Xenix 286 from the 1980s is Y2K-compliant, unlike other operating systems for this hardware.
#Xenix #Unix #OperatingSystem #OperatingSystems #ComputerHistory #ComputingHistory #Retrocomputing #Intel #x86 #Microsoft #SCO
#xenix #unix #operatingsystem #operatingsystems #computerhistory #computinghistory #intel #x86 #microsoft #sco #retrocomputing
How (and Why) to Replace cron Jobs With systemd Timers
Check it out! 👇
#computerhistory #linuxandmacosterminal #linux
Going through some old paper files today, and found a folded-up cutting from the 1 February 1992 issue of The Guardian.
It's an advert from Apple, promoting a month-long special deal on Classic, Classic II and LC Macintoshes.
It's a pre-internet world. Send an envelope to a FREEPOST address. Or dial 100 and ask for "Freefone Apple".
Nothing remarkable at all, but it brought back some warm fuzzies.
#apple #computerhistory #jumpersforgoalposts
Hello friends! I'm starting a little computer history project I think some of you will be interested in. I recently watched a series from The Serial Port on Youtube about the Cobalt Raq and it reignited my interest in late 90's and early 2000's server appliances. The Cobalt line is relatively well known so I went looking to see what else was available around that time and found the Intel Netstructure product line which I was not previously familiar with. I purchased a Netstructure 3110 VPN gateway (very cheap!) to play around with. I don't know what I'll find inside. Maybe I'll find a locked down system that is only of historic interest or maybe I'll find fairly standard x86 hardware I can load NetBSD on. Who know? I can't stand that there so little documentation on these things so I'll be documenting this here and on my new and soon(?) to be revealed personal website. Follow along at #NetStructure3110 if you're interested. I'll post my website when it's ready.
#intel #computerhistory #internethistory
#netstructure3110 #intel #computerhistory #InternetHistory
Delighted to receive my Z-1 replica from The High Nibble! Now I just need to find time to start assembling! https://thehighnibble.com #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #z80 #computerhistory
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #z80 #computerhistory
Expressen rapporterar om Stockholms spårvägars inköp av ”en matematikmaskin, elektronhjärna eller elektronisk databehandlingsmaskin (kärt barn har många namn)”, 6 oktober 1958. ”En sådan här apparat – utom flickan – skeppas över Atlanten till Stockholms spårvägar i vår” #computerhistory #ibm650
Why Did Some Old Computers Use Cassette Tapes for Storage?
Check it out! 👇
#storage #retrocomputing #computerhistory
@benjedwards Somehow, it was fun! Too bad images on the article do not load anymore. Thanks for sharing this big visual summary.
You just gave me an idea of Dataviz with storage evolution.
Finding dates where they were available won't be too hard. However, knowing how much have been used might be another story.
#computerhistory #storage #idea #storytelling #dataviz
Celebrating a computing pioneer! Happy Birthday to the Harvard Mark I which is 78 years old!
Also called #IBM ASCC, it was a colossal 51-ft long, 9,445-pound machine. Despite trigonometry taking over one minute, it broke new ground by using punched paper tape for data storage.
Retired in '59, it remains a cornerstone in computing history as it played a crucial role in the war effort during the latter part of World War II.
#HarvardMarkI #ComputingHistory ASCC #ComputerHistory #EarlyComputers
#earlycomputers #computerhistory #computinghistory #harvardmarki #ibm
Internet Explorer: The Rise and Fall of an Internet Legend
Check it out! 👇
#microsoft #internetexplorer #features #computerhistory
Why Were Old Computers All Beige?
Check it out! 👇
#computerhardware #hardware #features #computerhistory
Happy 46th birthday to the TRS-80, an iconic computer that was released on this day in 1977!
As one of the pioneering microcomputers, it played a significant role in shaping the early personal computer era.
#Ad #Coloured #TRS80 #TandyRadioShack80 #RetroComputing #VintageComputers #Microcomputers #PersonalComputers #ComputerHistory #RetroTech #OldComputers #TechNostalgia #8BitComputers #Z80 #BASIC #Computing #History #Nostalgia #RadioShack
#radioshack #nostalgia #history #computing #basic #z80 #8bitcomputers #technostalgia #oldcomputers #retrotech #computerhistory #personalcomputers #microcomputers #VintageComputers #retrocomputing #tandyradioshack80 #trs80 #coloured #ad
A Visual History of the Browser Wars in Icons
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#internet #webbrowsers #computerhistory
In 1960, when I was 13, I got to walk through a computer. The facility housing it occupied an underground city block in Santa Monica and consisted of a pair of the largest mainframes IBM ever built, hooked up back to back with a control center in the middle. This was at an open house held just once, for a few hours, so that kids could see where their parents worked. In my case, this was my dad.
This is, AFAIK, my oldest piece of software and dates from 1985. I used to play these games on my Atari 130 XL. It contains the following games:
* Jet Boot Jack
* Airstrike II
* Batty Builders
* Breath of the Dragon (the game was released only in this compilation)
* Neptune's Daughters
#computerhistory #atari #130xe #audiocassette #software #1985 #history #games #aackosoft
#computerhistory #atari #130xe #audiocassette #software #history #games #aackosoft
5 Things Apple Killed (And Everyone Else Followed)
Check it out! 👇
#Apple #features #computerhistory
Psst - want to see some photos? #RetroComputing photos? Lots of them? I have just the thing, a whole collection of albums, mostly taken at various UK museums... take a deep breath, and dive in!
Also featuring #ComputerHistory, so expect some Colossus, Bombe, Friden action too. You will see drums, disks, tapes, tubes, cores. And Dekatrons, of course.
A taster of the delights below...
#retrocomputing #computerhistory
Today I visited the System Source Computer Museum in Maryland. It's an absolutely incredible collection! They had everything from Crays to original Apple I's, a working Xerox Alto, and other computer-adjectent tech like Videophones and a Linotype machine... Too much stuff to list really. I highly recommend checking it out if you ever get the chance! #computing #computerhistory
1. #Java's mascot has been created by Joe Palrang (Shrek, Over the Hedge). [1]
2. "Java" is synonymous for "coffee" [2] thus the cup logo.
[1] https://dev.java/duke/
[2] https://buyorganiccoffee.org/1512/why-is-coffee-called-java/
#java @programming @javabubble #javalang #computerhistory
#til #java #JavaLang #computerhistory