feminist #antiracist #CompLit #rhetoric #philosophy #arthistory #English #literature #argumentation #books #reading Former buffalo rancher. Partner of @AprilSheWill. Too many ideas and not enough time. Alt account: @TeflonTusk - featuring polytetrafluoroethylene products. I will fight fascists and nazis.
#Reading #Books #argumentation #literature #english #arthistory #philosophy #rhetoric #complit #antiracist #feminist #imagination #cognition #memory #hume #scholar #Introductions
Hello! #Introductions I’m new to Mastrodon. Hashtags: #feminist #antiracist English Ph.D. #scholar with interdisciplinary dissertation on #Hume #memory #cognition and the #imagination. Many years of graduate studies: #CompLit #rhetoric #philosophy #arthistory #SSHRC. Former buffalo rancher. Partner of @AprilSheWill. Too many ideas and not enough time. Alt account: @TeflonTusk - featuring polytetrafluoroethylene products. I will fight fascists and nazis.
#sshrc #arthistory #philosophy #rhetoric #complit #imagination #cognition #memory #hume #scholar #antiracist #feminist #Introductions
CfP for our special issue on #GRIT: Resilience, Resistance & other Infrastructural Interventions. Me & co-eds @KylieCrane & Alex Campbell would love to read your ideas! Email us by new deadline *15 Dec*. Cfp is here (scroll 👇) https://essenglish.org/cfp/volumes-journals-october-december-2022/
#ecocriticism #envhum #englishlit #complit
#ecocriticism #envhum #EnglishLit #complit #grit
Pleased to announce forthcoming volume edited by Sarah Allen, myself, and Xiaofei Tian -- essays on the concept of literary history in the Chinese context, dedicated to Stephen Owen, arguably the most important scholar of medieval Chinese literature in North America: https://asiacenter.harvard.edu/publications/literary-history-in-and-beyond-china-reading-text-and-world-62e2d5286c83810022a8a257. #LitStudies #medieval #complit #litodons
#litstudies #medieval #complit #litodons
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.
currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.
currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation
hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.
i am passionate about keeping bees, building soil health, tending to pollinator/wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, medicinal botanicals and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to compose botanical scents with.
i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again. currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have a eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!
lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!
#AgroEcología #ApiCultura #PhytoRemediation #Lichen #Moss #Mycology #Metal
#SciArt #HPS #HistPhilSci
#PhilSci #PhilBio #Symbiartic
#MedAnthro #EnvHist #EnvHum #EcoCrit #CompLit
#LitTheory #MultiSpecies
#Plantionocene #NoBorders
#CarceralGeographies #SolidarityNotCharity
#Conspirituality #Skeptic #SomaticRegulation #Synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #Permacultura
#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation #synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #permacultura
Auf Twitter haben wir vor einiger Zeit auf das #CfP des nächsten #Studierendenkongress #Komparatistik aufmerksam gemacht. Gerne weisen wir auch hier noch einmal auf den #SKK23 hin, der sich diesmal dem Spannungsfeld #Literatur und #Transnationalität widmen wird.
🗓️ Er wird vom 4.-6. Mai 2023 an der Universität Bremen stattfinden. Beitragsvorschläge können bis zum 31.Dezember 2022 eingereicht werden.
📌 Weitere Informationen: https://www.avldigital.de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/studierendenkongress-komparatistik-2023-an-der-uni-bremen-4-6-mai/ #CompLit @litstudies #AVL
#AVL #complit #Transnationalität #literatur #SKK23 #komparatistik #Studierendenkongress #cfp
Wow, thanks to all those who followed us over the weekend!
Before we start today to provide you with information on current research activities from #LitStudies, we wanted to ask you a quick question:
Should we use content warnings for #cfp|s #job announcements, #event|s, etc.?
#literarytheory #complit #litodons #event #job #cfp #litstudies
👋 We are #newhere, so let's start with an #introduction:
We are an Information Service for #literarytheory and #CompLit funded by the DFG (the German Research Foundation).
We're on fire for #CfP|s, #job announcements, #academic #events and much more, for which we have set up a communication platform: https://www.avldigital.de/en/networking/submit/
Starting next Monday, we will disseminate here all submissions we receive. Until then, feel free to share us in the #fediverse 😉
#litodons #fediverse #events #academic #job #cfp #complit #literarytheory #introduction #newhere
Thank you for your participation so far! The poll is still running for three days, but it looks like we will be on Mastodon with avldigital.de (https://www.avldigital.de/en/networking/).
We are looking forward to providing you with CfPs, events etc. here soon! :)
#litstudies #litodons #complit #komparatistik #AVL
Hi folks, I am a #complit / #litstudies prof at Northwestern. I write about #poetry and politics in the #Americas. Also, these days, a lot about #modernism, oddities of #MaritimeHistory and #maritimeculture since the age of steam and diesel, and #laborhistory. But I may just post here about #vegetablegardening. And how #CompLitShouldHaveWon.
#complit #litstudies #poetry #Americas #modernism #MaritimeHistory #maritimeculture #laborhistory #vegetablegardening #CompLitShouldHaveWon #introductions
#Introduction Greetings from Seoul! I study Korean literature and culture at the interstices of Asian studies and the conventional literary disciplines. I’m currently a #postdoc in #Korea, writing my first book manuscript on #decolonial literary comparisons. I’m still thinking of how best to use Mastodon, but in the meantime, would love to connect. #Koreanists #Asianists #LitScholars #KoreanLit #CompLit
#introduction #postdoc #korea #decolonial #Koreanists #asianists #LitScholars #KoreanLit #complit
Redoing my #introduction with #s. I'm a prof at #UVA interested in talking music (esp #ECM records, #indie, #BrianEno) and #ComicBooks (always #Marvel but lately #ImageComics, #BoomStudios, and #BlackMask titles) and #cats. Working on a bunch of different things: a book on #ghosts and #poetry, co-editing a 6 volume Bloomsbury project on #Chinese #LiteraryHistory, and starting up a collab project on #reading b/t #phenomenology and #cogsci. #litodons, #LitStudies, #CompLit, #humanities, #asianists
#introduction #s #ECM #indie #comicbooks #cats #ghosts #poetry #reading #litodons #litstudies #complit #humanities #asianists #uva #brianeno #marvel #imagecomics #boomstudios #blackmask #chinese #literaryhistory #phenomenology #cogsci