Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
865 followers · 2526 posts · Server
Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
714 followers · 2482 posts · Server

Today we moved our compost toilet to a real little 'bathroom' in the forest. The small shed was already there, so we only had to clean it out and move the toilet. We are super happy with the result, a little more private and closer to the basecamp so easier for the kids to use.


#offgrid #outdoorliving #offthegrid #composttoilet

Last updated 2 years ago

Gussy · @wall0159
122 followers · 332 posts · Server

We've been using a bucket-based compost toilet in suburbia for the past few years. It has a 12V computer fan that keeps the inside of the system at negative pressure relative to the bathroom. What's surprised me, is that it smells *less* then a "normal" flush toilet. There is no odour, at all, during use. We don't even need the bathroom exhaust fan.
It separates wee and poo and uses almost no water. I empty the wee daily onto our trees, and the poo weekly into a compost bin which takes about 6 months to break down into odour free soil.
It's been a revelation - we're saving water, closing the nutrient loop, don't have to pay for a plumber, and our trees have never looked happier.
In terms of "yuck-factor", if you've dealt with nappies, this is totally fine.

#compost #compostadon #composttoilet

Last updated 2 years ago

Il cantiere per realizzare le tre
docce e le tre toilette compostanti continua.
Non vediamo l'ora di poterle utilizzare!

#composttoilet #compost #toiletteseche #wcecologici #cantiere #chantier

Last updated 2 years ago

Il cantiere per realizzare le tre
docce e le tre toilette compostanti continua.
Non vediamo l'ora di poterle utilizzare!

#composttoilet #compost #toiletteseche #wcecologici #cantiere #chantier

Last updated 2 years ago