#OTD Sept 11, 1977
Atari released the 2600 console here in the U.S. so here’s a fun song about it from Muckafurgason’s debut album, “Tossing A Friend" released in 1998
#otd #atari #gaming #vintage #console #computers #history
draft - i gotta say, chromeOS is feeling a little bit paltry. i mean, yes, they're trying to be sort of "light weight". but can't they also just be a "newer" operating system than the old behemoths? like, let us have lacros AND multiple users. i mean maybe they will when it gets out of beta. but yeah.
#chromeos #chromebook #chromeos116 #chromeos117 #lacros #chromeoslacros #privacy #peaceofmind #computers #Windows11 #8gbram #16gbram #corei3 #corei5 #ryzen5 #touchscreen #premiumchromeos #premiumchromebook
Google Docs for Beginners
#seniorsguidetocomputers #seniors #computers #computertraining #computertutorials #computerlessons #beginners #software #hardware #internet #security #cybersecurity #email
I'm trying to use #ChatGPT to generate the vocabulary for #GUCAC. It seems like this should be within ChatGPT's wheelhouse, so I may just be asking the wrong questions.
ChatGPT doesn't seem to grok binary or exponents very well. I tried bit positions (5th bit) and hexadecimal (0X20), but 00100000 seems to work best. ChatGPT still isn't right in terms of these words' associations with the taxons; 'Swimming' is a gerund with little in common with meaning and emotion, thought, relationships, or groups of things.
(This will be the only post with the ChatGPT tag, follow #GUCAC if curious)
#tech #technology #interface #HCI #data #computer #computers
#internet #webdev #opensource
(this is me)
Create a taxonomy using the 256 most common unique singular nouns and gerunds that follow this fuzzy pattern.
Precede each word with its hexadecimal number starting with zero.
Follow each word with a list of the bits that are on.
In the taxon descriptions below, "more related" means that this word is in the top 50% of the 256 words, in terms of its relation to the taxon via word cosign vectors or similar measures.
The zeroth word is null.
The words will be arranged in an eight dimensional binary array as follows:
Words with bit 10000000 are acts (gerunds).
Words without bit 10000000 are singular nouns.
Words with bit 01000000 are more related to states of being.
Words with bit 00100000 are more related to physical objects.
Words with bit 00010000 are more related to time.
Words with bit 00001000 are more related to meaning and emotion.
Words with bit 00000100 are more related to thought.
Words with bit 00000010 are more related to relationships.
Words with bit 00000001 are more related to groups of things.
(ChatGPT: Close, no cigar)
Creating a list of 256 unique common words that follow this fuzzy pattern is a challenging task, but here's a sample list of words that fit your criteria. I've provided the hexadecimal numbers and the corresponding bit descriptions for each word:
0x00: bits 00000000
1. null
0x01: bits 00000001
2. community
0x02: bits 00000010
3. thought
0x03: bits 00000011
4. existence
0x04: bits 00000100
5. history
0x05: bits 00000101
6. mountain
0x06: bits 00000110
7. emotion
0x07: bits 00000111
8. running
0x08: bits 00001000
9. collection
0x09: bits 00001001
10. friendship
0x0A: bits 00001010
11. contemplation
0x0B: bits 00001011
12. happiness
0x0C: bits 00001100
13. time
0x0D: bits 00001101
14. river
0x0E: bits 00001110
15. presence
0x0F: bits 00001111
16. swimming
0x10: bits 00010000
17. assembly
0x11: bits 00010001
18. connection
0x12: bits 00010010
19. reflection
0x13: bits 00010011
20. memory
0x14: bits 00010100
21. today
0x15: bits 00010101
22. forest
0x16: bits 00010110
23. perception
0x17: bits 00010111
24. dancing
(Continuing with similar patterns for all 256 words)
Please note that generating 256 unique common words that fit the pattern exactly can be challenging, and you may need to adjust or expand the list to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, the categorization of words into different bits is subjective and may require further refinement based on your needs.
