#ComplexityThoughts is back after the summer break!
In the issue #14 amazing new papers, from #NetworkScience foundations to #OriginOfLife #Neuroscience and #ComputationalSocialScience
Unraveling complexity: building knowledge, one paper at a time!
Not yet subscribed? It's never too late, and it's 100% free.
#computationalsocialscience #neuroscience #originoflife #networkscience #ComplexityThoughts
Reminder: Our annual #ASA Computational Sociology Happy Hour will be part of the Math Soc reception (joint with Methods & several other sections) this year at Tir Na Nog (1600 Arch St) on Saturday (8/19) from 6:30-9:30p.
We will gather in our own room; join us! #ASA23 #ASA2023
#sociology #sociodon
#computationalsociology #computationalsocialscience #sociodon #sociology #ASA2023 #asa23 #asa
📣 Assoc Prof wanted!
ITU is looking for an Associate Professor in #dataScience and #machineLearning, including #networkScience, #computationalSocialScience
👉 https://nerds.itu.dk/2023/08/16/assoc-prof-wanted/
Deadline: Sep 8
#datascience #machinelearning #networkscience #computationalsocialscience
The possibility of this happening is exactly what I worried about when Butthead took over #TheBirdSite https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/06/musk-black-twitter-spill/ #WebScience #ComputationalSocialScience #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
#thebirdsite #webscience #computationalsocialscience #blacklivesmatter #blm
Thiel, D. and DiResta, R. (2023). “Child Safety on Federated Social Media.” Stanford Digital Repository. Available at https://purl.stanford.edu/vb515nd6874 https://doi.org/10.25740/vb515nd6874 #WebScience #ComputationalSocialScience #CSAM
#webscience #computationalsocialscience #csam
Lawsuits like this threaten #WebScience and #ComputationalSocialScience https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/01/twitter-lawsuit-center-for-countering-digital-hate/ via @washingtonpost
#webscience #computationalsocialscience
If you are curious about the novel results published in Science and Nature by the collaboration btw Meta and US academics, you might want to read #ComplexityThoughts
I try to build some background for non-experts of #ComputationalSocialScience and summarize the main findings.
Finally, I dig into the ongoing debate, covering existing documents and my chats with Sandra González-Bailón, Sander van der Linden, Pierluigi Sacco and others
This debate might be of high interest for self-organized decentralized platforms, such as #Mastodon and the #Fediverse in general
You can read the (100% free) piece here: https://manlius.substack.com/p/are-social-media-undermining-democracy
If you find https://manlius.substack.com/ useful, please subscribe. It is (and will always be) free.
#SocialMedia #Democracy #DigitalDemocracy #DigitalPublicHealth #ComplexSystems #Complexity #HumanBehavior
#humanbehavior #complexity #complexsystems #digitalpublichealth #digitaldemocracy #democracy #socialmedia #fediverse #mastodon #computationalsocialscience #ComplexityThoughts
Very excited about the two great sessions on data donation with many amazing presentations at #esra23. You can find the abstracts here:
#datadonation #surveymethods #computationalsocialscience
#computationalsocialscience #surveymethods #datadonation #esra23
〝These results are consistent with findings showing that the benefits of long ties come from oscillation between making deep investments and brokering in multiple communities. Brokers with network oscillation have developed the skill for successfully moving in and out of groups, much similar to the experience of migration or relocation during high school〞
#computationalsocialscience #longties #networkscience
〝These results are consistent with findings showing that the benefits of long ties come from oscillation between making deep investments and brokering in multiple communities. Brokers with network oscillation have developed the skill for successfully moving in and out of groups, much similar to the experience of migration or relocation during high school〞
#computationalsocialscience #longties #networkscience
@sociology Reminder: **Computational Sociology Happy Hour** at #ASA in Philly will be at Tir Na Nog on Sat (8/19) from 6:30-8:30PM.
This will be joint with Math Soc, Methods, and other generous ASA sections.
#ASA23 #sociology #ComputationalSocialScience
(...and using this toot as an opportunity to test out the QTs on elk.fedified.com)
#computationalsocialscience #sociology #asa23 #asa
New preprint by @simonmunzert, @seramirezruiz, Oliver Watteler, Veronika Batzdorfer, Christina Eder, Deborah Wiltshire, Pablo Barbera, Andrew Guess, JungHwan Yang, and me: "Publishing Combined Web Tracking and Survey Data" https://osf.io/y4v8z/
#commodon #computationalsocialscience #digitaltracedata #webtracking #survey
#survey #webtracking #digitaltracedata #computationalsocialscience #commodon
@mozilla is building an app to study TikTok's algorithm that will likely also be of interest for researchers. You can support the development by donating here: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/?c_id=7014x000000eQOC
#commodon #computationalsocialscience #digitaltracedata #tiktok
#tiktok #digitaltracedata #computationalsocialscience #commodon
How new #Twitter API rules could hinder #warcrimes research and rescue efforts https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/06/20/twitter-policy-elon-musk-api/ #WebScience #ComputationalSocialScience
#twitter #warcrimes #webscience #computationalsocialscience
#GOP Targets Researchers Who Study #Disinformation Ahead of 2024 Election G.O.P. Targets Researchers Who Study Disinformation Ahead of 2024 Election @webscience #WebScience #ComputationalSocialScience @computationalsocialscience
#gop #disinformation #webscience #computationalsocialscience
There's a dearth of scientific studies of children's use of platforms like YouTube and Facebook precisely because those platforms make it difficult for researchers to _conduct_ that research... https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/17/upshot/social-media-teen-mental-health.html via @NYTimes #WebScience #ComputationalSocialScience
#webscience #computationalsocialscience
How do #WebScience and #ComputationalSocialScience research communities feel about #Reddit beginning to charge for API access? https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/18/reddit-will-begin-charging-for-access-to-its-api/
#webscience #computationalsocialscience #reddit
🚨 CfA - We are looking for a new colleague (3 years, 65%)!
Candidates should be willing to do a PhD in Political Science and be interested a) in concepts such as #Polarization, #Politicization, #Democracy, #Sustainability and b) in methods of #ComputationalSocialScience and / or #DataLinkage.
I am happy to provide more information about a highly interesting position in a very nice team and department that is located at the (only) lake in Muenster! Deadline: 04.06.2023! @politicalscience
#datalinkage #computationalsocialscience #sustainability #democracy #politicization #polarization
Datasci.social is a server for researchers & practitioners in human-centric data science, broadly defined, like network science, computational social science, geospatial data science:
:Fediverse: https://datasci.social
For more info see their About page at https://datasci.social/about or ask their admin @mszll
#FeaturedServer #DataScience #DataSci #NetworkScience #Networks #ComputationalSocialScience #SocialScience #DataViz #Geospatial #GeospatialDataScience #Data #Science #Academic #Fediverse
#featuredserver #datascience #datasci #networkscience #networks #computationalsocialscience #socialscience #dataviz #geospatial #geospatialdatascience #data #science #academic #Fediverse