(PI) is Prof. in #ComputationalEconomics at @tudelft
. She focuses on exploring how behavioral changes at micro level may lead to regime shifts in complex adaptive socio-technical-environmental systems, applied to climate-resilient development.
http://www.sc3.center/team/tatiana-filatova/ (2/9)
I feel strangely energized by the #twittermigration – and in a good way!
It gives me the energy to finally launch a lot of projects I had on my radar but for some reasons I had trouble actually launching
One of them is the relaunch of my econ newsletter – where I plan to write on #agentbasedmodels, #computationaleconomics and the #logologyofeconomics (aka research on the making of economics itself)
Don’t miss my upcoming posts by subscribing ⤵️
#twittermigration #AgentBasedModels #computationaleconomics #logologyofeconomics