@SrRochardBunson @volkris @morganalafee @kaydenpat Not to be forgotten:
John Roberts's inglorious role in Citizens United v. FEC.

Legal scholars in Time's article on *the worst SCOTUS decisions since 1960*, expressing their opinions on Citizens United v. Fec:

"Citizens United because it departed from precedent and distorted the political process in ruinous fashion"

"Citizens United v. FEC (2010). Because it is undermining our system of democracy itself."
Christian Science Monitor on the same SCOTUS decision:
"Thursday was a bad day for democracy. The Supreme Courtโ€™s decision in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission paves the way for unlimited corporate and union spending in elections, and the drowning out of the average citizenโ€™s voice in our public policy debates. In other words, the court has made a bad situation worse by enhancing the ability of the deepest-pocketed special interests to influence elections and the US Congress."


#ruleoflaw #cleanscotus #reformsc #ExpandTheCourt #impeachthesix #compromisedcourt #leonardleo #federalistsociety #defraudingamerica

Last updated 2 years ago

@Passblue After visiting Afghanistan, could United Nations Security Council members please also visit red states in the United States of America, where womens' & human rights are also trampled on by religiously misled falsificates of Christians denying becoming mothers life-saving abortions just to demonstrate power of office?

#womensrights #humanrights #abortion #roevwade #compromisedcourt #scotus #un #unitednations

Last updated 2 years ago

@attorneywonderer @MeidasTouch ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿค” You mean leaking a draft in order to build up pressure on his Federalist Society comrades on the bench to not deviate from the scripted path?!

#ruleoflaw #cleanscotus #compromisedcourt

Last updated 2 years ago

@heidilifeldman The fact, that one man, Leonard Leo (Federalist Society & Catholic Opus Dei-associate), could pick & push 5 of the 6 current SCOTUS-majority's justices onto the bench should be reason enough to question their legitimacy & impartiality!

(Not even talking about the financial integrity of those, who confirmed them in the Senate...)


#ruleoflaw #cleanscotus #compromisedcourt

Last updated 2 years ago

๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘ Georgia judge wipes the floor with Samuel Alito for his inglorious perversion of the Constitution to kill Roe v Wade!
You gotta love Judge Robert McBurney's words not missing a point!

"This new majority has provided our nation with a revised (and controlling) interpretation of what the unchanged words of the U.S. Constitution really mean. And until that interpretation changes again, it is the law."


#ruleoflaw #womensrights #humanrights #cleanscotus #compromisedcourt

Last updated 2 years ago