the largest poster of my life so far!
Exploring Nature vs Nurture - what happens to sensory representations at the junction of endogenous and experience-driven mechanisms.
Say hi today at #cosyne23 at poster 7 (and scout for free drink tickets for the dance party afterwards)
#cosyne23 #theoreticalneuroscience #compneuroscience
Postdoc job in Bristol with Jeff Bowers, Ben Evans and me. We're going to look into how much learning you can do without modifying synaptic weights in spiking neurons. Likely important in the brain and relatively less studied theoretically.
If you like my neural heterogeneity paper ( you'd probably like this project too.
#neuroscience #compneuro #compneuroscience #postdoc #SpikingNeuralNetworks
#neuroscience #compneuro #compneuroscience #postdoc #spikingneuralnetworks