I have been going over some old pieces today. The “#Tales of the #Unexpected”today, #composed by Ron Grainer. Also “Rag-A-Jazz” from Rock, rhythm and Rag piano solos by Melvin #Stecher, Norman #Horowitz and #Claire Gordon.Published by #Schirmer. Shocked at the price, what was £3.95 is now £12.95 🫣#piano #themes #jazz
Just as well I bought it when I did!
#tales #unexpected #composed #stecher #horowitz #claire #schirmer #piano #themes #jazz
That afternoon, each of us #composed a score for the #SummerSolstice. The only constraint was that it had to be playable (!).
“REQUIEM” Composed by YOSHIKI レクイエム (Teaser)ー World Tour just Announced. https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1747713/celebrity/
#Announced #Celebrities #Celebrity #composed #Requiem #Teaserー #TOUR #Vlog #world #YOSHIKI #レクイエム
#announced #celebrities #celebrity #composed #requiem #teaserー #tour #vlog #world #yoshiki #レクイエム
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Suzanne Vega:
🎵 Fifty-Fifty Chance
#nowplaying #composed #SuzanneVega
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Thomas Adès & Kirill Gerstein:
🎵 Berceuse from The Exterminating Angel
#nowplaying #composed #thomasades #KirillGerstein
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Sir George Benjamin, Barbara Hannigan, Bejun Mehta & Mahler Chamber Orchestra:
🎵 Part Two, Scene X: Agnès and the Boy
#SirGeorgeBenjamin #BarbaraHannigan #BejunMehta #MahlerChamberOrchestra
#nowplaying #composed #SirGeorgeBenjamin #barbarahannigan #BejunMehta #mahlerchamberorchestra
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György Ligeti & London Voices:
🎵 Kállai kettős. II: Eb fél, kutya fél
#nowplaying #composed #gyorgyligeti #LondonVoices
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Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), José van Dam & Hallé:
🎵 Saint François d'Assise: Act 1, Scene 3: J'ai peur, sur la route
#nowplaying #composed #oliviermessiaen19081992 #josevandam #halle
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Kaija Saariaho, Dawn Upshaw, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Tapiolan Kamarikuoro:
🎵 La Passion de Simone: Simone, grande soeur - Tu as choisi de porter ta croix
#nowplaying #composed #DawnUpshaw
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Claude Debussy, José van Dam, Maria Ewing & The Vienna Philharmonic:
🎵 Pelléas et Mélisande: Je ne pourrai plus sortir de cette forêt
#ClaudeDebussy #JosévanDam #MariaEwing #TheViennaPhilharmonic
#nowplaying #composed #ClaudeDebussy #josevandam #mariaewing #theviennaphilharmonic
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Dorothy Rudd Moore, Kermit Moore, Langston Hughes & Hilda Harris:
🎵 Dream Variation
#nowplaying #composed #DorothyRuddMoore #KermitMoore #langstonhughes #HildaHarris
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Matthew Aucoin, Jake Skeets, Davóne Tines & Boston Modern Orchestra Project:
🎵 Gallup (Na'nízhoozhí): IV. Afterparty
#MatthewAucoin #JakeSkeets #DavóneTines #BostonModernOrchestraProject
#nowplaying #composed #matthewaucoin #jakeskeets #davonetines #bostonmodernorchestraproject #spotify
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Michael Nyman & David McAlmont:
🎵 In Laos
#nowplaying #composed #MichaelNyman #davidmcalmont
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
H. Leslie Adams, David Korevaar, Edna St. Vincent Millay & Odekhiren Amaize:
🎵 For You There Is No Song
#HLeslieAdams #DavidKorevaar #EdnaStVincentMillay #OdekhirenAmaize
#nowplaying #composed #hleslieadams #davidkorevaar #ednastvincentmillay #odekhirenamaize
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Missy Mazzoli, Royce Vavrek, Emily D'Angelo & das freie orchester Berlin:
🎵 You Are The Dust
#MissyMazzoli #RoyceVavrek #EmilyDAngelo #dasfreieorchesterBerlin
#nowplaying #composed #MissyMazzoli #roycevavrek #emilydangelo #dasfreieorchesterberlin
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Francis Poulenc, Sally Matthews, Deborah Polaski & The ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra:
🎵 Dialogues des Carmélites: N'allez pas croire que ce fauteuil soit un privilège
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
John Adams, Gerald Finley & London Philharmonic Orchestra:
🎵 Doctor Atomic: Batter My Heart
#nowplaying #composed #johnadams #GeraldFinley #LondonPhilharmonicOrchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3:
- Composed with Devonté Hynes
Devonté shines a spotlight on the voice with a trip to the opera house.
Relisten now 👇
#nowplaying #BBCRadio3 #composed
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Composed
Wendy Carlos, Wendy Carlos & London Philharmonic Orchestra:
🎵 Water, Music, and Troncation
#nowplaying #composed #WendyCarlos #LondonPhilharmonicOrchestra
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Ana Roxanne:
🎵 _ _ _
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#nowplaying #composed #AnaRoxanne