I’ve ordered the last structural piece to my network rack: a UPS. The Tripp Lite SMART1500LCD which has a 900W capacity. Since I’ve only got a 90W NAS and a 70W PoE switch as the main power contenders to hook up to it so far, it seems I have some headroom to grow.
Hoping to learn Ansible enough soon that I could write a playbook to shutdown all the things from a script. Maybe that is this weekends project… #ComputerNetwork #sysadmin #noideawhatimdoing
#computernetwork #sysadmin #noideawhatimdoing
I never did an #introduction post so here it goes!
I am an #ElectricalEngineer who works primarily and professionally on #FPGA devices. I’ve worked with tons of different #Xilinx/ #AMD devices and #Microsemi/ #Microchip. Yes it’s confusing keeping track of which company owns what.
I enjoy messing around with #RaspberryPi and #Arduino, and I thoroughly enjoy the whole concept of #ComputerNetwork.
I like #jazz and #electronic music, and I like anything pertaining to #TheLegendOfZelda…
#introduction #electricalengineer #fpga #xilinx #amd #microsemi #microchip #raspberrypi #arduino #computernetwork #jazz #electronic #thelegendofzelda
Heute vor 4 Jahen hat es begonnen mit dem neuen #Mäuseroulette. Da habe ich die ersten Versuche mit dem Schnitzen unternommen. Was daraus geworden ist seht ihr auf https://www.maushausen.net
#Projekt #holz #einfachmachen #basteln #holzwerken #handwerk #handwerkeln #woodwork #sau_cool_basteln #heimwerken #handarbeit #holzarbeit #holzbasteln #selberbauen #ComputerNetwork #Screenshot #Computer #Font #dachschindeln #schindeldach
#schindeldach #dachschindeln #font #computer #screenshot #computernetwork #selberbauen #holzbasteln #Holzarbeit #handarbeit #heimwerken #sau_cool_basteln #woodwork #handwerkeln #handwerk #holzwerken #basteln #EinfachMachen #holz #projekt #mauseroulette