The alleged #ComputerCrimes in latest Trump & allies indictment
4 people who pushed the #BigLie that #Trump won the #2020election face charges of #conspiracy to commit #ComputerTheft, conspiracy to commit #ComputerTrespass & conspiracy to commit #ComputerInvasionOfPrivacy…. Those are the biggest #cyber-related takeaways in a far more sweeping #indictment that features #charges for Trump & 18 others.
#computercrimes #biglie #trump #2020election #conspiracy #computertheft #computertrespass #computerinvasionofprivacy #cyber #indictment #charges #cybersecurity
Sounds like it was stolen by an EX-Techie who ran out of contracts 😎🤣 #StolenLaptop #ComputerTheft #theft #TechieOnTheSkids
#techieontheskids #theft #computertheft #stolenlaptop