A quotation from Burchill, Julie:
Writing is more than anything a compulsion, like some people wash their hands thirty times a day for fear of awful consequences if they do not. It pays a whole lot better than this type of compulsion, but it is no more heroic.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #author #compulsion #obsession #writing
#quote #quotes #quotation #author #compulsion #obsession #writing
Wanted to share a tiny win I had against a bad habit:
When I get a swollen tastebud, I usually end up biting it trying to get it off- not helping at all.
Managed to restrain that urge, and the swelling went away FAST.
So satisfying.
#ocd #autism #sensoryproblems #habits #compulsion
So, I have a #compulsion now. I never realized how powerful those things fucking are. The rational brain holds no sway. #mentalillness
I fought my brain and my brain won.
I fought my brain and my brain won #bpd #bpd2 #compulsion
I should be working… but I keep ordering sensors on AliExpress to use with ESPHome. More bling and blank for @homeassistant
A quotation from Augustine of Hippo:
This clearly shows that we learn better in a free spirit of curiosity than under fear and compulsion.
[Hinc satis elucet maiorem habere vim ad discenda ista liberam curiositatem quam meticulosam necessitatem.]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #compulsion #curiosity #discipline #education #freedom #learning
#quote #quotes #quotation #compulsion #curiosity #discipline #education #freedom #learning
A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at director #RichardFleischer's #Compulsion: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-04-18T14_19_01-07_00 #DeanStockwell #OrsonWelles #BradfordDillman #DianeVarsi #RichardDZanuck
#richarddzanuck #dianevarsi #bradforddillman #orsonwelles #deanstockwell #compulsion #richardfleischer #podcast #filmstrips
If you oppose compulsory K12 schooling, are there any arguments in favor of it that you take seriously enough to think they're worth refuting? If you support it, what arguments in its favor convince you? I'm writing against it and need additional respectable opposition to argue against.
I'm asking in good faith and looking for citations rather than debates, so boosts appreciated.
#Education #K12 #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #Deschooling #CompulsorySchooling #Anarchism #Anarchy #Compulsion
#education #K12 #Abolition #policeabolition #deschooling #compulsoryschooling #anarchism #anarchy #compulsion
A quotation from Dante Alighieri:
Necessity brings him here, not pleasure.
[Necessità ‘l ci ‘nduce, e non diletto.]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #compulsion #journey #necessity #need #pilgrimage #tourist
#quote #quotes #quotation #compulsion #journey #necessity #need #pilgrimage #tourist
64 years ago:
Compulsion (US)
Two close friends kidnap and murder a young boy and are defended in court by a renowned attorney who makes an impassioned plea against capital punishment.
#Compulsion #RichardFleischer #OrsonWelles #DianeVarsi #DeanStockwell #20thCenturyFox #Film
#compulsion #richardfleischer #orsonwelles #dianevarsi #deanstockwell #20thcenturyfox #film
A chilly 22⁰F out. But the compulsion still kicks in.
"No shirt. You should always be shirtless, unless absolutely necessary."
I comply.
"Pants too, while you're at it. Commando? Excellent. Now hands behind your back, and show everyone what a good, obedient piggy bear you are!"
#gay #bear #strip #shirtless #compulsion #submissive #obedient #naked #exposed
#gay #Bear #strip #shirtless #compulsion #submissive #obedient #naked #exposed
Eh si, in effetti abbiamo un problema, Houston 😂
#wishi #wishitape #tape #compulsion #colors #hobby @ thesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_zCoHM0Cf/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#wishi #wishitape #tape #compulsion #colors #hobby
A quotation from Von Clausewitz, Karl:
War is nothing but a duel on a larger scale. Countess duels go to make up a war, but a picture of it as a whole can be formed by imagining a pair of wrestlers. Each tries through physical force to compel the other to do his will; his immediate aim is to throw his opponent in order to make him incapable of further resi…
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#quote #quotes #quotation #compulsion #duel #force
Trapped in the rigid structures of society and the media, often the only remaining freedom is - the scream!
#scream #portrait #social #compulsion #freedom #breakout #photography #art #photoart
#photoart #art #photography #breakout #freedom #compulsion #social #portrait #scream
A quotation from Virgil:
Do the gods light this fire in our hearts
or does each man’s mad desire become his god?
[Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #ardor #compulsion #desire #gods #inspiration #obsession #passion
#quote #quotes #quotation #ardor #compulsion #desire #gods #inspiration #obsession #passion
"About 10 percent of the people over 18 that you meet or know are in recovery from a substance abuse issue.
Addictionology: pretty damn important.
Addiction: pretty damn common—also pretty treatable with the right resources and support."
– Alie Ward of Ologies
#addiction #treatment #drugs #alcohol #sex #compulsion #help #getHelp #therapy #support #community #purpose
#addiction #treatment #drugs #alcohol #sex #compulsion #help #gethelp #therapy #support #community #purpose
Too many accolades in the inner circle.
The Thing I Got Very Wrong
The enablers fed the compulsion until there was no escape for the narcissist.
#trump #narcissism #compulsion #meadow
Continuing on through Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics book 3 (with a bit of 7 in there), here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on his discussion of compulsion and moral responsibility!
#Podcast #Aristotle #Ethics #Compulsion #Force #Fear #Desire
#desire #fear #force #compulsion #ethics #aristotle #podcast
A quotation from Mill, John Stuart:
the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent …
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#quote #quotes #quotation #busy-body #censorship #compulsion #freedom
#quote #quotes #quotation #busy #censorship #compulsion #freedom