#EGU23 I want to advertise two more computational research works I have been involved in.
On Thu, 27 Apr at 8:30–10:15 am in Hall A (A.166), Zhi will be on site to discuss a GPU-accelerated Richards(on) solver implementation.
Li et al. GPU-accelerated numerical solution to the Richards Equation: performance and prospects
On Fri, 28 Apr at 10:59 am at PICO spot 4, Daniel will present the hydrodynamic core of the SERGHEI ecohydrological model with application to urban flooding.
Caviedes-Voullième et al. Towards 2D flood forecasting with the HPC-enabled shallow water solver SERGHEI-SWE
#egu23 #hpc #gpu #kokkos #computationalgeoscience