Check out MIT's groundbreaking model for predicting human emotions in social situations! 🌟🧠📊 It considers desires, expectations, and observers to deduce motivations, compare outcomes, and predict emotions, outperforming other models. 🌐 #EmotionalIntelligence #MIT #PredictiveModeling
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What are your thoughts on how this could revolutionize our understanding of emotions? Share your insights! 🤔💬 #SocialIntelligence #Psychology #ComputationalModeling
#emotionalintelligence #mit #predictivemodeling #socialintelligence #psychology #computationalmodeling
3D muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old “Lucy” walked upright - 3D reconstruction of lower limb muscles of Australopithecus afarensi... - #computationalmodeling #evolutionarybiology #paleoanthropology #ancienthominins #humanevolution #biomechanics #paleontology #lucyfossil #science #biology
#biology #science #lucyfossil #paleontology #biomechanics #humanevolution #ancienthominins #paleoanthropology #evolutionarybiology #computationalmodeling
Ars Technica: 3D muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old “Lucy” walked upright #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #computationalmodeling #evolutionarybiology #paleoanthropology #ancienthominins #humanevolution #Biomechanics #paleontology #Lucyfossil #Science #Biology
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #computationalmodeling #EvolutionaryBiology #paleoanthropology #ancienthominins #humanevolution #biomechanics #paleontology #lucyfossil #science #biology
New preprint! "A controller-peripheral architecture and costly energy principle for learning" - led by Ken Xiaoliang Luo, and with Brett Roads and Brad Love @ProfData.
Also check 🐦 thread:
#paperThread #neuroscience #psychology #brain #deeplearning #models #concepts #category #learning #computationalmodeling
@cogsci @neuroscience 1/6
#computationalmodeling #PaperThread #neuroscience #psychology #brain #deeplearning #models #concepts #category #learning
"Neurocomputational mechanisms of affected beliefs" finally out now in #CommunicationsBiology! Great effort by Laura Müller-Pinzler (w/o social media) and the @SNL_Luebeck team with @fmpaulus @a_schroeder @davidstolz and more are still migrating here
#AffectedBeliefs ##emotion #embarrassment #pride #fmri #ComputationalModeling #sociallearning
#SocialLearning #computationalmodeling #fmri #pride #embarrassment #emotion #affectedbeliefs #communicationsbiology
"Neurocomputational mechanisms of affected beliefs" finally out now in #CommunicationsBiology! Great effort by Laura Müller-Pinzler (w/o social media) and the @SNL_Luebeck team with @fmpaulus @a_schroeder @davidstolz and more are still migrating here
#AffectedBeliefs ##emotion #embarrassment #pride #fmri #ComputationalModeling #sociallearning
#SocialLearning #computationalmodeling #fmri #pride #embarrassment #emotion #affectedbeliefs #communicationsbiology
#Introduction I am a cognitive neuroscientist studying #navigation and #memory. I teach courses in #neuroscience at Colby College. My lab is working to develop immersive behavioral tasks, using #VR and real-world memory tasks (e.g., building apps to study people as they interact with their environment). We combine our behavioral tasks with measures of the brain, including mobile #EEG, #ComputationalModeling, and #fMRI. We also use computational/#ML techniques to study the 🧠 and behavior.
#fmri #computationalmodeling #eeg #vr #NeuroScience #memory #navigation #Introduction
Hi, I am excited to meet new people and old friends here!
I share stimulating research on #humanbehavior, #cognition, #evolution, #culturalevolution, #cooperation, #complexsystems, #religion, and #ritual and hope to learn more about #computationalmodeling, #human-AI interactions, and #Bayesian statistics. I also share resources on #statistics, #Rstats, and #openscience and promote our lab's work.
I am always open to chatting about coffee.
#openscience #RStats #statistics #bayesian #human #computationalmodeling #ritual #Religion #complexsystems #cooperation #CulturalEvolution #evolution #cognition #humanbehavior #Introduction
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RT by @physorg_com: Researchers use #computationalmodeling to understand why some #flu viruses cause more severe infections