We just updated our tutorials for getting started with the #Microchip MPLAB X IDE https://mirobo.tech/mplab-x as well as the MPLAB Xpress cloud-based IDE https://mirobo.tech/mplab-xpress – check them out on our site!
#microcontrollers #programming #education #STEAM #electronics #computertech
#microchip #microcontrollers #programming #education #steam #electronics #computertech
Congrats on (almost) finishing the school year #ComputerTech #teachers! If you're looking for a simple circuit to help you teach #electronics, #programming, #interfacing, and becomes its own final project, check out UBMP4. Here is it running NeoPixels:
#computertech #teachers #electronics #programming #interfacing
Just updated the CHRP4 #robot project on @hackaday https://hackaday.io/project/190407-chrp4-usb-robotics-development-board
There are now a set of 8 #programming activities for it on GitHub, including 5 introductory activities for learners new to programming, a line-following robot starter project, and two advanced activities to teach learners how to use servos and SONAR modules: https://github.com/mirobotech
#robot #programming #diyelectronics #electronics #education #computertech
Scientists Broke a Major Computer Design Barrier — And It Could Change Tech As We Know It https://flip.it/eAtcZS
#quantumcomputing #softwaredesign #computertech
I've got my CHRP4 prototypes built and running! CHRP4 is a robotics derivative of UBMP4 designed for anyone teaching or learning microcontroller programming and robotics. There is a minimal parts educational starter version, a line-following robot build, and a Sumo robot build. Follow along for my project updates https://hackaday.io/project/190407-chrp4-usb-robotics-development-board on @hackaday
#electronics #robotics #microcontroller #programming #teaching #ComputerTech
#electronics #robotics #microcontroller #programming #teaching #computertech
Are you are an #electronics or #ComputerTech teacher in a school system with a 1:1 Chromebook program and want your students to learn to program microcontrollers?
Did you know that we have a complete solution for #programming
#PIC16F1459 #microcontrollers in C through a web browser.
Find out more: https://mirobo.tech/ubmp4 https://youtu.be/tBupDRws2iQ
#electronics #computertech #programming #pic16f1459 #microcontrollers #teaching
Learn how to build a simple and inexpensive #robot platform. It’s great for making line-following robots in schools: https://mirobo.tech/simple-robo #DIYelectronics #robotics #ComputerTech #teaching
#robot #diyelectronics #robotics #computertech #teaching
Learn how to debug pulse timing and create modulated IR signals using the #Microchip MPLAB X debugger in this UBMP4 starter project: https://mirobo.tech/ubmp4-starter-1
#microcontroller #programming #electronics #DIYelectronics #teaching #ComputerTech
#microchip #microcontroller #programming #electronics #diyelectronics #teaching #computertech
Want to learn #microcontroller #programming? All of these are great options, and one even includes pushbuttons, LEDs, a beeper, a phototransistor, and an IR demodulator so you won't need to wire up a breadboard first! #ComputerTech #teaching #electronics #DIYelectronics
#microcontroller #programming #computertech #teaching #electronics #diyelectronics
Deduplicating 17 nested copies of a folder called "BACKUPS_DO NOT MOVE". Maybe "OR COPY" should have been appended also 🤔 #IT #computertech
Find out how easy it is to clone a GitHub project into MPLAB Xpress and program our UBMP4 from any web browser! Great option for schools with 1:1 Chromebook programs to integrate C programming and GitHub into their courses: https://youtu.be/tBupDRws2iQ
#electronics #microcontrollers #computertech #teaching
This open-hardware #microchip PIC16F1459 #microcontroller development system is designed to let learners go below the level of #Arduino and #pico systems to build deeper knowledge of hardware programming and interfacing. And, with a variety of components already on board, no breadboarding is required! Check it out: https://mirobo.tech/ubmp4
#electronics #microcontrollers #DIYelectronics #teaching #ComputerTech
#microchip #microcontroller #arduino #pico #electronics #microcontrollers #diyelectronics #teaching #computertech
Hey teachers, download and re-mix our free @MicrochipTech PICmicro C Programming Reference guide Google doc. It was created so students new to C (and #Arduino) programming can look up common C statements and structures. https://mirobo.tech/
#electronics #microcontrollers #ComputerTech #DIYelectronics
#arduino #electronics #microcontrollers #computertech #diyelectronics
Spending my morning sitting on a step ladder.
Fun times!
#ITfun #computertech
This is terribly geeky, but I upgraded one of my external storage solutions to an NVMe M.2 inside a Thunderbolt 4 enclosure and the speeds are absurd. I've been around long enough to distinctly remember the days of 3.5" floppies, Zip disks, and the advent of CD-ROM and what computer peripherals can achieve now is mind boggling. For fun, I compared my new precious to a dollar store USB memory stick and, well, those certainly are quite different numbers. 😆 #computertech #thunderbolt #macbook
#computertech #Thunderbolt #macbook
This is terribly geeky, but I upgraded one of my external storage solutions to an NVMe M.2 inside a Thunderbolt 4 enclosure and the speeds are absurd. I've been around long enough to distinctly remember the days of 3.5" floppies, Zip disks, and the advent of CD-ROM and what computer peripherals can achieve now is mind boggling. For fun, I compared my new precious to a dollar store USB memory stick and, well, those certainly are quite different numbers. 😆 #computertech #thunderbolt #macbook
#computertech #Thunderbolt #macbook
My name is Tim, recently widowed and retired. I worked in IT for State Government
(South Carolina) for 21 years.I am presently just working on my cabin, processing loss,
and hoping sdf will be able to manage all the Twitter users that may migrate here. I am staying at the bird until it is taken away from me or splats. My present interests are...
#introduction #southcarolina #liberal #progressive #democrat #widower #retired #vinyl_records #computertech #jadam #cabin #seniorcitizen
Can anyone explain to me why my computer BSODs if I DO NOT have a YT vid running... many times after about just 5 minutes while I'm looking for one to play? I can have this thing running for DAYS with vids playing non-stop.
Seriously plz. WinVista/HP laptop
(IDC if it's obvious I just need a better computer/OS... what is going on here? thx)
#computers #computertech #tech
Can anyone explain to me why my computer BSODs if I DO NOT have a YT vid running... many times after about just 5 minutes while I'm looking for one to play? I can have this thing running for DAYS with vids playing non-stop.
Seriously plz. WinVista/HP laptop
(IDC if it's obvious I just need a better computer/OS... what is going on here? thx)
#computers #computertech #tech