Interesting tale of the Ladybird "How it works: The Computer" special edition which may, or may not, have been produced in the 1970s for MOD staff
#ladybird #ladybirdBooks #howItWorks #computer #computing #computerEducation #MOD
#ladybird #ladybirdbooks #howitworks #computer #computing #computereducation #mod
An article I contributed to: "A survey of the state of the practice for research software in the United States" was one of the top 5 most viewed #ComputerEducation #ScientificComputingSimulation and #SoftwareEngineering articles published in the @PeerJ CS journal in 2022! 😊
#computereducation #scientificcomputingsimulation #softwareengineering
A few days ago, while wandering aimlessly around the internet, I cam across this gem;
nand2tetris is a training course on computers from first principles to the creation of a Tetris like game. Designed mostly for high school kids.
#computereducation #nand2tetris
My kids' high school computer education is non-existent.
Any recommendations for teaching compsci to 11 - 14yr olds? Websites, books, games, etc...