#chatgpt #gucac #tech #technology #interface #hci #data #computer #computers #internet #webdev #opensource
#Computers on wheels are bound to be #data #privacy nightmares, especially #EVs:
#computers #data #privacy #evs
Сиджейское извращение с семплами из папки Windows \ Media. Тут мне удалось откопать несколько симпатичных струнных семплов и забабахать из них фольк-рок, или просто фольк (простите, но мне непонятно, что это вообще за...).В принципе, хочу хотя бы миньюн записать, но вот права...
#music #musicproduction #windows #waves #computers #write #mix #funny #folk
#параллельнаядискография #music #musicproduction #windows #waves #computers #write #mix #funny #folk
@michaelgemar same same, but different 😜 "The ARPANET was established by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of #Defense.
Bob Taylor initiated the #ARPANET project in 📆 1966 to enable resource sharing between remote #computers 💻" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARPANET
Did you wonder how emojis are born? Wait a minute, you can propose an emoji too!
When #computers were a little larger than they are today
Photographer Berenice Abbott, 'Woman wiring an early IBM computer' from the Documenting Science series (1938-58)
[reposting from #WomensArt at the other place]
Working on a new #zine about #Computers ... (Will edit from computer to add alt text)
Kids and screens: Children ages 8 to 17 in the US spent less time using computers than children in the UK, and, on non-school days, more time watching TV and playing video games in 2014-15. #NICHDImpact #ScreenTime #ChildDevelopment #Computers #TV #VideoGames
#NICHDimpact #screentime #childdevelopment #computers #tv #videogames
Chrome extensions can steal plaintext passwords from websites
#ycombinator #computers #windows #linux #mac #support #tech_support #spyware #malware #virus #security #Browser_Extension #Chrome_extension #Chrome_Extension_Manifest_V3 #Extensions #Passwords #Plaintext_Password #virus_removal #malware_removal #computer_help #technical_support
#ycombinator #computers #windows #linux #mac #support #tech_support #spyware #malware #virus #security #browser_extension #chrome_extension #chrome_extension_manifest_v3 #extensions #passwords #plaintext_password #virus_removal #malware_removal #computer_help #technical_support
"Dave Cutler has had such a massive impact on the world of computing, yet relatively few people know his name or are aware of his accomplishments. He still works at Microsoft today, and has worked on both Azure and Xbox One’s hypervisor."
#Windows #OS #Computers
The history of Windows NT 3.1 https://www.osnews.com/story/136906/the-history-of-windows-nt-3-1/
Most of the time when people have slow #computers, it is not because the #processors are slow; but because their hard discs are.
Upgrading to an #SSD is more than enough.
Your processor is way better, and more powerful, than you assume it to be!
Is it possible to write an #operatingsystem which doesn't require #security updates ever? It should be able to do things. I think there were once parking meters which had #computers with no #memory apart from #processor #registers which were probably a good contender.
#operatingsystem #security #computers #memory #processor #registers
Finally it's here! Second list of 25 awesome end user, open source apps! You'll find many amazing apps to use right away!
Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet https://www.tomshardware.com/news/yes-a-pigeon-is-still-faster-than-gigabit-fiber-internet
Pigeons, “now is our time.” I guess everything truly does come around again.
#computing #computers #data #birds #bird
Creating Mail.app filters via AppleScript
"My company is mostly macOS, and we're using Google for our email. We just enabled external mail notifications, which is fine on the web or in the iOS app, but it's not showing up in non-Google access. I created a rule that will highlight emails that aren't internal, but I'm trying to figure out if I can use A
#code #computers #itstuff #job #applescript #macos #mail
I’ve been strongly considering getting a cheap Thinkpad #laptop for to explore #Linux for the first time. #Mastodon has corrupted me.
#laptop #linux #mastodon #computers #computing