Poetry News · @haikubot
723 followers · 7168 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

I just saw a promotion for this on CBS... er... CBS deals I think it is called.

I'm sorry but this thing looks like a whole bunch of bad ideas put together.

A multitool is always a compromise, but this device seems to make all the wrong compromises.

I'll keep using my Leatherman. It can easily fit in a pocket with a whole bunch of other stuff.


#cbsdeals #multitool #leatherman #compromises #ad #advertisement #crap #badideas

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD · @dreddy
45 followers · 508 posts · Server brighteon.social
gwfoto · @gwfoto
104 followers · 345 posts · Server newsie.social

A professional is basically a dishonorable person. In order to get anywhere near high office they have to make so many and submit to so many that they become indistinguishable from a common petty .

#politician #compromises #humiliations #criminal

Last updated 2 years ago

Marie (she/her) · @BostonBibliophile
414 followers · 805 posts · Server zirk.us

it looks like in exchange for watching princess kaguya i now have to watch bullet train. sigh.

#marriage #compromises #stockholmsyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago

· @packetsnorter
58 followers · 77 posts · Server ioc.exchange

@benkenney @serghei I do not....but having to deal with many at work, trying to get info from them that they don't provide in their public posts is typically hard. I'm gonna hit up support and see what they say.

#vendor #compromises

Last updated 2 years ago

Scotty · @ndvirons
3 followers · 1 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I'm Scotty, and I'm Nuero-divergent) ( -8 Attention / +9 hyper-focus, +10 Active, -7 Social, +10 Esoteric Knowledge, +9 Sound Sensitive, +2 Synesthesia)*

And here is my introduction:

TL/DR: ND, carer for adult AD daughter, Principal at ND-Virons)

My main thing right now is parenting/caring for my daughter, Anna (25yrs old, +10 Sensory sensitivities, -8 Communication, -6 Social, +10 associated disorders (epilepsy, GI issues, Pica, etc)

Anna is amazing (there will be more here later -she doesn't type, but knows what I post). Anna also needs 24/7 supervision to keep herself and other safe, hygiene assistance, special living arrangements, custom food preparation, etc) When she aged out of the public school system right before the pandemic our world and all supports fell apart.

We are taking what we've learned and built together into a new venture, ND-Virons, a yet-to-be-formed Consultancy/Non-Profit.

The purpose of ND-Virons is to develop designs and technologies to create environments in which ND peeps can thrive.

I've I've tried to do this for Anna her whole life, and now, (after abandoning a PhD on the topic in order to care for Anna in the pandemic) it's time to share what we've learned.

*(Attribute scores based on NT baseline.)

**If you care about the DSM, I'm late-diagnosed ADHD, referred for autism diagnosis by primary care (for which the system I'm in has no process. Anna was diagnosed with Autism (DSM-IV, now under V she's classified as 3/3 or as Simon would prefer "profound"), Epilepsy and Pica at age 3)


Last updated 2 years ago

Axel Antoni · @axantoni
289 followers · 460 posts · Server mastodon.social

@structuregeek in 2008, when I was a Linux newbie, I was distrohopping like mad. My heart said free speech, my computer said free beer. Yet, despite the many compromises I have made, I will never return to Windows which is neither.

#gratisvslibre #compromises

Last updated 2 years ago

Ghost0x0 · @ghost0x0
228 followers · 282 posts · Server mastodon.online

Here is an article on misconfigurations, which is an issue. as "misconfig" is a major source of downtime or

securityintelligence.com/artic dataleakage

#compromises #cloud

Last updated 2 years ago