Random Old Comic: Nerd https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/21/nerd/ Nerd Inspired by the crapacular Combiner Wars cartoon. #Afterburner #Blackjack #Breakdown #Computron #DragStrip #Lightspeed #Menasor #Motormaster #Nosecone #Offroad #Scattershot #Strafe #Transformers https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/869117884656706?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#afterburner #blackjack #breakdown #computron #dragstrip #lightspeed #menasor #motormaster #nosecone #OffRoad #scattershot #strafe #transformers
The original version is the smaller Computron 3000, which has a 12x12 grid of 144 LEDs on a 100mm / 4 inch square circuit board.
They're both available in a choice of colours (red, green, blue, orange, amber), as well as in slowly-morphing RGB "rainbow", as shown here. Plug it in (the flare is artistic, I guess... 😀 ) and it starts off red, and then slowly morphs through all colours. The "pixels" drift out of sync, giving complex patterns and motion.
#computron #electronic #KIT #1970s #retro