On Feb. 17th & 18th the first meeting of the group for the "history of computer science and computers" (at @informatik) will take place a the department for #mediastudies at University Bonn.
There will be talks, planning discussions, and visits to computer historical collections in Bonn.
If you are interested to participate go here: http://txt3.de/fg2023-1 (and drop me an email)
#ComputerHistory #ComputerScience #Retrocomputing #ComputerArcheology #ArtificialIntelligence
#mediastudies #computerhistory #computerscience #retrocomputing #computerarcheology #artificialintelligence
Just published the German language draft of my 2018 talk (https://bit.ly/3Vf1UwJ) "How to do Things with Keys. Programmieren als Geste" on Academia:
#Assembly #Flusser #programming #ComputerArcheology #ComputerPhilology #Linguistics
#assembly #Flusser #programming #computerarcheology #computerphilology #linguistics
Just published the German language draft of my 2018 talk (https://bit.ly/3Vf1UwJ) "How to do Things with Keys. Programmieren als Geste" on Academia:
#Assembly #Flusser #programming #ComputerArcheology #ComputerPhilology #Linguistics
#assembly #Flusser #programming #computerarcheology #computerphilology #linguistics