✨ Joint Max Planck-Weizmann Postdoctoral Programme ✨
The Max Planck Society (@maxplanckgesellschaft) and the Weizmann Institute of Science jointly offer outstanding postdoctoral researchers in the fields of #physics, #chemistry, #mathematics, #ComputerScience and #EarthSciences a prestigious four-year appointment in a unique research environment.
🚨 Application dealine: 1 November 2023
☑️ Get more info: https://www.mpg.de/20566192/max-planck-weizmann-postdoc-programm
#physics #chemistry #mathematics #computerscience #earthsciences
I made it folks! I finished #CS50 !!
I'm officially in the 1% of people that finish the course.
What a ride!
Here's my final project: https://github.com/mauromotion/Steam-Game-Picker
And now onto CS50w for web development!
#cs50 #computerscience #webdev
#PhDposition in Creativity, Translation and Technology (3.0 FTE) (V23.0606) #AI #UniversityOfGroningen
- a Research Master’s or Master’s degree in any area related to the project (e.g. #TranslationStudies, #DigitalHumanities, #Linguistics, #LiteraryStudies, #InformationScience, #ComputerScience, #CognitiveScience #CognitivePsychology
- ...
You may apply for this position until 22nd October 11:59pm CET
For more info:
- https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S000ACQP&cat=wp
- https://www.rug.nl/staff/a.guerberof.arenas/
#phdposition #ai #UniversityOfGroningen #translationstudies #digitalhumanities #linguistics #literaryStudies #InformationScience #computerscience #cognitivescience #cognitivepsychology
Another good source for learning the Vim Editor is Swaroop's book "Byte of Vim".
#vim #programming #computerscience
#vim #programming #computerscience
Computer science award #EconTwitter #computerscience #prize #students
#econtwitter #computerscience #prize #students
What do folks think about the Online #mastersdegree in #computerscience from #georgiatech ? Do employers actually value it like a traditional MS? The 6500 price tag is certainly appealing.
#mastersdegree #computerscience #georgiatech
It will take a bit to get used to the keyboard but maybe I'll carry the #PinePhonePro with me to work and elseware to work on documentation for my courses. It's nice and light... won't hurt my back to lug around. But I just need these basics... text editors, g++ or codeblocks, everything I'd need is right here, except for being able to create drawings very easily. :P
#pinephonepro #computerscience #education
Research on the Deseret Alphabet, developed by Mormons in the 19th century.
#histodons #linguistics #computerscience
#histodons #linguistics #computerscience
I attend all of my classes remotely, which almost always requires permission from the instructor beforehand.
This is an example of the mundane technical prowess one can expect from many #ComputerScience professors.
They're almost universally more knowledgeable than I am, but holy crap, are they bad at making the basics work.
In class tonight I brought up Notepad++ and asked students for ideas on how to design the UI and UX for the worst streaming service ever and there was so much discussion lol.
#ComputerScience #Education
I think one of my goals for this semester is to just... teach about humanity. Not just talking about #ComputerScience in a vacuum, but also bringing in the way technology connects to humans and highlighting the things I love about how humans create culture and language and such. Also bring in more with ethics in different areas, like talking about Dark Patterns this week, talking about exploitation in software design.
Starting off my grading for the week by looking at the weekly check-in assignments where students tell me how it's going and if there's anything I can be doing differently, what's going well, etc. #ComputerScience #Education
I'll post some of the comments here in a thread. :3
@gtbarry Based on the published articles, I question whether #LedeAI is actually using #generative #AI with a #language model. It reads much more like a simplistic iterative #MadLibs style text generator that I could have built in my first-year #ComputerScience course.
We all really need to stop using the term #ArtificialIntelligence to describe "runs on computer."
#artificialintelligence #computerscience #madlibs #language #ai #generative #ledeai
Tobias Mann - Intel shows off 8-core, 528-thread processor with 1TB/s of co-packaged optics:
#Intel #HotChips #SiliconPhotonics #Photonics #Microprocessor #DieInterconnect #RISC #ComputeArchitecture #TSMC #GraphAnalytics #DARPA #SpecialProjects #PerformanceScaling #ComputerScience #Physics
#intel #HotChips #SiliconPhotonics #photonics #Microprocessor #DieInterconnect #risc #ComputeArchitecture #tsmc #GraphAnalytics #darpa #SpecialProjects #PerformanceScaling #computerscience #physics
Tobias Mann - Intel shows off 8-core, 528-thread processor with 1TB/s of co-packaged optics:
#Intel #HotChips #SiliconPhotonics #Photonics #Microprocessor #DieInterconnect #RISC #ComputeArchitecture #TSMC #GraphAnalytics #DARPA #SpecialProjects #PerformanceScaling #ComputerScience #Physics
#intel #HotChips #SiliconPhotonics #photonics #Microprocessor #DieInterconnect #risc #ComputeArchitecture #tsmc #GraphAnalytics #darpa #SpecialProjects #PerformanceScaling #computerscience #physics
@axz You know what was just recommended to me that looks fascinating?
The Society of Algorithms, by Jenna Burrell and Marion Fourcade in the Annual Review of Sociology
#computerscience #sociology #computing
So in my #ComputerScience C++ programming courses, I have the following kind of content:
* Reading material (the "textbook", which are my notes)
* Video lectures
* Example coding
* Concept Introduction quizzes (read to learn, plus quiz questions to review what you just read)
* Exercises (smaller programming lab style things)
* Notes Q&A (you should be able to answer all these questions on the topic)
* Projects (big programming assignments)
* Exams (concepts and some coding for assessment) --
New analysis suggests human ancestors nearly died out - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)
Multiple lines of evidence indi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965217 #computerscience #humanevolution #algorithms #evolution #genetics #genomics #science
#science #genomics #genetics #evolution #algorithms #humanevolution #computerscience